Skills Building Maternal and Child Care: Prepared By: Angeli Joy V. Monton
Skills Building Maternal and Child Care: Prepared By: Angeli Joy V. Monton
Skills Building Maternal and Child Care: Prepared By: Angeli Joy V. Monton
Series of physiologic and mechanical
processes by which all products of
conception (fetus, placenta and embryonic
sac) are expelled from the birth canal.
○ Relief of dyspnea
○ Relief of abdominal tightness
○ Increased frequency of voiding
○ Increased varicosities and pedal edema
○ Shooting pains down the legs / leg cramps
Cervical consistencies
As soft as the nose tip: non pregnant cervix
As soft as the ear lobe: pregnant cervix
(Goodell’s sign)
As soft as whipped butter: cervix ripe for labor
g. Rupture of bag of water (BOW)
Preterm rupture of the BOW (PROM) – when
the bag ruptures before 37 weeks gestation
Premature rupture of the BOW (PROM) –
when the bag ruptures before labor
Early rupture of the BOW (EROM) – when the
bag ruptures during the early first stage of
labor, usually before the active phase
The most common time for the BOW to rupture is
the early second stage of labor, when the cervix is
fully dilated.
The spontaneous rupture of the BOW is
always an indication for hospitalization.
First action after the rupture of the BOW
is to check the fetal heart tones.
h. GI disturbances
refers to the descent of the fetal
presenting part through the maternal
Measurement of station is in centimeters
relative to the level of the maternal
ischial spines
0 station:
level of ischial
-1, -2, -3:
above the
ischial spines
+1, +2, +3:
below the
ischial spines to
the perineum
Monitoring Uterine Contractions
Uterine contractions
involuntary, rhythmical, intermittent, regular
and painful
Upper uterine segment contracts, retracts
and expels the fetus while the lower uterine
segment and the cervix dilate and thereby
form a greatly expanded, thinned – out
muscular and fibromuscular tube
Phases of uterine contraction
Increment – building up of contractions
and is the longest phase
Acme – peak of contraction and most
painful period
Decrement – period of letting up or
decreasing contraction
Characteristics of uterine contractions
1. Duration – length of time a contraction lasts;
the time from the start of increment of one
contraction to the end of decrement; duration
is expressed in seconds
2. Frequency – time interval between the start of
one contraction to the start of the next
contraction; frequency is expressed in “every
_____ minutes”
Characteristics of uterine contractions
Duration 15 – 30 30 – 45 45 – 90
seconds seconds seconds
average of 60
Frequency Every 5- 8 Every 3 – 5 Every 2 – 3
minutes minutes minutes
Intensity Mild Moderate Strong
Primigravida: up to 20 hours
Multiparas: up to 14 hours
Second stage of Labor
Contractions are strong, occurring every
2 to 3 minutes and lasting for 60 to 90