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General Elections to Lok Sabha, 2024

Office of Chief Electoral Officer, West Bengal
Sl Subject Slide

1. Some new guidelines 03 - 05

2. Activities at Distribution Centre 05 - 41

3. Preparation of documents by Pr.O for RC 42 - 65

4. Activities at Receiving centre 66 - 88

11. Q&A 89 - 90
New instructions
Presiding Officer's Report Format on Poll Day.
Part-I : Mock Poll Certificate
Part-II : Replacement of Power Pack of the Control Unit
Part-Ill : Pressing of Close Button after completion of Poll
Part-IV : EVM/VVPAT replacement Report, if replaced during Mock Poll
Part-V : EVM/VVPAT replacement Report, if replaced during Actual Poll
Collection of Presiding Officer's Report
• (i) Part-I, Part-II and Part-III of the Presiding Officer's Report shall he kept in an envelope.
Details to be printed on envelope:
Name of election: (to be pre-printed)
No. and Name of AC/AS: (to be pre-printed)
No. and Name of PC: (to be pre-printed)
Polling Station No: …………..

• The Presiding Officer shall deposit the said envelope along with EVM, VVPAT and other
election material at Collection Centre.
• (ii) Part-IV and Part-V of the Presiding Officer's Report shall be collected by the Sector
Officer, whenever any replacement is done. Sector Officers shall submit the said Reports to
the Returning Officer.
Alternative document: Unique Disability Identity Card (UDID), Ministry of Social
Justice & Empowerment, Govt of India
• Use of Strip Seal is discontinued
• Design of Pink paper seal for BU is changed.
• Design of Green Paper seal is changed.
• Use of plastic box for mock poll slips is discontinued.
Only the blank envelops containing Mock poll slips have
to be sealed with newly designed Pink Paper seal, no
plastic box in this regard will be there.
• Pr.O’s diary modified
• Packeting system of election papers is changed.
• PB only at facilitation centre, will not be sent through
post office.
• EDC procedure remains same.
New packet arrangement for RC
Packet Colour Name of packet Item Content
1st White EVM Papers 3 17C, Pr.O report I,II,III and envelop with
Mock poll slip
2nd White SCRUTINY COVER 4 Pr.O diary, 17A, 14A, Visit sheet
3rd White STATUTORY 5 Marked copy, Voter’s slip, used tender ballot
COVERS &17B, unused tender ballot, Form 14
4th Yellow NON- 11 Working copy, Form 10, EDC, Pr.O
STATUTORY declaration, receipt book & cash, unused
and damaged paper seals and special tags,
unused voter’s slip, under age declaration &
list, 49MA, ASD declaration, letter to SHO

5th Brown HANDBOOK/ 3+ Handbook, instructions- checklist, do’s &

MANUAL etc. don’ts etc, Indelible ink, stamp pad
6th Blue OTHER 5+ Candidate information booklet, unused
MATERIALS forms, Metal seal, Arrow cross mark, Cup of
indelible ink

