Troubleshoot Analog IO in PLC 5

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Troubleshooting Analog I/O Problems

Using RSLogix 5 Software

Lesson Objectives

After completing this lesson, you will be able to troubleshoot analog

I/O problems by performing the following tasks:
• Interpret block transfer status bits
• Troubleshoot an analog I/O problem
Analog I/O System Overview

Analog Signal: An infinitely variable voltage or current signal.

Analog I/O System: A system that provides the physical connection

between a PLC-5® processor and analog input and output devices that
produce and receive continuous signals.

Analog Input Device: An input device that produces an analog signal.

Analog I/O System Overview

The following are examples of analog input devices:

• Flow transducers
• Humidity transducers
• Potentiometers
• Pressure transducers
• Vibration transducers
• Temperature transducers
Analog I/O System Overview

Analog Input Module: A device that translates analog signals into

discrete data that can be interpreted by a PLC-5 processor.

Prior to entering an analog input module, an analog signal typically

passes through the following devices:
• Transducer: A device that converts one form of energy to another
(e.g., temperature into electrical signals).
• Transmitter: A device that sends data.
Analog I/O System Overview

Translation of the analog signal to discrete data is summarized in the

following graphic:

Analog PLC-5 Register/

Input Word Memory
Module Location

Continuous Signal from Analog Signal Is

Analog Input Device Transformed to
Digital Data
Analog I/O System Overview

The following graphic shows a typical connection of an analog input

Analog I/O System Overview

Analog Output Device: An output device that receives an analog


The following are examples of analog output devices:

• Analog valves
• Actuators
• Chart recorders
• Electric motor drives
• Analog meters
Analog I/O System Overview

Analog Output Module: A device that converts discrete data to analog

data and passes that data to field control devices.

Analog output modules are connected to analog output devices

through transducers.
Analog I/O System Overview
Conversion of discrete data to an analog signal is summarized in the
following graphic:

PLC-5 Register/ Analog

Word Memory Output
Location Module

Digital Data Continuous Signal

Converted to Analog to Analog Output
Signal Device
Analog I/O System Overview

The following graphic shows a typical connection of an analog output

Interpreting Block Transfer Status Bits

For review, PLC-5 processors transfer discrete I/O data and status
data using discrete data transfers. Discrete transfers allow the
processor to transfer up to eight words per rack, and they occur
automatically during the processor's input and output scans.

Block transfers are a special type of data transfer that require ladder
logic instructions. Block transfers allow processors to transfer up to
64 words of data between themselves and analog modules.

Block transfers also allow a processor in scanner mode to

transfer large blocks of data to and from a processor in
adapter mode.
Interpreting Block Transfer Status Bits

The following graphic shows a representation of discrete and block



System (Network)
Processor 1
Discrete Modules Analog

Data from
Key Input Devices Local I/O
Discrete Transfers System
Block Transfers

Machine/Process 1
Interpreting Block Transfer Status Bits

There are two block transfer instructions: BTR (block transfer read)
and BTW (block transfer write). The processor uses BTR and BTW
instructions as follows:
• BTW: When the rung goes true, the BTW instruction tells the
processor to write data stored in the data file to the specified
• BTR: When the rung goes true, the BTR instruction tells the
processor to read data from a specified address and store it in the
data file.

Important: Every analog module must have one BTR and one
BTW instruction assigned to it.
Example: BTR and BTW Instructions

An example of BTR and BTW instructions, used by a processor to

communicate with a 1771-IFE module (input analog module), is shown
in the following graphic.
Example: BTR and BTW Instructions

Note that the BTW instruction is used to send status and control
information to the module, while the BTR instruction is used to obtain
information from the module:
Example: BTR and BTW Instructions

ATTENTION: The processor runs block transfer

instructions asynchronously to the program scan. The
! status of these bits could change at any point in the
program scan.

If you examine these bits in ladder logic, copy the status

once to a storage bit whose status is synchronized with
the program scan; otherwise, timing problems may
invalidate your program with possible damage to
equipment and/or injury to personnel.
Block Transfer Instruction Components
The eight main components associated with BTR and BTW
instructions are defined as follows:

Component Description
Module Type The type of analog module.
Rack The rack number of the analog module.
Group The group number of the analog module.
Module The slot number (0-1) within the group.
The location in memory where information from the BTR or
BTW instruction is stored:
Control  With enhanced PLC-5 processors, this is a six-word block
block transfer control file (BT).
 With standard PLC-5 processors, this is an integer file (N)
with five words.
Block Transfer Instruction Components

The eight main components associated with BTR and BTW

instructions are defined as follows:

Component Description
The data file the information is transferred to (BTR) or is
Data File transferred from (BTW). Data files can be I, O, S, N, F, B,
Length The number of words to be transferred.
The data transfer method for the instruction:
 “Yes” indicates that once the rung containing the BTR or
BTW transitions from false-to-true, data flows
continuously until the CO bit is set and the rung goes
false, or until the BTR or BTW instruction is edited.
 “No” indicates that only one data transfer occurs per
false-to-true transition of the rung containing the BTR or
BTW instruction.
Block Transfer Instruction Components
The following status bits of BTR and BTW instructions are used in
troubleshooting analog I/O problems:

This Status
Is Set . . .
Bit . . .
When the rung goes true.

In non-continuous mode, the .EN bit remains set until the

.EN - Bit 15 block transfer finishes or fails and the rung goes false.
In continuous mode, the .EN bit remains set regardless of the
rung condition.
When the block transfer has been completed and the data is
.DN - Bit 13
The .DN bit is reset the next time the associated rung goes
from false to true.
When the processor detects that the block transfer has failed.
.ER - Bit 12 The .ER bit is reset the next time the associated rung goes
from false to true.
Block Transfer Instruction Components

Block transfer error codes for enhanced PLC-5 processors

are presented in the Block Transfer Error Codes for Enhanced
PLC-5 Processors appendix. This information also is available
via online help in RSLogix 5 software.
Analog I/O Diagnosis and Correction
If the problem is not erratic or intermittent, it is probably not noise-
related. Tabs 1A and 5 of the PLC-5 Processors Troubleshooting
Guide provide the initial diagnosis that a problem is related to analog

Is the system running Is the malfunctioning device controlled

but 1 or 2 devices Yes by a discrete output module?
appear to have failed? Refer to Appendix E


Is the malfunctioning device

controlled by a module Yes Troubleshooting
using block transfer? Analog I/O
Analog Input Testing
When troubleshooting a voltage-analog input, the analog device
should be disconnected, and a known (good) voltage source should be
Analog Output Testing
When troubleshooting a voltage-controlled analog output, the analog
device should be disconnected, and the voltage at the swing arm
terminals should be measured:
Analog Output Testing

When troubleshooting a current-controlled analog output, the analog

device should be disconnected, and the current at the swing arm
terminals should be measured:
Demonstration Time

Demonstration Visuals
Analog I/O Module Monitor Screen Example
Tab 1 - Getting Started
Tab 1A - Getting Started
Tab 5 - Analog I/O Problem (output)
Tab E1 - I/O Modules (analog)
Tab 5 - Analog I/O Problem (output)
Tab 9B - Analog I/O Problem (output)
Tab 9C - Analog I/O Problem (output)
Tab 9B - Analog I/O Problem (input)
Tab 7A - Analog I/O Problem (input)
Tab 9 - Analog I/O Problem (input)
Tab 9A - Analog I/O Problem (input)
Lab Time

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