Major Ingredients in Baking
Major Ingredients in Baking
Major Ingredients in Baking
Flour is a finely ground meal obtained by grinding and milling cereal grains
or other root crops.
Flour is most commonly made from wheat and when the word "flour" is used
without qualification, it usually implies wheat flour.
However, flour also can be made from many other grasses and non-grain
plants, such as rye, barley, maize (corn), rice, potatoes, and other foods.
Wheat contains protein. When mixed with water, these proteins form as
gluten. The more protein a flour has, the stronger the gluten strength.
A. Types of Flour
o contributes to
moisture content
o increase the o serves as food o acts as creaming
of baked products,
volume of the loaf for the yeast agent
increasing its
storing quality
Eggs are considered a complete protein, containing all the
essential amino acids humans use to build other proteins
needed by the body. Both the yolk and the egg white contain
protein, so whole eggs or their separated components may be
used to set liquids.
2. Eggs provide leavening; add color, texture, flavor and richness to the batter; and act as
stabilizer in mixture that inherently wants to separate into its two parts, like oil and water. They
are very important in helping to bind all the other ingredients together.
3. Beaten eggs are used as leavening agents as they incorporate air into the batter,
which will expand in the oven and cause the cake to rise.
c. Cream of tartar - is tartaric acid and is a fine white crystalline acid salt
which is a by-product of the wine-making industry. It is used in the whipping
of egg whites to stabilize them and allow them to reach maximum volume
2. Biological Leaveners. Yeast is a living
organism, neither plant nor animal. Yeasts belong
to a separate kingdom in taxonomy, the fungus
kingdom. Leavening with yeast is a process
based on fermentation, the process of converting
sugar to alcohol and to carbon dioxide.
Types of Yeast
Dry or granular
Compressed or cake type
Liquid ingredients provide moisture to rehydrate
and activate the yeast and bring together the flour
and any other dry ingredients to make the dough. It
also improves the formation of gluten strands
during the kneading of dough.
The following are some types of the
liquid ingredients used in baking:
• evaporated milk
• condensed milk
• skimmed milk
1. Flavoring
2. Vanilla
3. Salt
4. Spices (cloves, cinnamon, mace, nutmeg)
5. Wines
6. Coffee
7. Chocolate and Cocoa