All remaining stationery items should be placed back in the respective transparent
Cardboard/Carton containers and submitted at the Receipt Center.
Activities at Distribution
Tagging of Polling Party at Distribution Centre
 The Polling Personnel will come to know their respective Polling Station to
which they are assigned only at the Dispersal Centre on P-1 day and not before it
(For P-2 PS, it will be P-3 day).
 Attendance through entry in wbemms portal. QR code scanning attendance
also may be adopted.
 Large display boards - Decoded list of polling personnel assigning polling
stations to be displayed very prominently at multiple places
 Single window counters – Reporting, issuance of order tagging polling station,
distribution all materials including EVMs should preferably be done from one
single counter to avoid inconvenience of polling personnel from shuttling
between counters.
 Reserved personnel - are to report at enquiry/PP counter and go to Reserve Shed.
 Cash Counter for reserve tagging should be arranged, if required
 Separate Counter for female PP may be thought of.
 Token system may be followed for material receipt and depostion
Dispersal Centre to have following arrangements:
i) Enquiry counter
ii) EDC distribution centre
iii) Large display boards for decoded list of polling stations
iv) SMS registration- facilitation centres
v) wbemms portal entry, QR code scanning facilities for attendance
vi) Polling personnel Cell Counter
vii) Token distribution
iii) Polling station wise Single window counters
iv) Counter for tagging for camera person/videographer for sensitive polling
v) Reporting and waiting area for Micro-observers
vi) Waiting area for reserved polling personnel
vii) Counter for training on demand
viii) Counter for tagging vehicles
ix) Counter for supplying (short) materials
xi) Space for checking of EVMs & materials by polling parties.
xiii) Strong rooms for EVMs and storage of other material.
xii) Medical Aid.
xv) Fire brigade
xvi) Register for EVM, Pink Paper seal, Green paper seal, Address tag, Tender
ballot, Speacial tag
Activities at DC :
• Identification of polling station tagged- From decoding
list displayed
• SMS registration- The PRO & PO1 will have to register
their mobile number to the assigned phone
number/wbemms portal entry/scanning of QR code
• Collection of materials- Material to be collected and
• Micro Observer/ Videographer- Contact with Micro
Observer/ videographer, if deployed
• Tagging of vehicle - Movement to the polling station to
be made in earmarked vehicle
• Tagging of force at police tagging counter
• Movement to the polling station with sector force
Checking Polling Materials
1. EVM and VVPAT of your Polling Station
2. EDC/PB list
3. Indelible ink
4. One Marked copy and two Working Copy of E. Roll
5. Tendered Ballot Paper
6. Green Paper Seal, Special Tag, Strip Seal, Pink Paper Seal
7. Alphabetical Roll Locator
8. ASD and CSV list (if any)
9. Signature of candidate and Election Agent
10. Form 17A (Register of Voters), 17C, Pr.O diary, Declaration of
Pr.O, Pro’s Report I,II,III, IV, V
11. Arrow Cross Mark, Metal Seal of Pr.O, Distinguishing Mark
12. Plastic box for Mock slips
13. ‘MOCK POLL SLIP‘ rubber stamp
14. Other stationeries
EVM/VVPAT checking
• Check address tag of EVM/VVPAT and make sure
whether it is assigned to your polling station
• Candidate Set section of Cu is sealed
• Ballot paper is properly fixed in BU
• Thumb Wheel of BU is at 1 (If no of candidate
including NOTA is less than equal to 16)
• Unmasked Number of button of BU = number of
candidate + NOTA. Other button of BU will be
• BU is sealed properly

• Check with list (EVM/VVPAT, indelible ink, Marked copy,

Tendered ballot, Green Paper Seal, Special Tag, Pink Paper

• No need to check VVPAT at DC. No need to switch on before


• Dont keep EVM/VVPAT in unassigned vehicle or unassigned


• Never keep EVM/VVPAT unattended without security

Electoral Roll
• The Electoral Roll will be Integrated. Names included in
SSR-2023 will not be bundled with their family members.
New serialization in the Electoral Roll will not be made.
• All additions made during continuous updation from the
last date of final publication (22.01.2024) till the last date
of nomination will be kept in order by issuing serial from
the last serial of the roll onwards.
• The published list will be marked Deletion/Correction
• # means corrected in SSR-24
• (2)# means corrected in Continuous updation.
• DELETED across the board means that it has been
removed in the SSR.
• DELETED 2 across the board means that it has been
removed in the Continuous Updation.
• Beside each Deletion S / Q / R / M will be mentioned as the
reason (E = Expired, S = Shifted, R = Repeated, Q
= Disqualified, M = Missing).
• Check the list of CSV, AIS, ASD and ARL.
• Voters who have been given Election Duty Certificate and
Postal Ballot will have the word ED and PB written next to
their name respectively and the signature of the ARO next
to it.
E-Roll for Poll
Deletion in SSR

Deletion in

# - correction in

(2)# -correction
in Continuous
• Voters who have the word PB next to their name cannot cast
their vote at their booth.
• EDC voters can vote at any booth of that PC (For Assembly
election- AC) except the booth where they have their name.
• Check the marked copy to see if all parts are correct
• In case of Auxiliary booth, match the top sheet, total elector
details and serial no
• Match the PB/ED List given to you with the number of PB/EDC
marked in the marked copy
• Check whether each entry in the marked copy is authenticated

