New Lecture of Labour
New Lecture of Labour
New Lecture of Labour
A. The show
B. Painful regular uterine contractions
or true labour pains
C. Cervical effacement and dilatation
D. Formation of bag of forewaters
E. Rupture of the membrane
The clinical signs of the onset of labour are:
A. The Show: (bloody show):
passage of a mucoid plug from the cervix, often blood-
– sign of the impending onset of active labor
– Extrusion of mucus plug of the cervical canal
Nursing implication:
Assess for the colour of vaginal discharge
* Greenish- meconium stained
* Bright red- vaginal bleeding.
B. True labor pain or Painful regular uterine contractions
Uterine contractions characteristic of labor.
Painful regular uterine contractions that increase in frequency
and duration accompanied by cervical dilation and effacement.
his is the descent/ setting of the presenting part into the pelvic inlet which
happens in 10-14 days before labor in a nulliparas and 1 day before labor
in a multipara. And when the largest diameter of the presenting part passes
the pelvic inlet, the head is called to be engaged.
Effect of
Membrane Contractions
Membranes areare not affected
bulging during Contractions
No aremembranes.
bulging of the relieved or
sedation contractions. stopped
Duration of labour
• Accordingly , almost 80-90% of women will
delivered within 10—12hours of admission.
he cause of labor is not known but may include both maternal and fetal factors.
N.B: some books add Fourth stage which is the early recovery
• First stage is characterized by cervical dilatation and
effacement and lasts from the onset of the labour
until full dilatation.
• Second stage is characterized by expulsion of the
fetus and it lasts from full dilatation to the delivery of
the fetus.
The first stage of labor entails effacement and dilatation. It refers to the
period from the onset of labor means when uterine contractions becomes
sufficiently frequent, intense to the fully dilation of the cervix ~10 cm in
The onset of the latent phase is the point when the mother perceives
painful uterine contractions.
The woman may feel at this time that she is in labor but these degrees
of dilatation may occur during the process of cervical ripening prior
to the labour itself.
A. in primigravida = 8h
B. in Multigravida = 4h
The First stage
ay find their contractions wax and wane dilate only very slowly.
Active phase:
Active phase:
1. Accelerative phase
2. Slopping phase
3. Decelerative:
Stage 2 is from the time of full dilation until delivery of the infant. Its
involves the expulsion of the foetus.
ts duration is about 1 hour in primigravida and ½ hour in multipara.
Passive second stage’ refers to the period defined above but in the absence
of pushing (normally to allow descent of the foetal head prior to pushing)
Active second stage’ refers to the active process of maternal pushing
directed to achieving delivery.
The third stage
oftening of the sacroiliac ligaments and the pubic symphysis allow expansion
of the pelvic cavity, and this feature along with the dynamic changes of the
head diameter brought about by flexion, rotation and molding facilitate
normal progress and spontaneous vaginal delivery.
he soft tissues also become more distensible than in the non-pregnant state
and substantial distension of the pelvic floor and vaginal orifice occurs during
the descent and birth of the head. This distensible nature of the pelvic soft
tissue, vagina and perinium help to reduce the risk of tearing and disruption
of the external anal sphincter during descent and the birth of the head.
Anatomy of the Female Pelvis
Bony Pelvis Functions: to support and protect the internal
organs of reproduction.
The bony pelvis consists of four pelvic bones together by
Two innominate Bones (nameless or hip bones)
Sacrum – 5 fused vertebrae, sacral promontory
Coccyx – (Tail bone) triangular bone last on vertebral
column, moves backward in childbirth
(Sometimes can get fixed during childbirth)
Two innominate Bones
Ilium: upper prominence of hip
Ischium: under the ilium, ends in ischial tuberosity,
serves as reference point for station
Pubis: (2 separate bones) front of innominate, meets
other to form symphysis pubis
By Dr. fatouma
• Joints
joint Sacro-
coccygeal joint
By Dr. fatouma
Each of the pelvic joints is held together by ligaments
1. Interpubic ligaments at the symphysis pubis
2. Sacro-iliac ligaments
3. Sacro-coccygeal ligaments
4. Sacrospinous ligament : Extend from the lateral border
of the sacrum and coccyx to the spine of the ischium
5. Sacrotuberous ligament : Extend from the posterior aspect of the
lower 3 sacral vertebrae to the ischial tuberosity
The sacro-tuberous ligament runs from the sacrum to the ischial
tuberosity and the sacro-spinous ligament from the sacrum to
the ischial spine. These two ligaments cross the sciatic notch and
from the posterior wall of the pelvic outlet and play an
important role in midwifery.
