Apply 3s PPT Night
Apply 3s PPT Night
Apply 3s PPT Night
Seis Seiketsu
Definition of Sort
□1.Material □2. Part □3. Inventory in-process □4.Product
□5.Equipment/facilities □6.Cutting tool □7.Jig □8.Fixing
Treatment Description
Throw it Dispose of as scrap or incinerate items that are useless
away or unneeded for any purpose.
Sell Sell off to other companies items that are useless or
unneeded for any purpose.
Return Return items to the supply company.
Lend out Lend items to other sections of the company that can
use them on a temporary basis.
Distribute Distribute items to another part of the company on a
permanent basis.
Definition of set in order
Set in order means arranging necessary items so that they are easy to
use and labelling them so that anyone can find them and put them
Benefits of set in order
• Eliminates searching time waste,
• Eliminates waste due to difficulty in using items, and
• Eliminates waste due to difficulty in returning items.
• Eliminates the waste of unsafe condition
Procedure For Set-In-Order Activity
Implementation of Set-In-Order
Signboard strategy: uses signboards to identify what, where, and
how many. The three main types of signboards are:
n n
Fig. Workers shining machines. Fig. Workers shining the floor
Factories or workshops that do not implement the
shine pillar suffer the following types of problems:
The basic requirements for a job remain the same no matter what the
job is, where it is located or what professional and educational
qualifications are required for it.
Discipline: Nothing is possible without discipline .
Discipline is absolutely indispensable and provides the impetus for
work that can be strenuous, repetitive, boring and even
unsatisfactory at times.