A control room with prominent signage to be set up for signing

PB/ED mark if found missing during checking by PP at DC.
Polling Materials
A. EVM, E Roll, &

B. Forms and
other formats


D.Seals, tags &


E.Handbooks and

F. Stationery items
Submission of Special
Booklet at RC
Prperation for RC by
Polling team
Close Of Poll
•Press CLOSE button of CU in presence of polling
agents and replace the cap over it . Total no of votes
recorded in the machine should be noted in item 5 of
part-I of form 17C ;
•Switch off the power and disconnect the BU from
•51/8/7/2019 -EMS dtd 09.04.2019 - After
completion of poll, the Presiding officer shall remove
the power pack (battery) from VVPAT in the presence
of polling agents. Only after removal of power pack
(battery) form VVPAT. The carrying case of VVPAT
shall be sealed in the presence of Polling agents.

Draw a line after last entry in Form 17A and certify “The
serial number of last entry in Form 17A is ……….” &
sign. Obtain signature of polling agents present. Mention
time of poll closure.
• The precise time of close of poll should be indicated in PrO’s diary
(COL 20b) and 17A.

• The precise time of closure of poll should be included in PrO’s

declaration and it should be same as shown in CU.

• Account of pink paper seal- no specific col yet given. Pls write
separately under Col 7 (Paper Seal account) of PrO Diary eg.
7 i) Number of Green- 1 Pink- 1
Paper seal used
ii) Sl No. of paper AA009758 dsf98729
seal used

• Similarly in the address tag, also time of closure of poll shall be

mentioned there by PrO. Polling agents of candidates should be
allowed to sign on address tags, if willing
Greater Participation for a Stronger
Items to be signed by polling agents on Poll day
• Pr.O’s Report I, II, III and Mock Poll slips envelope. (before
commencement of poll and on subsequent replacement of EVM if
• Green paper seal, Pink paper Seal, Spl. Tag- At the time of sealing
CU after mock poll
• Presiding Officer’s Declaration
– Part-I: before commencement of poll
– Part-II: on subsequent replacement of EVM if any
– Part-III: At end of poll
– Part-IV: After sealing of EVM
• 17A- after close of poll, below PrO’s signature
• 17C Part-I (after poll)
• Movement sheet as and when applicable

Declaration by the Presiding Officer before the commencement of the poll

Election from............................................ Parliamentary/Assembly Constituency
Serial No. and name of polling station.................................................
Date of Poll.......................................................
I hereby declare:
(1) that I have demonstrated to the polling agents and other persons present –
(a) by holding a mock poll that the voting machine is in perfect working order and that no
vote is already recorded therein;
b) that the marked copy of the electoral roll to be used during the poll does not contain any
marks other than those used for issuing postal ballot papers and election duty certificates;
(c) that the Register of Voters (Form 17A) to be used during the poll does not contain any
entry in respect of any elector;
(2) that I have affixed my own signature on the paper seal(s) used for securing the result section
of Control Unit of the voting machine and obtained thereon the signatures of such of the poll-
ing agents as a represent and desirous of affixing the same.
(3) that I have written the serial number of the Control Unit on the special tag, and I have affixed
my signature on the back side of the special tag and also obtained thereon the signatures of
such of the candidates/polling agents as are present and desirous of affixing their signature.
(4) that I have affixed my signature on the strip seal and also obtained thereon the signatures of
such of the candidates/polling agents as are present and desirous of affixing their signature.
(5) that I have read out the pre-printed serial number of the special tag and asked the candi-
dates/polling agents present, to note down the serial number.
Presiding Officer
Signature of polling agents:
1...............(of candidate............) 2...............(of candidate........…........)
3........…... (of candidate.............) 4. ............ (of candidate......…..........)
5...........…. (of candidate........…) 6. ............ (of candidate....................)
7.......….... (of candidate ….......) 8. ............ (of candidate....................)
9............…. (of candidate...........)


