Lecture 2 ICT
Lecture 2 ICT
Lecture 2 ICT
02 BSCS – 1 st
07/15/2024 1
Lecture Contents
Evolution of Computer systems
History of Computers
Generations of Computers
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Evolution of Computer Systems
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Evolution of Computer:
The advancement of the computer technology is known as the evolution of
computer. Computers have covered distance from an abacus to intelligent
robots. The evolution of computer system can be divided into five generations.
First generation Computers(Vacuum
Tubes;1946 to1959)
First generation Computers(Vacuum
Tubes;1946 to1959)
These computers were large in size and they occupied a lot of space, special
room with air conditioners were required to place these computers space.
Also, they were mainly dependent on the batch operating systems and punch
cards. Magnetic tape and paper tape were used as output and input devices.
Some representative systems: ENIAC, EDVAC, UNIVAC
ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer)
EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer)
UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer)
First generation Computers(Vacuum
Tubes;1946 to1959)
First generation Computers(Vacuum
Tubes;1946 to1959)
First generation Computers(Vacuum
Tubes;1946 to1959)
These computers were large in size and they occupied a lot of space, special
room with air conditioners were required to place these computers space.
Also, they were mainly dependent on the batch operating systems and punch
cards. Magnetic tape and paper tape were used as output and input devices.
Some representative systems: ENIAC, EDVAC, UNIVAC
ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer)
EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer)
UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer)
What is Bug?
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In computer science, a "bug" refers to an error, flaw, or unintended
behavior in a computer program or system.
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Bug (Term History)
Second generation Computers
(Transistors;1959 to1965)
The computers of this generation were more faster, cheaper, consumed less
power, more compact in size, reliable and faster as compared to first
generation computers
In second-generation computers, COBOL and FORTRAN are used as
Assembly language and programming languages, and Batch processing and
multiprogramming operating systems were used in these computers.
Some representative systems IBM1620,IBM7094,CDC3600.
Second generation Computers
(Transistors;1959 to1965)
Third generation Computers
(Integrated Circuts;1965 to1971)
The third generation computers used integrated circuits(IC’s)(transferring electric
current flow to various electronic components within a device, such as its
capacitors, resistors, transistors, diodes, and inductors.)
In this generation computers were smaller in size, reliable and efficient, moreover
remote processing, timesharing, multi-programing operating system were used
FORTRON-II TO IV, COBOL, and PASCAL PL/1 were used which are high-level
programming languages.
Some representative systems IBM-360,Honeywell-6000,TDC-316.
Third generation Computers
(Integrated Circuts;1965 to1971)
Fourth generation Computers
(Microprocessor;1971 to1981)
The fourth generation computers used Very large Scale integrated(VLSI)
circuits(an integrated circuit that contains all the functions of a central
processing unit of a computer.
VLSI is a chip containing millions of transistors and other circuit elements and
because of these chips, the computers of this generation are more compact,
powerful, fast, and affordable(low in cost).
Real-time, time-sharing and distributed operating system are used by these
C and C++ are used as the programming languages in this generation of
For example STAR 1000, PDP 11, CRAY-1, CRAY-X-MP, etc.
Fourth generation Computers
(Microprocessor;1971 to1981)
Fifth generation Computers
(Artificial Intelligence;1980 to till date)
From 1980 – to till date these computers are used. The fifth generation
computers used Ultra large Scale integrated(ULSI) technology.
Based upon on parallel processing hardware and Artificial Intelligence(AI)(the
theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks normally
requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition,
decision-making, and translation between languages) software
Artificial Intelligence consists of robotics, game playing, development of expert
systems to make decisions in real life situations
Microprocessor chips with ten million electronic components are used in these
computers. Parallel processing hardware and AI (Artificial Intelligence) software
are also used in fifth-generation computers.
The programming languages like C, C++, Java, .Net, python etc. are used.
Fifth generation Computers
(Artificial Intelligence;1980 to till date)
Fifth to Fifth Generation
Lecture Summary
Evolution of Computer systems
History of Computers
Generations of Computers
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Thank You !
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