Abhishek Singh Report

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01 02 03 04
Topics Content About About
Company Internship

05 06 07 08
Introduction Objective Process Conclusion
Technologies Private
limited ​
It is a business consulting and services company in
Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.

It is the Fintech and Consulting company on a

mission to enhance skills for students and provide
Analytical & Recruiting and consulting Solutions to

At Celebal Technology, we take pride in offering

investment and financial solutions to over 1000+
clients across the globe. Our comprehensive
services extend beyond traditional educational
avenues, as evidenced by the successful
placements of our students in various top-tier
Data Science Internship​
During the internship, I was afforded invaluable
opportunities for skill enhancement and learning
under the guidance of mentors and their content.
Their mentorship significantly facilitated my learning
journey, making the process of self-improvement
more accessible. The hands-on experience working
on a project on Sales Analysis was invaluable for
developing my practical data science skills. I learned
invaluable skills in Python programming, machine
learning, data visualization, and communicating data
insights. This experience not only honed my
analytical capabilities but also provided a
comprehensive understanding of the practical
application of data science skills within a real-world
The Diwali Sales Analysis dataset, capturing
valuable insights into the festival's sales trends.
This dataset compiles information from diverse
customers, including User_ID, Customer Name,
Product_ID, Gender, Age Group, Age, Marital
Status, State, Zone, Occupation, Product Category,
Orders, and Amount spent. This dataset provides a
rich source for exploring consumer behavior during
Diwali, shedding light on preferences, spending
patterns, and regional variations. As we delve into
the analysis, we aim to uncover meaningful
insights to inform business strategies and enhance
the overall customer experience during this festive

Overall Sales Performance Customer Segmentation Revenue Analysis Forecasting

 Analyze the total  Analyze the  Examine the  Use historical data
sales during the purchasing behavior distribution of to create sales
Diwali period. of different revenue across forecasts for the
 Compare the sales customer segments different customer upcoming Diwali
performance with during Diwali. groups, products, season.
previous periods or  Segment customers and regions.
Diwali seasons. based on
Data Data
Begin by removing
Begin by removing
redundancy  n parameters
Fine-tune the model
redundancy for better performance.
And ensuring data integrity. And ensuring data integrity.
 Consider feature selection or
Identify and eliminate Identify and eliminate
engineering based on model
duplicate duplicate insights.
or irrelevant entries to or irrelevant entries to
streamline streamline
the dataset. the dataset.

Data Exploratory Data

 Examine the structure of the dataset
Data Analysis Visualization
 Create visualizations to better
 Check for missing values and handle Conduct (EDA)
a thorough analysis understand the distribution of
them appropriately of the dataset to understand sales, orders, and other key
 Explore summary statistics to its structure and distribution. metrics.
 Explore relationships between
understand the distribution of Explore key statistics,
different features.
numerical features. visualizations, and  Use visualizations to identify
correlations to gain initial patterns and insights in the
insights into the world data.
population data.
Order Analysis
Products Investigate the relationship
Identify the products (Product_ID) between the number of orders and
that generated the highest sales the total sales amount.
(Amount) during Diwali. This Understanding the average order
information can help in value can help in setting pricing
understanding customer strategies and promotions.
preferences and tailoring
marketing strategies.

Customer Analysis Occupation Influence

Analyze the behavior of individual Explore how occupation affects
customers (User_ID and purchasing behavior. This can help
Cust_name) to identify loyal in tailoring marketing messages
customers or patterns in and offers to specific occupational
purchasing behavior. This groups.
information can be valuable for
customer retention strategies.

Abhishek Singh

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