Election ....................................................Parliamentary/Assembly Constituency
Serial No. and Name of Polling Station...............................................
Date of poll.........................
I hereby declare:
(1) that I have demonstrated to the polling agents and other persons present –
(a) by holding a mock poll that the voting machine is in perfect working order and that no vote
is already recorded therein;
b) that the marked copy of the electoral roll to be used during the poll does not contain any
marks other than those used for issuing postal ballot papers and election duty certificates;
(c) that the Register of Voters (Form 17A) to be used during the poll does not contain any entry
in respect of any elector;
(2) that I have affixed my own signature on the paper seal(s) used for securing the result section
of Control Unit of the voting machine and obtained thereon the signatures of such of the polling
agents as a represent and desirous of affixing the same.
(3) that I have written the serial number of the Control Unit on the special tag, and I have affixed
my signature on the backside of the special tag and also obtained thereon the signatures of such of
the candidates/polling agents as are present and desirous of affixing their signature.
(4) that I have affixed my signature on the strip seal and also obtained thereon the signatures of
such of the candidates/polling agents as are present and desirous of affixing their signature.
(5) that I have read out the pre-printed serial number of the special tag and asked the candi-
dates/polling agents present, to note down the serial number.
Presiding Officer
Signature of polling agents:
1...............(of candidate.............) 2...............(of candidate........…........)
3........…...(of candidate.............) 4. ............ (of candidate......…..........)
5...........….(of candidate........…) 6. ............ (of candidate....................)
7.......….....(of candidate ….......) 8. ............ (of candidate....................)
9............….(of candidate...........)

I have furnished to the polling agents, who were present at the polling station at the close of the poll
and whose signatures are affixed below, an attested copy of each of the entries in ‘Part-I- Account of
Votes Recorded’ of Form17C as required under rule 49-S (2) of the Conduct of Elections Rules, 1961.
Presiding Officer
Received an attested copy of the entries in the accounts of votes recorded (Part I of Form 17C)
Signature of polling agents:
1. ........….... (of candidate...….......) 2...........(of candidate..........….)
3........…......(of candidate..…........) 4..….....(of candidate...............)
5........…......(of candidate....…......) 6..….... (of candidate ..............)
7. ........….... (of candidate....…......) 8...…....(of candidate...............)
9.........….... (of candidate.....…......)

The following polling agents who were present at the close of the poll declined to receive an attested
copy of Part I of Form 17C and to give a receipt therefor and so an attested copy of that Form was not
supplied to them.
1....................(of candidate..........….....) 2.........(of candidate ................)
3....................(of candidate .........….....) 4........ (of candidate................)
5....................(of candidate ....…..........) 6.........(of candidate.................)
7....................(of candidate ......……....) 8.........(of candidate ................)
9....................(of candidate......….........)

Presiding Officer



I have affixed my seals, and I have allowed the polling agents who were present at the polling station
at the close of poll to affix their seals, on the carrying cases of the Control Unit and balloting units of
the voting machine.


of Presiding Officer



The following polling agents have affixed their seals. Signature of polling agents:

1.............. (of candidate............) 4.........(of candidate......…........)

2.............. (of candidate............) 5.........(of candidate.................)

3...............(of candidate............) 6.........(of candidate.................)

The following polling agents refused or did not want to affix their seals.

1.......…….(of candidate............) 3..........(of candidate..............)

2.............. (of candidate ...........) 4..........(of candidate..............)


Presiding Officer
Affixing of Seal thereon by the Polling Agents:
The Polling Agents present at the polling station are also permitted to
affix their seals, in addition to the seal of the Presiding Officer, on the
envelopes and packets containing the following documents:
(a) The marked copy of the electoral roll;
(b) Register of Voters;
(c) Voters slips;
(d) The tendered ballot papers and the list of tendered voters in Form
(e) The unused tendered ballot papers;
(f) The list of challenged votes;
(g) The unused and damaged paper seals, if any;
(h) Appointment letters of Polling Agents; and
(i) Any other papers that the Returning Officer has directed to be kept in a
sealed packet.
SEALING OF EVM and Polled Materials AFTER POLL

