Helen of Troy
Helen of Troy
Helen of Troy
Success Criteria
•• Statement 1 Lorem
I can explain ipsum dolor
the significance of sit amet,
Helen of consectetur adipiscing elit.
Troy in Greek
• mythology.
Statement 2
• Sub
• I can statement
explain the main details of the Trojan War.
Who Will We Meet?
Helen’s Marriage
Helen was considered the most beautiful woman in the world and she had
many suitors. The King of Sparta, Tyndareus, gathered all the eligible
men to compete for Helen’s hand in marriage
Zeus, in an attempt to settle the argument, For her bribe Aphrodite promised him the
called on Paris to decide for them. Paris hand of the most beautiful woman in the
said he would choose whoever offered the world.
best bribe.
So, Paris chose Aphrodite.
Helen Sails to Troy
Paris went to Sparta to find Helen. When he arrived there, Aphrodite kept
her promise and Helen instantly fell in love with him.
Together, they sailed from Sparta to Troy where they were married.
Think About it
The Trojan War
Menelaus travelled to Troy with Odysseus (the clever man
who suggested the oath) to try and persuade Paris’ father,
King Priam, to send Helen back to Greece with them.
The Trojan Horse
When the Trojans wheeled the horse through the city gates, they celebrated their victory.
However, that night, the Greeks broke out of the horse and attacked Troy.
What Can You Remember?
Can you put the details to these hashtags?
1 #Sparta’sprincess
2. #cunningplan
3. #thefairestofthemall
4. #sailaway
5. #lookwhatHelendid
6. #it’satrick
7. #nobodyreallyknows
Bribe – to persuade someone by offering them a gift or reward dishonestly.
Success Criteria
•• Statement 1 Lorem
I can explain ipsum dolor
the significance of sit amet,
Helen of consectetur adipiscing elit.
Troy in Greek
• mythology.
Statement 2
• Sub
• I can statement
explain the main details of the Trojan War.