Martin’s pelvinometer
from the promontory of the sacrum to the right and left ilio-pectineal
eminence, so the right diameter ends at the right eminence and vice versa.
Brim Cavity Outlet
50% of women
It is oval shape
easy vaginal delivery
considered “normal female pelvis”
Inlet is slightly transverse oval.
Sacrum is wide with average concavity and
Side walls are straight with blunt ischial spines.
Sacro-sciatic notch is wide.
Subpubic angle is 90-100⁰.
Anthropoid pelvis
20-25% of women
It is oval shape
It is ape-like type.
Assisted vaginal birth usually with forceps
All anteroposterior diameters are long.
All transverse diameters are short.
Sacrum is long and narrow.
Sacro-sciatic notch is wide.
Subpubic angle is narrow.
Android pelvis
20 % of women
vaginal delivery difficult prob. C/S
It is a male type.
Inlet is triangular or heart-shaped with
anterior narrow apex.
Side walls are converging (funnel pelvis) with
projecting ischial spines.
Sacro-sciatic notch is narrow.
Subpubic angle is narrow <90o.
Platypelloid pelvis
< 5 % of women
It is a flat female type (Flattened pelvis)
Vagina delivery is difficult
All anteroposterior diameters are short.
All transverse diameters are long.
Sacro-sciatic notch is narrow.
Subpubic angle is wide.
Soft tissue
• The soft passages consist of:
1. Uterus (upper and lower segments)
2. Cervix
3. Pelvic floor
4. Vagina
5. Perineum
• The upper uterine segment is responsible for the expulsive
contractions that deliver the fetus.
• The lower segment is the part of the uterus that lies between the
uterovesical fold of the peritoneum and the cervix.
• It develops gradually during the 3rd trimester, and then more
rapidly during labour.
• It incorporate the cervix as it effaces, to allow the presenting part
to descend.
Soft tissue
The pelvic floor consists of the levator ani group of muscles,
including pubococcygeus and iliococcygeus.
Arising from the bony pelvis to form a muscular diaphragm
along with internal obturator muscle and piriformis muscle.
As the presenting part of the fetus is pushed out of the uterus it
passes the vagina, which has become hypertrophied during
It reaches the pelvic floor, which acts like a gutter to direct
forwards and allow rotation.
the perineum is distal to this and stretches as the head passes
below the pubic arch and delivers.
• The term refers to the fetus, through it the placenta and the
membrane must also pass through the birth canal.
• At the beginning of the normal labour the fetal head will lie
over the pelvic inlet and be well flexed.
• The area between the biparietal eminence and the anterior
and posterior fontanelles, entering the pelvic first.
• The maximum diameter of the FH will be approximately
9.5cm. This represents a tight fit circumstance which
prevent optimal engagement of the FH into the pelvic.
Factors determined the impediment labour progression
• Fetal weight, larger babies will have greater difficulty in
passing through the pelvis.
• Unfavorable position of the presenting part such as occipito
posterior position. There is an increase in the relative
diameter of PP to the size of pelvis.
• Some fetal abnormality such as hydrocephalus.
1. Fetal head & Moulding
2. Feto-pelvic relationships
3. Cardinal movements
The fetal head & Moulding: Moulding: the change in shape of
the fetal skull produced by the uterine contractions
pressing the vertex against the non- yet dilated cervix.
• Anterior
Diamond shaped;
Approx. 2-3 cm Ossifies in ~12-18 months
• Posterior
Triangle shaped
Closes in 8-12 weeks
The fetal lie is the relation of the long axis of the fetus to
that of the mother (long axis of the uterus), and is either
longitudinal or transverse but the most common lie is
Occasionally, the fetal and maternal axes may cross at a
45-degree angle, forming an oblique lie, which is
unstable and always becomes longitudinal or transverse
during the course of labour.
– ♦ Longitudinal – 99% : fetus and mother are in same
vertical axis.
– ♦ Transverse – fetus at a right angles to mother
– Multiparity,
– Placenta previa,
– Hydramnios,
– Uterine anomalies
Physical examination:
• Examiner face the feet of the mother with left hand placed
along the left side of the maternal abdomen and the right
hand on the right lateral aspect of the uterus.
• Systematic palpation towards the midline with the left then
the right hand will reveal either the firm resistance of the
fetal back or the irregular features of the fetal limbs.
• Longitudinal lie: the head or breech will be palpable over or
in the pelvic inlet.
