Diseases and Disorders

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Analyze the photos.Think of a word/concept or idea
that is represented in each of the photo.
1. Explain the significance or applications of
mitosis/ meiosis.
2. Identify disorders and diseases that result from
the malfunction of the cell during the cell cycle.
Mitosis and Meiosis result in
eukaryotic cell division. The
primary difference between these
divisions is the differing goals of
each process.
The goal of mitosis is to produce two
daughter cells that are genetically
identical to the parent cell. Mitosis
happens when you grow. You want all
your new cells to have the same DNA
as the previous cells.
The goal of meiosis is to produce sperm or eggs, also known as
gametes. The resulting gametes are not genetically identical to the
parent cell.
Gametes are haploid cells, with only half the DNA present in the
diploid parent cell.

This is necessary so that when a sperm and an egg combine at

fertilization, the resulting zygote has the correct amount of DNA—
not twice as much as the parents. The zygote then begins to divide
through mitosis.
Activity 1:
Directions: Use the image below to help you
determine whether each statement
describes mitosis, meiosis, or both. Place an “x” in the
correct box. Write your
answers on a separate sheet of paper.
Core Concepts:
Significance of mitosis for sexual
Mitosis is important for sexual reproduction indirectly.
It allows the sexually reproducing organism to grow
anddevelop from a single cell into a sexually mature
individual. This allows organisms to continue to
reproduce through the generations.
Significance of Meiosis and Chromosome:
Number Chromosomes are the cell's way of neatly
arranging long strands of
DNA. Non-sex cells have two sets of chromosomes, one
set from each parent. Meiosis makes sex cells with only
one set of chromosomes.
For example, human cells
have 46 chromosomes, with the exception of sperm and
eggs, which contain only 23
chromosomes each. When a sperm cell fertilizes an egg,
the 23 chromosomes from
each sex cell combine to make a zygote, a new cell with
46 chromosomes. The zygote
is the first cell in a new individual.
Significance of Meiosis for Diversity:
One of the benefits of sexual reproduction is the
diversity it produces within
a population. That variety is a direct product of meiosis.
Every sex cell made from
meiosis has a unique combination of chromosomes.
This means that no two sperm
or egg cells are genetically identical. Every
fertilization event produces new
combinations of traits. This is why siblings
share DNA with parents and each other, but
are not identical to one another.
Aberrations That Alter Chromosome Number:
During cell division, chromosomes sometimes disappear.
This occurs when there is some aberration in the
centromere, and spindle fibers cannot attach to the
chromosome to segregate it to distal poles of the cell.
Consequently, the lost chromosome never properly groups
with others into a new nuclear envelope, and it
is left in the cytoplasm, where it will not be transcribed.
Also, chromosomes don't
always separate equally into daughter cells. This sometimes
happens in mitosis, when sister chromatids fail to separate
during anaphase. One daughter cell thus ends up with more
chromosomes in its nucleus than the other. Likewise,
abnormal separation can occur in meiosis when homologous
pairs fail to separate during anaphase I. This also results in
daughter cells with different numbers of chromosomes.
Activity: Think!
Directions: Upon careful reading and analyzation on the
information presented above. The scoring rubric below will be used
in assessing your output. Answer
the questions below on a separate sheet of paper:
1. What could be the reasons on why there are some malfunctions
during the cell cycle?
2. What are the possible result from the malfunction of the cell
during the cell cycle?
Some possible factor that could contribute on
chromosome abnormalities:
• arise from errors in meiosis, usually meiosis I;
• occur more often during egg formation (90% of the
time) than during sperm
• become more frequent as a woman ages.
Disorders and diseases that result from the
malfunction of the cell during the cell
• Incorrect DNA copy (e.g., cancer)
• Chromosome Abnormalities
- Chromosomes are attached to string-like
spindles and begin to move to the
middle of the cell (e.g., Down Syndrome,
Alzheimer’s, and Leukemia)
• Aneuploidy—is the gain or loss of whole
chromosomes. It is the most common
chromosome abnormality. It is caused by non-
disjunction, the failure of
chromosomes to correctly separate:
- homologues during meiosis I or
- sister chromatids during meiosis II
• Effects on Organelles - During normal mitosis,
damaged organelles have a chance to repair and
recover between cell divisions, but they don’t have
this opportunity when cell division doesn’t stop.
Cells with damaged organelles can die. Which are
organelles that provide energy to the cell, can
trigger the release of “executioner” enzymes.
• Mosaicism - Some cells may have a mutant version
of a gene while others have the
normal version of the same gene. Geneticist refers to
this condition as mosaicism.
The individual may not be affected by the mutations,
but if the genotype is
widespread and harmful enough, the mutation can
have a major impact.
Two examples of diseases linked to mosaicism
are hemophilia, a blood-clotting disorder, and
order Marfan syndrome, which produces
unusually long limbs.
• Turner syndrome - a condition that affects only
females, results when one of the X
chromosomes (sex chromosomes) is missing or
partially missing. Turner
syndrome can cause a variety of medical and
developmental problems, including
short height, failure of the ovaries to develop and
heart defects.
•Trisomy 18 / Edwards syndrome - is a chromosomal condition
associated with abnormalities in many parts of the body.
Individuals with trisomy 18 often have slow
growth before birth (intrauterine growth retardation) and a low
birth weight. Affected individuals may have heart defects and
abnormalities of other organs that developbefore birth. Other
features of trisomy 18 include a small, abnormally shaped head; a
small jaw and mouth; and clenched fists with overlapping fingers.
•Huntington's disease - is a progressive brain disorder
caused by a single defective
gene on chromosome 4 — one of the 23 human
chromosomes that carry a person's
entire genetic code. This defect is "dominant,"
meaning that anyone who inherits it from a parent with
Huntington's will eventually develop the disease.
Directions: Answer the following questions in a
separate sheet of paper. The scoring
rubric below will be used in assessing your output.
1. Explain the significance or applications of mitosis/
2. Identify disorders and diseases that result from the
malfunction of the cell during the cell cycle.
PT#3: Search for TEN (10) examples of disorders or diseases
that result from the malfunction of the cell during the cell cycle.
Put a short brief description about that disorder or disease. Use
coupon bonds (A4)and compile on a folder.
The scoring rubric on the next page will be used in assessing
your output.(8members per group)

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