Apply 3s PPT Night

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Unit of Competence: Apply 3S

Organize Junior Kaizen

Promotion Team





Seis Seiketsu
Definition of Sort

Remove all items from the workplace that are not

needed for current production or administrative
Keep“only what is needed, only in the amount
needed, and only when it is needed”.
Not necessary now,
Necessary but maybe in the Unnecessary
Benefits of sort activity
creates a work environment in which space, time, money, energy,
and other resources can be managed and used most effectively
Sorting can lead to a much safer workplace.
Procedure for Sort activity
Red Tag
Name of applicant: Date

Name of item: Quantity:

Part No.:


□1.Material □2. Part □3. Inventory in-process □4.Product
□5.Equipment/facilities □6.Cutting tool □7.Jig □8.Fixing

A: Reason for item of 1 to 4

□a. Miscalculation/mistakes in sales/production plan □b. Order cancellation
□c. Design/specification change □d. Design error
□e. Order error □f. Receipt error (Insufficient
□g. Machining error □h. Assembly error
□ i. Obsolescence, Long time storage □j. Others
B: Reason for item of 5 to 9
□k. Ageing □l. Out of order
□m. No longer applicable □n. Others
Disposal methods.

Treatment Description
Throw it Dispose of as scrap or incinerate items that are useless
away or unneeded for any purpose.
Sell Sell off to other companies items that are useless or
unneeded for any purpose.
Return Return items to the supply company.
Lend out Lend items to other sections of the company that can
use them on a temporary basis.
Distribute Distribute items to another part of the company on a
permanent basis.
Definition of set in order
Set in order means arranging necessary items so that they are easy to
use and labelling them so that anyone can find them and put them
Benefits of set in order
• Eliminates searching time waste,
• Eliminates waste due to difficulty in using items, and
• Eliminates waste due to difficulty in returning items.
• Eliminates the waste of unsafe condition
Procedure For Set-In-Order Activity

Set targets for Set-In-Order Activity

Decision of location, Storage, Indication method

Preparation of tools for Set-In-Order Activity

Decision of schedule and work allocation

Implementation of Set-In-Order
Signboard strategy: uses signboards to identify what, where, and
how many. The three main types of signboards are:

• Location indicators that show where items go.

• Item indicators that show what specific items go in those
• Amount indicators that show how many of these items
belong there.
Painting strategy: is a method for identifying locations
on floors and walkways.
Code of paints during set in order
 Working area ……………………………. White
 walking area ……………………………… yellow
 WIP product ……………………….. Blue
 unneeded item …………………………… Red
 Finished product ………………………… Green
Color-code strategy : is used to show clearly which parts, tools,
jigs and dies are to be used for which purpose.
Outlining strategy: Outlining simply means drawing outlines of jigs and
tools in their proper storage positions. When you want to return a tool, the
outline provides an additional indication of where it belongs.
Definition of Shine
The third pillar of 5S is shine. Shine means sweeping floors, wiping off
machinery and generally making sure that everything in the factory stays

n n
Fig. Workers shining machines. Fig. Workers shining the floor
Factories or workshops that do not implement the
shine pillar suffer the following types of problems:

Poor moral and inefficiency at work.

Unable to see or find defects in messy workplaces.
Slipping and injuries can be created due to puddles of
Frequent breakdown of machines due to insufficient
check-ups .
Procedures for Shine
Determine Shine Assignments
Workplace cleanliness is the responsibility of everyone who works
there. Each employee should be assigned specific area to clean. To do
this two methods can be used:
• A 5S Assignment Map – shows all the target areas for shine activity and
who is responsible for cleaning them. By marking on 5S Map, the shine
assignments can be shown.
• A 5S schedule – shows in detail who is responsible for cleaning which
areas on which days and times of the day. Then this schedule should be
posted in the work area.
Determine shine methods
Shine activities should be a natural part of the daily work. Shine activities
and inspection should be done before a shift starts, during work time and
at the end of the shift.
Determining shine methods include:
• Choosing targets and tools – define what will be cleaned in each
area and what supplies and equipment will be used.
• Performing the five-minute shine – cleaning should be practiced
daily and should not require a lot of time.
• Creating standards for shine procedures – people need to know what
procedures to follow in order to use their time efficiently.
Otherwise, they are likely to spend most of their time getting ready
to clean.
Job Requirements
A Job can be defined as:
 A piece of work, especially a specific task done as part of the routin
e of one's occupation or for an agreed price.

The basic requirements for a job remain the same no matter what the
job is, where it is located or what professional and educational
qualifications are required for it.
Discipline: Nothing is possible without discipline .
Discipline is absolutely indispensable and provides the impetus for
work that can be strenuous, repetitive, boring and even
unsatisfactory at times.

Enthusiasm: Enthusiasm for work is also a pre-requisite for any job.

An innate love for the job.

Qualifications: This is a more material, tactile need for a job

which can be conveyed through degrees and certificates
Soft Skills: Soft skills include those skills which ensure that a job is
executed well.

For example, good and smooth communication, computer

Work Instruction

Information about the work

 Describe what workers need to be able to do on the job.
 Work functions.
 Key activities of each work function.
 Describe what task to be done or work roles in a certain occupation.
Procedures vs. Work Instructions

Procedures describe a process, while a work instruction

describes how to perform the conversion itself.
Occupational safety and health (OSH) also commonly referred to
as occupational health and safety (OHS) or workplace health and
safety (WHS) is an area concerned with the safety, health and welfare of
people engaged in work or employment. The goals of occupational safety
and health programs include fostering a safe and healthy work
Workplace hazards
Although work provides many economic and other benefits, a wide
array of workplace hazards also present risks to the health and safety
of people at work.

These include "chemicals, physical factors, adverse ergonomic

conditions, a complex network of safety risks," and a broad range of
psychosocial risk factors.
Types of Hazards:

 Physical hazards are such as noise, heat/cold, radiation,

microwaves, etc.

 Chemical hazards are derived from chemical used in the work

place including toxic gases, noxious fumes and flammable/
corrosive liquids.
 Ergonomic hazards are related to physical dimensions of
equipment and accessibility of a storage area.

 Movement hazards are caused by a manual handling such as

lifting or moving loads and repetitive movement.
Occupational Health and Safety requirements
Fire fighting
Firefighting is the act of extinguishing fires. A firefighter fights fires to
prevent loss of life, and/or destruction of property and the environment.
First aid
-Start first aid or ask a First Aider to start first aid (stop any bleeding,
cover with a blanket, try to keep the person calm)
Protective clothing
Protective clothing is that protects the head, body and
consists of at least the following components :
Things you can do to minimize the risk:

 Know the first safety and emergency procedures.

 Make sure you know how to use firefighting equipment such as

fire extinguishers and fire blankets.

 Make sure you know where the firefighting equipment is kept.

 Don’t use water on oil, fat or electrical fires

 Get rid of rubbish which may cause a fire hazard.

Thank You

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