Linear Measurement

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Linear Measurement
• Measurement of perpendicular distance
Between two points or surfaces.
Designed either for line measurements or
end measurements
• Applies to measurement of length,
heights, diameters, thicknesses, radius
• Line measuring instruments consists of
series of accurately, spaced painted or
marked lines on them
Linear Measuring instruments
(A)Classification based on methods of measurement
• l. Direct measuring instruments.
• 2. Indirect measuring instruments.

• Measuring instruments can be further classified as :

(a)Graduated instruments. It includes rules, vemier
callipers, vernier height gauges, vernier depth
gauges, micromètres, dial indicators etc.
(b)Non-graduated instruments : It includes callipers,,
wire gauges, screw pitch gauges, radius gauges,
thickness gauges, slip gauges etc.
Graduated instruments
Non-graduated instruments

Wire gauges Screw pitch gauges

Linear Measuring instruments
(B) Classification based on the accuracy that can
be obtained

• l. Non-precision type instruments : It includes

steel rule, caliper, divider; depth gauge,
telescopic gauge etc.

• 2. Precision type instruments :It includes vernier

calliper, vernier height gauge, vernier depth
gauge, micrometer, slip gauges, etc.
Steel Rule
Least Count
• Capability of an instrument to measure minimum
distance accurately.
• It represent the accuracy of measurement
• Difference between the value of main scale division
and auxiliary scale division.
Least count of vernier instruments
 L.C. of vernier instruments also can be
calculated as
Least Count
Least Count

Least count of micrometer

Vernier calliper
Vernier principle : When two scales (main and auxiliary
scales) or division slightly different in size are used, the
difference between them can be utilized to enhance the
accuracy of measurement.
Construction :
Vernier calliper g
Errors in vernier calliper :

1. Errors due to play between the sliding jaw and

fixed scale bar.
2. Error due to wear and wrapping of jaws.
3. Errors due to incorrect observation of scale
4. Errors due to excessive force on moving jaw.
5. Error is also introduced if the line of
measurement does not coincide with the line of
the scale
Precautions to be taken in use of vernier calliper :

(1)No play should be there between sliding and fixed jaws. If

play exists then the accuracy of the vernier calliper will be
(2)The tips of measuring jaws should not be worn .
(3)Use the stationary jaw on reference point and obtain
measured point by sliding the movable jaws.
(4)The vernier calliper must always be properly balanced in
hand and held lightly the sliding jaw through
adjusting screw. Do not push the moving jaw, under
pressure, use adjusting screw for fine adjustment.
(5)In case of measuring an outside diameter, be sure that
calliper bar and the plane of Calliper jaws are truly
perpendicular to the work piece's longitudinal centre line.
Vernier height guage

Similar to a vernier calliper

except that the fixed jaw in this
case is replaced by a fixed base
which rests on a surface plate or
table when taking

Precautions to be taken in use of vernier height gauge

It should be tested for straightness, squareness, and parallelism
of working beam, measuring jaw and scriber.
base is clean and free from burrs.
Vernier depth gauge
• Useful device for magnifying small measurement
• Accurate screw and nut are used for measurement
• Micrometers works on the principle of screw and nut. The
screw is attached to a concentric cylinder or thimble the
circumference of which is divided into a number of equal
parts. A screw is turned through nut by one revolution, its
axial movement is equal to pitch of the thread of screw.


Types of
1. Outside micrometer
2. Inside micrometer
3. Vernier micrometer
4. Depth micrometer
5. Bench micrometer
6. Digital micrometer
7. Differential screw micrometer
8. Micrometer with dial gauge
9. Screw thread micrometer
Inside Micrometer