• Switch off the CU & put in Carrying case and seal it at both ends with
addressed tag with the help of seal of Presiding Officer;

• Agents present should be asked to affix their seals;

• Names of candidates/ polling agents who have affixed their

seals on carrying cases of CU should be noted in the declaration
at the close of poll;

• Record relevant events as and when they occur at

regular intervals;

• Any lapse of writing diary at regular intervals is seriously

viewed by ECI;

• One of the important documents verified by the

OBSERVER on the day after poll at the time of scrutiny;
Visit Sheet

• Patrolling Magistrate, Sector Officer, Zonal Magistrate, DEO, RO,

AROs and Election Observers, whenever they visit any polling
station, shall make an entry in the VISIT SHEET kept with the
Presiding Officers. Visit Sheet shall be deposited after end of poll
along with Presiding Officer's Diary.

• One of the important documents that will be verified by the

OBSERVER on the day after poll at the time of scrutiny

 The large White cover superscribed as “EVM papers”

(i) the unsealed envelope containing Account of votes recorded
(Form 17C),
(ii) Unsealed envelope containing the Presiding Officer Report-I
(Mock poll certificate), II & III and
(iii)Sealed Black envelope containing printed VVPAT paper slips of
Mock poll shall be placed along with polled EVMs in the
polled EVM Strong Room.
Special Counter at RC
• for receiving EVMs/VVPATs and other documents from the specific
polling-stations about which complaints had been received from
political parties / candidates during the course of polling;
• polling stations in which significant event such as violent-incidents,
heated arguments with the polling personnel, clash between polling
-agents, break-down of machines reported and where the EVM
replacement had taken place .


(To be kept in Strong room other than EVM Strong room)
Envelope Set- 2/1 Master Envelope No. 2/2 for Presiding Officer’s 1
02: Scrutiny Envelope for Diary, Size (10”X4.5”)
Documents Scrutiny
(Second Packet) Documents Envelope No. 2/3 for register of voters 1
Size (17A), Size (14”X10”)
(16”X12”) Envelope No. 2/4 for the list of blind 1
and infirm electors in Form 14-A and
the declarations of the companions

Envelope No. 2/5 for Visit Sheet 1

(10”X4.5”) 58
Six separate large packets:
Even if a statement or record to be mentioned in the statutory form or non-statutory
form is ‘Nil’, such ‘Nil ‘remark should be marked on the concerned statutory form or
non-statutory form and placed in the respective envelopes and packed in the large

First packet (WHITE) - “EVM PAPERS COVER”

a)Envelope containing the account of votes recorded (Form-17C),

b)Envelope containing the PrO Report I (Mock-Poll Certificate), II & III

c)Black color Sealed Envelope containing Printed VVPAT paper slips of Mock Poll

Note: All the above election papers should be kept in unsealed white coloured master
envelope (Envelope No: 1/1) and should be kept in the Polled EVM Strongroom.

In case of simultaneous election-

for assembly election,
 one additional Master envelope for EVM Papers in pink colour,
 one additional envelope for account of votes recorded (17C) in pink colour and
 one additional envelope for Presiding O fficer’s Report-I (Mock Poll Certificate), II & III in pink color and
 one additional envelope for VVPAT paper slips of Mock poll in black colour for assembly poll EVM.
Second packet (colored WHITE)
-unsealed/sealed envelopes ( “SCRUTINY COVER”)

a)Unsealed envelope containing the Presiding Officer’s Diary

b)Sealed envelope containing the register of voters (17A)

c)Unsealed envelope containing Visit Sheet

d)Unsealed envelope containing the list of blind and infirm

electors in Form 14-Aand the declarations of the companions.
Note: All the above election papers should be kept in unsealed white coloured
master envelope (Envelope No: 2/1) and Polling Station wise scrutiny cover required
for scrutiny should be stored separately in a strong room other than Polled EVM
strongroom having polled EVMs and VVPATs.
Scrutiniy report to be collected from Pr.O and data entry of to be done at RC
A) State / UT Code & Name: S25- WEST BENGAL
Parliamentary Constituency No.
& Name :
C) Assembly Segment No. & Name :

