Digital Marketing and Social Media Marketing

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Intro to Digital Marketing

Sheger City, Ethiopia

June 2024

The Sustainable Employment and

Entrepreneurship Development (SEED)

Defining the Problem

What is
Media ?

What is Digital Media ?

Digital media refers to any

type of content that is created
and consumed on electronic

This includes websites, social

media, email, search engines,
and online advertising.

What is

Marketing is the process of exploring, creating and delivering
value to meet the needs of a target market in terms of goods
and services.

• The key purpose of marketing is to gain interests of customers

in the products and services of the company.

• Marketing can be expressed as an action that is taken to

attract people's attraction to businesses and what they offer.
• Examples of marketing include tv commercials and
What is Digital
• Digital Marketing is the promotion of brands to
connect with customers using the internet and other
forms of digital communication.

• Digital marketing uses different digital communication

means such as search engines, websites and social

• It requires new ways of marketing to consumers and it

usually follows the following 5 stages.
• Step 1 - Setting up and laying down the digital
marketing strategy
• Step2 - Implementation
• Step 3 - Conversion and Expansion
• Step 4 - understanding client desires
• Step 5 - Replan and Research
Tilte : What Is Digital Marketing?
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Applications Of Digital
• Digital media offers opportunities for companies to market
their products and services.

• Digital media can be used as

▫ Advertising Medium
▫ Direct-response Medium
▫ Platform for sales transactions
▫ Lead generation Method
▫ Distribution Channel
▫ Customer service Mechanism
▫ Relationship building Medium
Emerging Tools and Trends
of Digital Marketing
• Digital Marketing can be done on computer, phone, tablet
or other electronic devices andit can take many forms like
an online video, display ads, email marketing search
engine marketing and social media posts.

• There have been few Digital Marketing trends that emerged

in the past years like influencer marketing, Video marketing,
Omni channel Marketing, AI, long form content, social media
shopping and progressive web pages.
● Social media
● Advertisements
● PPC and cost per
● Affiliate marketing
● Web analytics
What is Social Media
SMM is the use of social media to buy and sell, increase sales,
build company’s brand and drive our website traffic.
• The major social media platforms are Facebook, Instagram,
TikTok, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Snapchat and Pinterest.
• Social Media marketing is driven by three core marketing areas
are connection, interaction and customer data.
• There are mainly 6 types of social media marketing
▫ Social Networks.
▫ Social News
▫ Microblogging
▫ Bookmarking sites
▫ Media sharing
▫ Community Blogs
Choosing the right
• There are 5 tips that helps us choose the right site for
social media marketing
a. Know your audience and what you are producing
b. Research other competitors
c. Produce marketing goals and strategies
d. Know the different platforms and their uses
e. Analyze available resources

• Each social media serves different purpose and by

choosing the right platform for our brand and passing on
our key messages, we can be able to reach our target
• An advert or ad is a public communication that is used
to promote a product service or brand.
• It’s one way of marketing using social media and it is a
communication designed to inform and influence.
• Advertisements are essential to create brand awareness,
make a brand reputation, correct a record and rebuild,
and to increase sales.
• There are basically 5 types of advertising which are print,
broadcast, outdoor, product and digital advertising.
• In the digital advertising section there are 4 kind of ads
and they are display ads, social media ads, search
engine ads and email marketing.
Influence marketing
• It is one type of social media marketing that involves a
brand collaborating with an online influencer to market one
of its products/services.
• It could be as simple as a brand working with an influencer
to improve brand recognition.
• Influencers have more power to drive more people towards
a product or a service as they have a mass following on
social media and therefore consumers will trust
recommendations made by those influencers.
• Influence marketing also helps in achieving long terms of
brand recognition, improve an ability to lead an
organization ,increase confidence and self-esteem.
Social Media
• Social media management (SMM) is the process of
creating and publishing content, monitoring mentions and
engagements, growing a community of customers and
analyzing the results of the social media account.
• It’s also a form of a social media marketing and it’s
important to understand the way people think, act and
behave on social
media to influence marketing strategies and increase sales.
• A social media manager is responsible for setting these
marketing strategies for a product launch, create a video,
analyze data on platforms, design viral videos and run
paid advertisements.
Paid advertisements
• Paid advertising is an online placement of ads on social
media platforms in which an advertiser pays.
• Search engine marketing is one of the paid advertisements
it’s divided basically as pay per click and cost per impression.
• Pay per click(PPC) is an ad model where advertisers run ads
on a platform like Google Ads and pay a fee every time
someone clicks on it.
• PPC helps to track down people with a precise level of
and offers opportunities to reach our audience at a time
where they are looking for a business like ours.
• On the other hand, Cost per impression is the cost that
one pay when their ad is shown per one thousand
• CPM helps to find how effective our ad is and prove return
investment for our marketing campaigns.
• Click through rate is the number of clicks that our ad
receives divided by the time the ad was shown
• For example if we had 10 clicks and 200 impressions, our
will be 5%.
• For arts and entertainment the average click through rate
is 11%and for business ,12% is considered acceptable.
Generally speaking 6-12% CTR can be considered as a
good CTR.
● Social media
● Social media m a n a g e m e n t
● Social media m a n a g e r
W ha t is S ocia l
• m edia
Social ? is a computer based
technology that helps in sharing of
ideas, thoughts and information
through communication and

• It refers to the moda lity of intera ctions

among people in which they can
make, share and exchange

• Examples of Social media includes

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and
W ha t is S ocia l M edia
M• aSocial
na g media
em ent ?
management is the
process of analyzing social media
followers and developing a social
media strategy that is created
and distributed to fit a nd satisfy them.