Depth Micrometer
Vernier micrometers
• In order to increase accuracy, the vernier principle also be
applied to outside micrometer
Main scale is graduated on the barrel with two sets of division marks. The
set below the reference line reads in mm and set above the line reads in 1/2
mm (0.5 mm).
Thimble scale is graduated on thimble with 50 equal divisions.
• Each small division of thimble represents 1/50 of minimum division of
main scale.
• Main scale minimum division value is ½ mm (0.5mm). Hence
division of thimble is equal to 0.5
50 = 0.01 mm
Vernier micrometers
• Vemier scale is marked on barrel. There are “l0 divisions
on barrel and this is equivalent to 9 divisions on the
• Hence division on vernier scale is equal to 9/10 that of
• But one division on thimble is equal to 0.01 mm.
Therefore, one division on vernier scale is equal ,to
Vernier micrometers
Telescopic gauge
• Indirect measuring device
• Used for measuring internal diameter of holes, slots and
grooves etc
• Consists of handle, two telescopic rods and locking
Slip gauges
Slip gauges
• Universally accepted end standard of length in industry.
• A rectangular block made up of high grade hardened steel.
• Independent of any subsequent variation in size or shape
• Carefully finished by high grade lapping to a high degree of
finish, flatness and accuracy

• The opposite faces are of

such a high degree of surface
finish so that when the blocks
are pressed together with a
slight twist by hand, they will
wring together. They will
remain firmly attached to
each other.
Slip gauges

• Wringing occurs due to molecular adhesion between a liquid

film (not more than 6 to 7 microns thick) and the mating
• This wringing process is used to build up desired dimensions
over a range of sizes in specific increments.
• The success of the wringing operation depends upon the
surface finish and flatness of the blocks used and absence of
dirt, grease, butts and scratches.
Slip gauges
Applications of slip gauges :
(l) They are used to check the accuracy of
verniers, micrometers and other measuring
(2)They are used to set the comparator to a specific
(3)They are used for direct precise measurement
where the accuracy of work piece is important.
(4)They are frequently used with sine bar to measure
angle of work piece.
(5)They can be used to check gap between parallel
Limit gauges
• Very widely used in industries.
• As there are two permissible limits of the dimension
of a part, high and low, two gauges are needed to
check each dimension of the part, one
corresponding the low limit of size and other to the
high limit of size of that dimension. These are
known as GO and NO-GO gauges.
• GO gauges check the Maximum Metal Limit
(MML) and NO-GO gauge checks the Minimum
Metal Limit (LML).
Limit gauges
• Taylor's Principle
• “On the ,Go, code of a limit gauge, all related dimensions
should be checked simultaneously, while on the 'Not-Go' side
each dimension is to be checked separately.”

• This means that the, “Go” gauge must have the ideal
theoretical form of its mating part and it should be used under
the condition of maximum impossibility.
• The "Not Go" gauge should ensure point contact with its
mating part so that any geometrical inaccuracy that exists
outside the limits of the dimensional tolerance can be
detected. It must therefore, be used under the condition of
maximum possibility.
Limit gauges
• The "Go" side of the limit
gauges should enter the
hole (or cavity) or just pass
over the shaft under the
weight of the gauge
without using any force.

• The "Not Go" side of the

gauge must not enter or
Limit gauges
• A part is considered to be good,
if the GO gauge passes through
or over the work and NO-GO
gauge fails to pass under the
action of its own weight. This
indicates that the actual
dimension of the part is within
the specified tolerance.
• If both the gauges fail to pass,
it indicates that hole is under
size or shaft is over size.
• If both the gauges pass, it
means that the hole is over size
or the shaft is under size.
Types of Limit gauges
According to the form of the tested surface :
(a) Plug gauges for checking holes.
(b) Snap and ring gauges for checking shafts.

According to their design :

(c) Single limit and double limit gauges,
(d) Single ended and double ended gauges,
(e) Fixed and adjustable gauges.
Types of Limit gauges

• According to their purposes

1.Workshop limit gauges to be used on the
machine for gauging the dimensions of the
components during production.
2.Inspection limit gauges to be used in the
inspection department for checking the
component after production.
3.Reference limit gauges to be used in the
metrology laboratory for reference proposes.
Limit gauges
Limit gauges
Limit gauges
Limit gauges
Limit gauges
 Classification  Gauges

 Steel rule, Ordinary caliper, etc,… • Slip Gauges

 Least Count • Telescopic Gauges

 Vernier Calipers and Micrometers • Limit Gauges, etc…

• Principle
• Construction and Working
• Reading of measured value
• Types
• Errors and precautions in
both instruments
Chapter 2
Part 1
Linear Measurement

Part 2
Angular Measurement

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