• Oblique lie: the presenting part will be palpable on the iliac
• Transverse lie: the poles of the fetus are palpable in the
Physical examination:
• Having ascertained the lie and location of the fetal back , it is
important to feel for the fetal head and breech by firm
pressure with alternate hands:
• The head is hard, round and discrete, it can be bounced
between the examining hand an is described as being
• The buttocks are soft and more diffuse and is not ballottable.
he presenting part is the portion of the fetus body that is foremost within the birth canal or
in close proximity to it or
he part of the fetal body that enters or presents to the maternal pelvis. Most common =
cephalic presentation (head first).
PREENTATION: The head is the body part that first contacts the cervix (95%) means the head
comes down first.
vertex or
occiput (occipital fontanelle or occiput presentation) →good full flexion
presentation→ Poor attitude
presentation→ Moderate (military)
presentation or Military presentation :(anterior fontanelle) → Mentum – Very poor
• A--Complete flexion.
B-- Moderate flexion
C--Poor flexion.
D--Hyperextension Types of attitude
• A—flexed head
• B—neutral position head
• C—deflexed head
– Position refers to the relationship of an arbitrarily
chosen portion of the fetal presenting part to the right
or left side of the maternal birth canal.
– Fetal occiput, mentum, sacrum are the determined
points in vertex, face, and breech presentations,
– ~ ⅔ of vertex presentation are in left occiput
position ,& ⅓ in the right
Fetal positions in relation to maternal pelvis
Occiput Anterior
mentum Transverse
Sacrum Anterior
acromion Anterior
Diagnosis of fetal presentation and position
• Several methods can be used to diagnose fetal
presentation and position
• Engaged?
L4 Pelvic Grip
• The examiner faces the mother’s feet and, with
the tips of the first three fingers of each hand,
exerts deep pressure in the direction of the
axis of the pelvic inlet.
• Cephalic prominence?
• Flexion-same as fetal parts
• Extension-same as fetal back
Vaginal Examination
Sonography and Radiography
• Sonographic techniques can aid identification of fetal position,
especially in obese women with rigid abdominal walls.
• In some clinical situations, information obtained
radiographically justifies the minimal risk from a single x-ray
osterior asynclitism: the sagittal suture lies close to the symphysis, and
more of the posterior parietal bone will present and with extreme
posterior asynclitism, the posterior ear may be easily palpated.
This movement is the first requisite for birth of the newborn.
– In nulliparas, engagement may take place before the onset of
labor and further descend may not occur until the 2nd
stage of labor.
– In multiparous women, descent usually begins with
– Descent is brought about by one or more of four forces:
– swelling at the portion of the fetal scalp immediately
over the cervical os
s the head delivers the posterior shoulder comes into contact with
the pelvic floor and the forces causing internal rotation rotate the
body so that the shoulders are in the anterior/posterior diameter of
the pelvis.
• If the occiput was originally directly toward the left, it
rotates toward the left ischial tuberosity.
Almost immediately after external rotation, the
anterior shoulder appears under the symphysis pubis
and is delivered. The perineum soon becomes
distended by the posterior shoulder. After delivery of
the shoulders, the rest of the body quickly passes.
Purpose or objectives of
• To enlarge the vaginal introitus so as to facilitate
easy & safe delivery of the fetus- spontaneous or
• To minimize overstretching and rupture of the
perineal muscles & fascia.
• To reduce stress and strain on fetal head.
1. Prevention of perineal lacerations by anatomical incision
and repair of the episiotomy.
• Prevent tearing of the tissue at delivery and damaging of
supporting tissue at the level of the introitus due to
excessive stretching. Episiotomy is thought to result in less
damage to the anal sphincter comparing with third
degree tearing.
- fetal distress.
Absolute indications:
previous perineal surgery
- previous perineal reconstructive surgery.
- previous pelvic floor surgery.
Operative delivery or an instrumental: Forceps or ventouse delivery.
Relative indications:
- In rigid perineum.
- Anticipating perineal tear
- Big baby
- Face to pubis delivery
- Breech delivery
- Shoulder dystocia.
- Fetal distress.
• Its inadvertent extension will injure the external anal sphincter and
rectum. This can be prevented by extending the incision by the scissors in
a J-shaped manner to avoid the external sphincter.
• J incision — The J incision is less widely used. The incision starts at the
fourchette, is initially extended caudally in the midline, and then curved
laterally at an angle, similar to the letter J.