• SMM is a practice that supports our

digital marketing and social media
strategies and its an important part of
running successful social media
strategy because it represents our
W ho is a S ocia l m edia
• m
Aa na g er?
social media manager is someone who
is responsible for developing social
media strategies to produce content,
increase followers, respond to
comments, create social media
campaigns, implement marketing plans
and review analytics.
• Social media managers are in charge of
representing the company they are
working for across social media
platforms as the voice of the brand.
● A

Importance of S M M
Tools of S M M
● costs of S M M
● Investments
W hy is S M M
• Social media plays a crucial role in
im porta nt?
building brand awareness and
product promotion.
• Social media managers engage the
popularity of social media platforms
by overseeing connections and
marketing campaigns.
• Social media management
offers several benefits like
▫ Cost effective initiative
▫ Reach to the market
▫ Align user behavior
▫ exceeding performance
Tools for S ocia l M edia
•M There
a na gare
a n y social media paid a n d unpaid tools that
help in schedule content, respond to c o m m e n t s a n d create
social media contents.
C os ts a nd c a pita l of Social m edia
m a na g em ent• On average, companies spend 5,000-
10,000 per month on SMM which covers
the cost for producing a marketing
strategy, monthly ads and

• Social media capital is the stock of

social media based social resources
that an organization has generated
with its social media efforts.
W h y inves t in s ocia l m edia
m a na g em ent?
• Social media offers an
opportunity to grow our brand
and business. Investing in social
media services offers
advantages like
a. Saving time
b. Social media professional
c. Maintain a quality
d. Achieve marketing goals

Insta g ra m
● LinkedIn
● YouTube
● Pinterest
● Tiktok
• Facebook has 2 billion daily users and its
one of the massive social media networks
to exist.

• It offers access to several different

demographics and more than half of
the adults in the US use Facebook every

• Facebook is useful for building

relationships with customers , build brand
loyalty and it features a wide variety of
ads from photos, videos and text.
Insta g ra m
• Insta gra m has one billion monthly users
a nd it focuses on images and videos.

• It encourages companies to come up with

new ways to capture audiences attention.

• over 70% of users are between the ages of 18-

29. Like facebook, instagram is also useful for
establishing relationships and it’s also used to
generate new leads.
• LinkedIn has 774 million users a nd it is
the biggest professional Social network
in the world.

• It is used for recruiting candidates, like twitter,

LinkedIn is also used to share news related
materials like company announcements or
job postings.

• Marketers find linkedin as the most effective

platform because 80% of leads for B2B
comes from it.
• YouTube has 2 billion users a nd it's a
pla tform that helps to create how-to videos
and provide users with informational
• YouTube features users that are 18 to 65
and older.

• Videos made on YouTube can increase

brand awareness and lead conversions.
• Even though it's time intensive, it ca n lea ds
to big gains for our company.
• It has more than 450 million monthly
users and it provides companies
strong visual focus like clothing stores
and supermarkets.

• Pinterest works efficiently for

showcasing a product in a non-
promotional way and users ca n rely on
it to plan a purchase.
Tiktok Tiktok

• Many companies use tiktok to reach wider

audiences, partner with influencers and
create engaging videos.
• Tik Tok is a n excellent pla tform for
rea ching niche audiences and drive
engagement by participating in trends
and partnering with influencers.
• Tiktok ha s a growing popula rity a nd it
a ligns with our target audience and social
media strategy.
Exercis e ( 30
M inyou
• If ) d o not have any of the ab ove
mentioned social media platforms for
your b us ines s , op en a n a c c ount in
s om e of your selected platforms?
● Social media strategy
Target audience
● Social media profile and
● Content calendar
● Choosing the right platform
● Tracking performance
W ha t is S ocia l M edia
•S tra
It is teg y? of our marketing goals about
an outline
contents to be posted, Social media
platforms uses and responsibilities of the
social media team.
• If we a re a lrea dy ma rketing our business on
social media, it’s better to a udit a n
existing strategy and implement a new
• Typical social media strategy includes
▫ Reviewing social media goals
▫ Ensuring brand loyalty
▫ Tracking performance and social
media metrics
▫ Reviewing competitors presence
Targ et a udience
• Target audience refers to the
specific group of followers/users that
are most likely to engage in our
posts or social media content.

• Investigating our audience is the core

of SMM.