Polling Station Number of persons who voted Numbe Numbe r of
Total Electors in the P.S. r of r of
No. & Name in the P.S. Proxy
Tender Challen
ed ged
T votes votes
No. Name Male Female Total Male Female TG Total CSVs

Number of Whether Any
Number of If so, the incident
Number of voters who Number Number the BU, Total complain
electors who time of
electors who excercised of of Number CU or Total persons ts
excercised when violence
excercised their right polling overseas of BU, VVPAT ASD who cast received
their right of changed or poll
their right of under Rule agents electors CU, was voters in their vote with
vote on the and what interrupt
vote on the 49 O, who in the who VVPAT changed the ASD from respect
basis of was the ion due
basis of decided not polling voted in used or voters list ASD to polling
alternative reason to any
EPIC to record station the poll replaced voters list station
document. for it reason
vote (Y/N) (Y/N)
Third Packet ( White Color) – Statutory Cover

a) Sealed envelope containing the marked copy of the Electoral

Roll and list of CSVs

b) Sealed envelope containing voter’s slip

c) Sealed envelope containing unused tendered ballot papers

d) Sealed envelope containing the used tendered ballot papers

and the list in form 17 B

e) e) Sealed envelope including challenged vote in form 14

Fourth Packet (Non-Statutory Cover ) - Yellow

a)Envelope containing the copy or copies of electoral roll (other than the marked copy)

b)Envelope containing the appointment letters of Polling Agents in Form 10

c)Envelope containing the election duty certificates in Form 12- B

d)Envelope containing declarations by Presiding O fficer

e)Envelope containing receipt book and cash if any, in respect of challenged votes

f)Envelope containing the declarations obtained from electors as to their age and the list of such
electors who have refused to make declaration as to their age

g)Envelope containing unused and damaged paper seals and special tags

h)Envelope containing unused voter’s slips

I)Envelope containing Form of Declaration by elector under 49MA (Test Vote)

j)Envelope containing Form of Declaration by elector whose name is in ASD list

k)Envelope containing letter of complaint to SHO

Fifth Packet (Brown)

a.Handbook for Presiding Officer,

Manual of Electronic Voting Machine and VVPAT,
instructions etc.

b.Used and remaining Indelible ink set

c.Used Stamp pad (Brown colour)

Sixth Packet (Blue colour)
a)Candidate Information Booklet
b)Other unused forms
c)Metal seal of the Presiding Officer
d)The arrow cross-mark rubber stamp for
marking tendered ballot papers;
e)Cup for setting the indelible ink.
f)All the other items, if any, should be
packed into the Fifth packet (colored Blue).
Management of receipt of voting materials
• There will be provision for receiving voting materials by setting up
counters for specific number of polling stations.
• Various items will be received as per the checklist.
• The staff who is receiving the items will take the items only after
checking it carefully.
• Whether polling materials of that same polling station be deposited at
that counter or not?
•BU/CU/VVPAT is sealed.
•Match number of BU/CU/VVPAT as per EVM Receipt Register.
•EVM Receipt Register must bears the signature of the Presiding Officer.
•Votes mentioned in 17C matches with 17A.
•Presiding Officer's diary is duly filled and VISIT SHEET is attached.
• Polling agents are given 17C.
•Mock Poll Ballot Slip Plastic Box Envelope I
• Additional Format Report of the Presiding Officer has been
• Diary of the Presiding Officer - 1 copy, without seal.
• Form 17C- 2 copies, one sealed and the other without seal.
• Declaration or Annexure VII of the Presiding Officer - 1 copy,
without seal.
• VISIT SHEET- 1 copy, without seal
• PS-05- 1 copy, without seal
• 17A
• Pr.O’s Report Part 1 & 3 must. 2, 4, 5 (If applicable) departure of
• FORM 14A. materials at
• Scrutiny sheet RC.
On top of these counters, the number and name of the specific Polling Station will be written.

