Animal Kingdom
Animal Kingdom
Animal Kingdom
What are the Basis of
Classification of Animal
Classification of Kingdom
Classification of Phylum Chordata
Classification of Superclass
What are the Basis of Classification of
Animal Kingdom?
There are Seven different basis on which
Animal Kingdom has been classified.
Cellular Arrangement
Cellular level of organisation: Cells arranged as loose
aggregates, present in Porifera (sponges).
Tissue level of organisation: Cells performing the same
function form tissues, present in coelenterates.
Organ level of organisation: Tissues grouped together to form
an organ, which performs particular function, e.g.
Organ system level of organisation: A few organs
coordinatively perform a certain physiological function, e.g.
Annelids, Arthropods, Molluscs, Echinoderms and Chordates.
Circulatory System
Open circulatory system: cells and tissue
directly receive the blood pumping out of the
Closed circulatory system: blood is circulated
through arteries, veins and capillaries.
Germinal Layers
Diploblastic: embryo with two germinal layers
called external ectoderm and internal
endoderm, e.g. Porifera, Cnidaria.
Triploblastic: embryo with three germinal
layers, mesoderm between ectoderm and
endoderm, e.g. Platyhelminthes to Chordates.
Asymmetrical: no line of symmetry in the body,
e.g. sponges
Radial symmetry: any plane passing through
centre divides the body in two symmetrical
halves, e.g. coelenterates, ctenophores
Bilateral symmetry: a plane divides the body in
symmetrical left and right halves, e.g.
annelids, arthropods, etc.
Acoelomates: body cavity is absent, e.g.
5. Platyhelminthes
Pseudocoelomates: mesoderm is present as
scattered pouches, e.g. Aschelminthes
Coelomates: having coelom (body cavity) e.g.
from Annelida to Chordata
Some animals have a body that is externally and
internally divided into segments with a serial
repetition of organs. This is called metameric
segmentation, and the phenomenon is known as
metamerism. An example of an animal with
metamerism is the earthworm.
• During embryonic development, some animals
develop a mesodermally derived rod-like
structure on their dorsal side, called a
• The animal kingdom has been broadly
classified into two, based on the presence or
absence of notochord-Non-
Chordata and Chordata.
Classification of Kingdom
• R.H. Whittaker organized organisms into five kingdoms. He classified organisms based on cell
structure, mode and source of nutrition and body design.
• The five kingdoms proposed by Whittaker are Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia.
• Kingdom Animalia constitutes all animals. Amongst the five kingdoms, the largest kingdom is the
animal kingdom.
• Kingdom Animalia has been classified into 11 different phyla based on their body design or
• The different phylum of the animal kingdom are as follows:
1. Phylum Porifera
2. Phylum Coelenterata (Cnidaria)
3. Phylum Ctenophora
4. Phylum Platyhelminthes
5. Phylum Aschelminthes
6. Phylum Annelida
7. Phylum Arthropoda.
8. Phylum Mollusca
9. Phylum Echinodermata
10. Phylum Hemichordata
11. Phylum Chordata
• Marine, asymmetrical with the cellular level of
• Food intake, gaseous exchange and excretion
occurs through the water transport system
• Water enters through pores called Ostia and goes
out through osculum via central cavity known as
• Spongocoel is lined by collar cells or choanocytes
• Intracellular digestion
• Body skeleton is made up of spongin fibres or
• Sponges are hermaphrodite
• Reproduce asexually by fragmentation and sexually
by the formation of gametes
• Fertilisation is internal and the development of
zygote goes through a distinct larval stage
• Examples: Spongilla
• Aquatic, sessile or free-swimming, tissue level of
organisation, diploblastic and radially symmetrical
and acoelomate
• The central gastro-vascular cavity has a single
opening called hypostome, which is surrounded by
sensory tentacles
• Cnidoblasts are present on the tentacles, which
contain nematocysts
• Digestion is extracellular and intracellular
• Corals have calcium carbonate skeleton
• A polyp is a sessile and cylindrical form, e.g Hydra,
• Medusa is an umbrella-shaped free-swimming form,
e.g. Aurelia (jellyfish)