• knowing who our audience is and

knowing where to find them helps us
earn a bigger return on investment(ROI)
Socia l m edia profile a nd
• aSocial
ds media profile is a description of
individuals characteristics that
identify them on social media sites.
• When we create SM profile we have to
make sure they are essential and
• Social media ads are important for
earning more genuine followers and
encourage user engagement.
• There are certain ad features to consider
such as media, content, cost per click
and calls to action.
Social m edia content
• Creating
c a lenda r a content calendar serves as
a reference point for our social media

• In our content calendar, we can view

scheduled posts like announcements,
shared content, blog post or an image
from a client.

• Before publishing our content, we should

always cross check the factual
information and time appropriation.
Choosing the right platform a n d
Time is importa nt when it comes to socia l
media management for businesses so we
should focus on the networks that matter
the most.
We can figure out the most important
networks by reviewing our demographic data.
A social media manager also focuses on
creating the right content, from developing the
topic to writing the copy to selecting the
media. To crea te the best possible content
socia l media managers have to work with
graphic designers and copywriters.
Tra cking perform a nce a nd increa s ing
s ocial
• A critical part of SMM is monitoring
performance of our accounts. We
can track the performance of our
ads and
creative contents.
• A SMM also has to interact with
followers and commenters which
shows that the company values
customer opinions.
• Ads are not the only way that represent
social media presence but also
T●● Knowing when a n d what to post
Social medi a content steps
to e n g a g e our audience
W ha t a nd W hen s hould I
In order
• pos t? to choose the right content and
right timing we should be consistent.
▫ Time consistency- setting a time
and choosing the days of postings will
ensure that our followers will
anticipate and engage In our
▫ Brand consistency- we should be able
to choose social media traits to match
the personality traits of our customers.
• Knowing what to post and when to post
will pump us our social media accounts
on the platforms by increasing followers
and engagements.
5 steps to eng a g e our
a udience
1. Identify platforms and define
our audience
2. Create content
3. Use keywords and
strategic hashtags
4. Encourage sharing and
use visuals
5. Accept suggestions and
● Wa y s of advertising
● Types of advertising
● C h o o s i ng network
How do I
a• dvertise?
Advertising on social media offers
benefits like boosting brand awareness
and increasing traffic.
• To advertise, we need to create social
media account and use paid/unpaid
options and consider cost per
thousand (CPM).
• To advertise on social media we should
set business goals, gather our data,
figure out the time our audiences will be
online, optimize our profile, consider our
options and encourage interactions.
Types of so cia l m edia
Facebook advertising
▫ Image ads
▫ Video ads
2. Instagram advertising
▫ Collection ads
▫ Carousel ads
3. Snapchat advertising
▫ Snap ads
▫ Lenses and
4. Twitter advertising
▫ Gif a d
▫ Image ad
5. LinkedIn advertising
▫ Sponsored
C hoosing networks for
• Facebook- advertise a product/service
a dvertising
a n d boost brand awareness
• Ins ta gr am - variety of products in a n a d
• S n a p c h a t - geofencing a n d advertising
a specific event
• Linkedin- advertise to professionals
● Social m edia metrics
• ROI (return on investment) is a popular
social media metric used to evaluate the
amount of value generated by our
investments in social media.
• It is mea sured in money va lue but it ca n
a lso
be quantified by non monetary metrics.
• Among all the social medias, short
videos have the highest ROI in Tiktok,
YouTube, Facebook and instagram.
• ROI measures all social media actions
we took
and compares it to investment we put in.
Socia l m e dia
• m eROI,
Like trics
social media metrics are the
data points that show how well our social
media strategy is working.
• The basic and common metrics are
▫ engagement
▫ Impressions
▫ Referrals
▫ Conversions
▫ Response rate
▫ Click through rate
▫ Bounce rate
▫ KPI (key performance indicators)
CH A P 8- W R A P
● C o nc lusio n
● Quiz
• In section 1, we have been introduced to
social media management and what a
social media manager does.
• In section 2, we sa w the ba sics of SMM, why it is
importa nt, the cost a nd tools for it to be a
• In section 3, we sa w the different kind of socia l
media pla tforms a nd how ea ch fit for
our marketing strategies.
• In section 4, we sa w wha t m akes socia l
media Management whole which were
strategy, audience, profile, and performance
• In section 5, we sa w how we c a n crea te a
socia l media content and in section 6 we saw
how we can advertise our products on social
• In section 7, we sa w how we c a n tra ck the
performance of our social media accounts and
finally in section 8 we concluded our course with
a quiz.
1. What is Social media management?
2. What does a social media manager do?
3. what tools do we use for SMM?
4. Among all the social media platforms which one
do you use and which one do you think is more
convenient to mange?
5. What were the 6 compositions of social media
6. What are the 5 steps to engage our audiences in
the content we post?
7. What is social media advertising ?
8. What is ROI?
9. List 4 social media metrics.
10.Do you think social media management is an easy job?
If not why?

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