• There will be some special counters where -

 Any complaints submitted
 Any significant incidents such as SNATCHING or
destruction of EVMs happened.
 Replacement of EVM/VVPAT
• For these booths, the RO will create a separate register and
after verifying the documents including EVM/VVPAT, the RO
will discuss it with the Observers. After that, the Presiding
Officer will be given instructions.
Receiving centre

• 17 C and one copy of Mock poll

certificates and black envelope
sealed in strong room attached to C.U
of EVM.

• Send BU, CU and VVPAT to strong

room with transit slip register

The complete set of polled CU-BU-

VVPATs of the polling station should be
kept in the same strong room.
Management of submission of EVMs and VVPATs after polling
Type of machine
STORAGE Force Remarks

Category A and B will be

accommodated in the strong room
according to the polling station.
Allowed In One Sealed envelopes with mock
In the squares of the strong room, the the Platoon poll slips will accompany A &
BU, CU, and VVPATs must be kept
together. strongroom CAPF B machines

Not around the strong room

1. Category C - Unpolled Defective At the Defective and unused
(District Warehouse) District machines must be collected at
2. Category D - Reserved Unused Warehouse 1/2 section the same time.
Machines - Partitioned in the
Strong room
Sealing of strong room:
In case General Observer is assigned more than one AC/AS and strong room locations are
distributed in the district, senior most General Observer, in consultations with the
DEO/RO in advance, will decide which Observer will remain present at the time of
closure of which strong room.
Senior most General Observer may also nominate Expenditure Observer to represent any
General Observer for sealing of strong room in case of exigencies.
In exceptional cases, senior micro observers may be selected from the list of micro
observers deployed for poll day duty can also be authorized by the senior most General
Observer to represent any General Observer for sealing of strong room.
Category Types of EVM/VVPATs Designated Strong Room
Category A PolledEVMs&VVPATs Polled EVM Strong Room:
(for storage of category
Category B Non-functional Polled A&B)

Category C Non-functional Un-polled Repair Strong Room: (for

EVMs & VVPATs (failed storage of category C), not in
during mock poll) the vicinity of polled EVM
strong room

Category D Unused Reserve EVMs & Reserve Strong Room: (for

VVPATs storage of category D), not in
the vicinity of polled EVM
strong room
(i) One control room adjacent to these strong room locations
should be operative round the clock. A Gazetted officer along
with a police officer should be put on duty round the clock
for monitoring the security arrangements, including CCTV
coverage, of strong rooms.

(ii) CCTV cameras with sufficient storage facility shall be

installed. CCTV Camera should cover sealed doors of Polled
EVM Strong Room and Election Paper Strong Room, security
and corridor etc. A proper system to take back up of CCTV
footage shall be ensured. Such video data shall be in the
custody of the District Election Officer.

(iii) Videography shall be made at the time of the opening

and closing of Polled EVM Strong Room and Election Paper
Strong Room. Proper log books shall also be maintained.
Strongroom inspection
51/8/6/2019-EMPS dated 02.05.2019

• RO/ DEO to visit

daily morning and
• If strong room is
outside district HQ,
DEO to visit atleast
once in 3-4 days.
• DEO to submit it
• Upload the same in
CEO portal
Signed copy to be sent weekly to
Post poll scrutiny
No 464/INST-17 A/2023-EPS Dated: 10th June, 2023 to be followed
• Documents to be Scrutinized:
(a)Presiding Officers' diary
(b)Form 17-A (Register of Voters)
(c)Other related documents which include but not restricted to Micro Observers
Reports, visitor sheets, reports of zonal magistrates or sector officers, report of
Presiding Officer, still photography, videography recordings, CCTV and Webcasting
(d)If the number of blind/infirm voters voting at a Polling Station (Rule 40, Conduct
of Election Rules 1961) is more than 1% of the total no. of electors in that polling
station, scrutiny of Form 14A (list of blind/ infirm voters).