Types of episiotomy
Types of episiotomy
• Step 1: Preliminaries
• Step 2: Incision
• Step 3: Repair
Step 1: Preliminaries:
1. Consists preparation of the equipments
• Sterile drape
• Sterile gown and gloves
• Gauze swabs and tampon
• Needle holder
• Sponge holder
• Scissors
• 10 ml syringe
• Toothed forceps
• Suture material
• 1% lidocaine
Step 1: Preliminaries:
2. Preparation of the patient
• Provide emotional support and encouragement.
• The perineum is thoroughly swabbed with antiseptic lotion
• Draped properly
• Incision line- Infiltrated with 10 ml of 1% lignocaine solution.
• Make sure there are no known allergies to lignocaine or related
• Infiltrate beneath the vaginal mucosa, beneath the skin of the
perineum and deeply into the perineal muscle.
• Note: Aspirate (pull back on the syringe) to be sure that no vessel
has been penetrated
• Wait 2 minutes and then pinch the incision site with forceps.
• Wait to perform episiotomy until: - the perineum is thinned out;
and - 3–4 cm of the baby’s head is visible during a contraction.
Step 2: Making Episiotomy
• Incision: Two fingers the index and middle fingers of one hand
are placed in the vagina between the presenting part & posterior
vaginal wall to protect the presenting part and support the
tissues that will be incised.
• The incision is made by straight or curved blunt pointed sharp
• The open blades are positioned.
• Incision should be made at the height of an contraction.
• Cut should be made starting from the centre of the fourchette
extendening laterally either to the left or right.
• It is directed diagonally in a straight line which runs about 2.5
cm away from the anus
Step 2: Making Episiotomy
2. polyglycolic acid:
Safil Quick
Dexon II (12%)
3. Traditional sutures :
chromic catgut) (10%).
Step 3: Making Episiotomy: Preliminaries
• The patient is placed in lithotomy position
• A good light source from behind is needed to find the apex first.
• Wearing high-level disinfected gloves
• The perineum &the wound area is cleaned with antiseptics
• Blood clots are removed from the vagina & the wound area
• The patient is draped properly &repair should be done under
strict aseptic precaution
• A vaginal pack is inserted & is placed high up.
• Place two fingers between the baby’s head and the perineum.
• Use scissors to cut the perineum about 3– 4 cm in the mediolateral
• Control the baby’s head and shoulders as they deliver. • Carefully
examine for extensions and other tears and repair
Step 3: Making Episiotomy:
• Principles in suturing:
• Close all dead space
• Ensure hemostasis and
• prevent infection
• Cotton balls must not be used.
• Handle tissue gently using nontoothed forceps.
• Ensure good anatomical restoration and alignment to facilitate healing.
• Use minimal amount of suture material, and do not over tighten suture
this may impede healing.
• Following the repair a rectal examination should be performed to
ensure no suture material has been inserted through the rectal mucosa.
Layers of perineal repair
• Vaginal mucosa & submucosal tissue.
• Perineal muscles
• Skin & subcutaneous tissue
• Repair: Cut gut O, Dexon or vicryl 2/0 may be used to close the
posterior vaginal wall by continuous sutures where the first
stitch should be above the apex of the vaginal incision, then the
muscles with interrupted sutures and lastly the skin with
interrupted or subcuticular sutures.
Layers of perineal repair
Step1: Suturing the vagina
• Apply antiseptic solution to the area around the episiotomy.
• Identify the apex
• Insert the anchoring suture about 0.5 or 1cm above the apex (top) of the
• Repair the vaginal wall with a continuous non-locking stitch with
approximately 0.5 cm between each stitch up to the level of the vaginal
• Close the vaginal mucosa using continuous 1-0 suture
• If the episiotomy is extended through the anal sphincter or rectal
mucosa, manage as third or fourth degree tears, respectively
• At the opening of the vagina, bring together the cut edges of the vaginal
• Bring the needle under the vaginal opening and out through the incision
and tie.
Step2: Suturing the perineal muscle
• Check the depth of the trauma.
• Repair the perineal muscles in one or two layers with the same
continuous stitch.
• Ensure the muscle edges are apposed carefully leaving no dead
• Close the perineal muscle using interrupted 1-0 sutures • Close
the skin using interrupted (or subcuticular) 1-0 sutures
• On completion of the muscle layer, the skin edges should align
• So that they can be brought together without tension.
Step3: Suturing the skin
• Reposition the needle at the inferior end of the wound
• Stitches are placed below the surface of the skin,
• The point of the needle should be repositioned between each
side, So that it faces the skin edge being sutured.
• Continue taking bites of tissue from each side until the superior
wound edge is reached.
Immediate care