• In some coelenterates, e.g. Obelia alternation of
generation (metagenesis) exist. Polyp form
produces medusae asexually and medusae produce
polyp sexually
• Examples: Meandrina
-: Ctenophora:-
• Marine, tissue level of organisation,
diploblastic and radially symmetrical
and acoelomate
• Eight rows of ciliated comb plates
present externally
• Digestion is extracellular and
• Bioluminescence is present
• Hermaphrodite
• Sexual reproduction, fertilisation is
external with indirect development
• Examples: Ctenoplana, Pleurobrachia
• Mostly endoparasites, dorsoventrally
flattened body, triploblastic, bilaterally
symmetrical, acoelomate with organ level
of organisation
• Hooks and suckers are present in
• Flame cells are present, which help in
osmoregulation and excretion
• Hermaphrodite or monoecious
• Internal fertilisation and indirect
development through many larval stages
• Planaria can regenerate
• Examples: Fasciola
• Free-living or parasitic, aquatic or
• Round body in cross-section, bilaterally
symmetrical, triploblastic,
pseudocoelomate with organ system
• The alimentary canal is complete and has
a muscular pharynx
• Dioecious, females are longer than males
• Internal fertilisation with direct or indirect
• Examples: Ascaris (roundworm),
Wuchereria (Filarial worm), Ancylostoma
• Bilaterally symmetrical, triploblastic, coelomate,
organ system organisation
• Metamerically segmented
• Longitudinal and circular muscles help in
• Nereis, an aquatic animal has appendages called
parapodia, which help in swimming
• Closed circulatory system
• Nephridia is present for osmoregulation and
• Paired ganglia are present, which are connected to
double ventral nerve cord by lateral nerves
• Reproduction is sexual. Nereis is dioecious,
earthworm and leeches are monoecious
• Examples: Pheretima (earthworm), Nereis,
Hirudinaria (bloodsucking leech)
• Largest phylum with two-thirds of all known animals
• It contains insects
• Bilaterally symmetrical, triploblastic, coelomate, organ
system organisation
• Their body is covered by chitinous exoskeleton
• The characteristic property of the group is jointed legs
• Their body can be divided into three regions; head,
thorax and abdomen
• Respiration is by trachea, gills, book gills, book lungs
• The circulatory system is open type
• Statocyst or balancing organs are present
• Eyes are simple or compound
• Malpighian tubules help in excretion
• Mostly dioecious, oviparous and fertilisation is internal
• Examples: economically important species- Bombyx
(silkworm), Apis (honey bee) Vector for diseases-
mosquitoes like Anopheles, Aedes, Culex.
• Bilaterally symmetrical, triploblastic, coelomate,
organ system organisation
• Unsegmented body covered with a calcareous shell
• Distinct head, muscular foot and the visceral hump
is present
• Respiratory and excretory functions are executed
by feather-like gills
• The radula is a rasping organ for feeding
• They are dioecious, oviparous with indirect
• Examples: Pila (apple snail), Octopus (devilfish),
Loligo (squid), Sepia (cuttlefish), Pinctada (pearl
• Adult- radially symmetrical, larvae-
bilaterally symmetrical
• Triploblastic and coelomate
• Endoskeleton of calcareous ossicles
• The mouth is present on the ventral side and
anus on the dorsal side
• The characteristic feature is the presence
of Water vascular system, which helps in
feeding, locomotion and respiration
• Dioecious, external fertilisation with
indirect development
• Examples: Asterias (starfish), Ophiura
(brittle star), Antedon (sea lily), Echinus (sea
• Presence of stomochord, a structure
similar to the notochord
• Bilaterally symmetrical, triploblastic,
coelomate, organ system organisation
• Cylindrical body with a proboscis, a collar
and a long trunk
• Gills are present and circulation is open
• Proboscis gland works as an excretory
• Dioecious, external fertilisation with
indirect development
• Examples: Balanoglossus, Saccoglossus
• Characteristic features are a dorsal hollow nerve cord, a
notochord and paired gill slits
• Bilaterally symmetrical, triploblastic, coelomate, organ system
• The circulatory system is closed and the post-anal tail is
• Three subphylums come under Chordata:
1. Urochordata– notochord present only in the larval tail, e.g.
Ascidia, Salpa, Doliolum
2. Cephalochordata– notochord present throughout life from head
to tail, e.g. Branchiostoma (Lancelet or amphioxus)
3. Vertebrata– Notochord is present in the embryonic stage, it gets
replaced by Vertebral Column
• Vertebrata is further divided into two divisions
a. Agnatha (without jaws) : Class Cyclostomata
b. Gnathostomata (with jaws) : has two Super Class:
i. Pisces (bear fins) : two Classes- Chondrichthyes, Osteichthyes
ii. Tetrapoda (bear limbs) : four classes- Amphibia, Reptilia, Aves
and mammals
• Characterised by circular and sucking
mouth without jaws
• Ectoparasites on fishes
• 6-15 pairs of gill slits
• Scales and fins are absent
• Cartilaginous vertebral column and cranium
• Closed type circulation
• Marine but migrate to freshwater for
spawning where they die, larvae after
metamorphosis come back to the ocean
• Examples: Petromyzon (Lamprey)
• Cartilaginous endoskeleton, the mouth is on the ventral side
• Gill is without operculum
• The notochord is present throughout life
• Placoid scales are present on the skin which makes it tough
• It swims constantly to avoid sinking as air bladders are
• Two chambered heart and poikilothermous (cold-blooded)
• Separate sexes, internal fertilisation and many are
• Claspers are present on male’s pelvic fin
• Electric organs are present in Torpedo and Trygon has
poison sting
• Examples: Scoliodon (Dogfish), Trygon (Stingray), Pristis (Sa
wfish), Carcharodon (Great white shark)
• Streamlined body, bony endoskeleton, 4 pairs of gills
with operculum
• Skin is covered by cycloid scales
• Two chambered heart and air bladder for buoyancy,
• Sexes are separate, oviparous, external fertilisation with
direct development
1. Marine:- Hippocampus (Sea horse), Exocoetus (Flying
2. Freshwater:- Labeo (Rohu), Clarias (Magur), Catla (Katl
3. Aquarium:- Betta (Fighting
Fish), Pterophyllum (Angelfish)
• They have four limbs (or are descendants of ancestors
having four limbs).
• Their skeleton and muscles are adapted to enable proper
support and movement on land.
• Cranial bones are adapted to allow their head to stay stable
during movement.
• They possess a layer of dead cells which reduce loss of
water across their body surface.
• They possess well-developed muscular tongue.
• They lack internal gills.
• They possess olfactory organ, which enables them to
detect pheromones and play important role in smell and
• They possess harderian gland (lubricates eyes) and
parathyroid gland (controls blood calcium level).
Can live in aquatic as well as
terrestrial habitats.
Body divisible into head and trunk,
paired limbs.
Skin moist. No scales.
Tympanum represents ear. Eyes
have eyelids.
Cloaca is the common chamber
where alimentary canal, urinary
and reproductive tracts open.
Respiration by gills, lungs or skin.
Heart is 3-chambered; cold-
blooded; Sexes separate;
fertilisation external.
Oviparous. Indirect development.
Example: Bufo, Rana, Hyla,
Salamandra, Ichthyophis
Creep or crawl to locomote.
Mostly terrestrial.
Body has dry and cornified skin
and epideremal scales or scutes.
Tympanum represents ear.
Limbs, when present, are two
Snakes and lizards shed, scales
as skin cast.
Heart 3-chambered but 4-
chambered in crocodiles.
Sexes Separate; fertilisation
Oviparous. Direct development.
Example: Testudo, Naja, Vipera,
Calotes, Crocodilus, Hemidactylus
Presence of feathers except flihtless
birds and beak (modified jaws) without
Forelimbs are modified into wings.
Hind limbs have scales, mofidied for
walking, swimmng or clasping.
Skin is dry as no glands on skin except oil
gland (preen gland) at base of tail.
Endoskeleton bony with air cavities
(pneumatic) and hollow bones to assist in
Crop and Gizzard—Additional chamber in
digestive tract.
Air sacs are connected to lungs to
supplement respiration.
Warm blooded (homoiothermous), Heart–
Four chambered.
Oviparous. Direct development.
Example: Columba, Struthio, Pavo,
Corvus, Neophron, Pstittacula
Have mammary glands to
nourish young ones.
Have two pairs of limbs, adapted
to perform special work.
Skin has hairs.
External ears or, pinna present.
Different types of teeth in jaw.
Homoiothermous; Heart–Four
chambered, Lungs for
Sexes are separate, fertilisation
Viviparous. Direct development.
Example: Rattus, Canis, Elephas,
Equus. Oviparous mammal is