Returning Officer shall collect the information for each Polling Station in prescribed
scrutiny format
In case strong room locations are distributed in theconstituency, Observers shall decide, in advance in
consultation with the Returning Officer(s) or District Election Officer, to ensure presence of one of the
Observers at the time of opening and closing of strong room(s). The information should also be made available
to the contesting candidates or their election agents in advance.
Scrutiny to be taken up preferably at 11:00 A.M. on the day following the day of
Criteria for selection of Polling Stations for scrutiny:
any complaint of poll rigging, malpractices etc. was received
any significant event (EVM/VVPAT related or otherwise) was reported
poll took place in the absence of any polling agent or in the presence of the agent of
only one candidate.
the number of electors who cast their votes using documents other than EPIC (i.e.,
alternative documents specified by the Commission) exceeded 25% of the total votes
cast in that polling station.
more than 10% of such electors who had been identified as ASD turned up and voted.
polling percentage is plus 15% or minus 15% than the average polling percentage of
that AC.
there are at least 5 (five) tendered votes and challenged votes reported.
10% or more remarks column of Register of Voters (Form-17A) are blank and does
not indicate use of the EPIC/alternate document.
Micro Observer has submitted an adverse report.

Form 17-A and other documents are required to be transported, they shall be
transported under proper police escort along with Executive Magistrate. Candidates
and their representatives shall be allowed to follow.

where strong rooms are at the place different from the RO headquarters, are brought by the
ARO to RO headquarters in time for the scrutiny to be undertaken.
• After scrutiny, the Forms 17A and marked copies of electoral roll for each
polling station, other documents and material shall be re-sealed with the
seal of the Returning Officer.

• These sealed envelopes shall then be kept back in the strong room from
which they were taken out.

• Returning Officer and Observer shall make necessary recommendations as

per Annexure-II, to the Commission for repoll, if warranted and wherever
considered necessary, giving reasons polling station wise.
Recommendation of Retuning Officer for Re-poll after scrutiny
of Form 17A and other documents

No. and Name of Recommendatio In case of recommendation for Reasons for

the Assembly n of RO for Re- Re-poll Re- poll
Constituency poll(Yes / No)
Polling Station Name of
Number Polling

Returning Officer
Constituency Name/ Number

Recommendation of Observer
Are you ready?

1. What to check while you are receiving 17C?

2. Are data of test vote availabile in scrutiniy
3. What are the documents to be kept with EVM
in strong room?
4.How report of Micro observer will be collected?
5.What are the documents to be kept in scrutiny
cover by Pr.O?
6. Which packet out of 6 packets prescribed by
ECI is expected to be the bulkiest?
7.If some polling personnel report that
distingushing marks of their booth are not
working, what will you do?
8.If any Party checks CU and reports CLOCK
ERROR, what will you do?
9.If some parties ask for supplement 1, 2 and 3
for Electoral Roll, how would you guide them?
10.What is the change use of Pink Paper Seal
for VVPAT slips?
Brief Guidance for Polling personnel: P-1 day
D.C Decoding list Mobile no. registration Material collection &
Checking of EVMs & Statutory and non-Statutory items

Contact your Sector Officer & move to vehicle Cell

Go to the assigned Polling Station & Check PS number & BLO details

Send Safe Arrival Report (S.M.S: WB<>EL<>SAP)

Find the periphery of 100 meters around the Polling

Station for any campaign posters of political party and candidates.

Polling booth arrangement plan ( Signage )

Prepare and check different forms, write Booth no. & name on forms
Marked distinguish seal on forms and prepare of Voting Compartment as per ECI
Flow Chart for Poll Day
Hang of Important Documents before Starting of Mock Poll ( PS area / Form 7A,
EVM awareness poster / important Contact No. / Working Copy)

Polling Agent: Check and verify Appointment Letter

Start Mock Poll and prepare of Mock Poll certificate ,
Send Mock poll completed SMS: WB<>EL<>MP<>04 (No. of Polling Agents)

Sealing after Mock Poll & Start Actual Poll (SMS: WB<>EL<>PS)

After casting of last voter’s vote, close the CUs and sealing of CU & BU, Remove the
battery of VVPAT in front of the Polling Agent and seal carrying case of VVPAT with
address tag, take signature of Polling Agent

Prepare of statutory Forms and

Take necessary signature of Polling Agent on forms ( SMS: WB<>EL<>VT<>Total no. of vote polled)


Submit Polled EVMs (Type A+ Type B (if Any))

6 Packet( Statutory and Non Statutory)
Thank You

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