WP Unit-1
WP Unit-1
WP Unit-1
• Unit-1:HTML,Dynamic html
• Unit-2:object model & collections, event
• Unit-3:java script, control structures
• Unit-4:client side scripting ,web servers
• Unit-5:server side scripting,CGI,XML
HTML: Markup languages, common tags,
header, test styling, linking images Formatting
text, Unordered lists, nested and ordered list,
Tabs-and formatting, Basic forms; Complex
forms linking, Meta Tags.
Dynamic HTML: Cascading style sheets in
line styles, style element External Style sheet,
text flow and Box model, user style sheets.
• Web page
• Browser
• Tag
• Structure of an html
• Text styles
• Image
• List
• lnks
◻ HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language.
◻ Syntax
<tag> content </tag>
Heading Tags
◻There are six levels of headings defined by
<h1 align=right>Hello World!</h1>
<h2>Hello World!</h2>
<h3>Hello World!</h3>
<h4 align=center>Hello World!</h4>
<h5>Hello World!</h5>
<h6>Hello World!</h6>
HTML Paragraph(<p>)
◻These tags help us to write paragraph
statements in a webpage
◻ Images are not technically inserted into a web page; images are linked
to web pages.
◻ href is an attribute which is used for giving the path of a file which you
want to link.
border pixels
cellpadding pixels or %
cellspacing pixels or %
width pixels or %
Table Example
<html> <tr>
<head></head> <td>Col1 data of rpw1</td>
<body> <td>Col2 data of rpw1</td>
<td>Col3 data of rpw1</td>
<table cellspacing=20 </tr>
cellpadding=10 border=2 <tr>
align=center <td>Col1 data of rpw2</td>
bgcolor="#00ab00"> <td>Col2 data of rpw2</td>
<tr> <td>Col3 data of rpw2</td>
<th>Col1 Heading</th> </tr>
<th>Col2 Heading</th> </body>
<th>Col3 Heading</th> </html>
HTMl List
◻ HTML Lists are used to specify lists of information.
◻ One of the most effective ways of structuring a web site is to use lists.
◻ Lists can be easily embedded easily in another list to provide a complex but readable
◻ The ordered list starts with <ol> tag and the list
items start with <li> tag.
◻ Example
🞑 <ol type=”1” | ”a” | “I” start=”n”>…..</ol>
Ordered List Example
<ol type="1">
unordered list(<ul>)
◻ In HTML Unordered list, all the list items are marked with bullets.
◻ The Unordered list starts with <ul> tag and list items start with the
<li> tag.
◻ This tag is used for basic unordered list which uses a bullet in front of
each tag, every thing between the tag is encapsulated within <li> tags.
Example of unordered List
Definition list.
◻ HTML Description list is also a list style which is supported by HTML
and XHTML.
◻ It is also known as definition list where entries are listed like a
dictionary or encyclopedia.
◻ <dl>….. </dl>
🞑 This tag is used for definitions
◻ <dt>…..</dt>
🞑 This is a sub tag of the <dl> tag called as definition term, which is used
for marking the items whose definition is provided in the next data
◻ <dd> ….</dd>
🞑 This is a sub tag of the <dt> tag, definition of the terms are enclosed
within these tags. The definition may include any text or block.
Example Definition List
<h2>HTML Definition List</h2>
<dd>A baked food made of flour.</dd>
<dd>A drink made from roasted coffee
◻ HTML forms are required if we want to collect some data from the user
◻ Syntax:
<form action = "Script URL" method = "GET|POST">
form elements like input, textarea, select etc.
🞑 action Backend script ready to process your passed data.
🞑 method Method to be used to upload data. The most frequently used are GET and
POST methods.
◻ The <form> element can contain one or more of the following form elements:
🞑 <input>,<textarea>,<button>,<select>,<option><label>
<input> Element
◻ The HTML <input> element is fundamental form sub element.
◻ We can apply different input filed to gather different information form user
◻ <input
et”|” hidden”|”image” name=“string” [value=“string”] [checked] [required]
[size=n] [maxlength=n] [align=“top”|”bottom”|”middle”|”left”|”right”]>
🞑 type Indicates the type of input control
🞑 name refers to name of the control
🞑 value indicates the value of control
🞑 checked refers Set to checked if you want to select it by default
Form Example
<html> Gender:
<head> <input type="radio" name=“gender"
<title>form</title> value="male">Male
</head> <input type="radio" name=“gender"
<body> value="female">Female<br>
<form> Known Languages :
First Name: <input type="checkbox" name="language"
<input type="text" name="firstname"><br> value="html">HTML
Last Name: <input type="checkbox" name="language"
<input type="text" name="lastname"><br> value="php">PHP
Password: <input type="checkbox" name="language"
<input type="password" name="pwd"><br> value="c">C<br>
Date of Birth <input type="submit"
<input type="date" name="dob"><br> value="submit"><br>
</html> </form>
<select> tag
◻ HTML <select> tag is used to create a drop down list with multiple
◻ The <option> element is nested within <select> tag for defining
options in a list.
◻ A style is simply a set of formatting instructions that can be applied to a piece of text.
◻ The selector is used to create a link between the rule and the HTML tag.
External Style Sheet
◻ Styles can be defined in external files called stylesheets(,css) which
can then be used in any document by including the style sheet via a
◻ Include the above saved external .css file in html document as part of
<head> section
1. <link rel=”StyleSheet” href=”URL” type=”text/css”
■ rel tells the browser what type of link we are using.
■ href is a hyper link to our style sheet
■ The type statement gives the relevant MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions)type
2. <style type=”text/css”>
<!- - @import
External Style Sheet
style.css External.html
------------------- ------------------------------------
body { <html>
background-color: blue; <head>
} <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
h1 {
color: red;
<h1>This is a heading</h1>
<p>This is a paragraph</p>
Box model
• In css,the term “box model” is used when talking about design &
• The css box model is essentially a box that wraps around every html
• It consists of :margin,borders,paddimg and the actual content
• The box model allows us to add a broder elements and to define space
b/w elements.
border:15px solid green;
<div>hi welcome to world</div>