Valuing and Appreciating The Uniqueness of Others

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Valuing and

Appreciating the
uniqueness of
Part of school learning is learning how to get along with
different kinds of classmates and others as well.
The teacher, whether teaching GMRC or other subjects,
has a major role to play as children observe and internalize what
they see in the teacher. S/he has to be a role model in her/his
intra and inter-personal relationship. S/he walks what s/he talks in
terms of the manners, virtues and values demonstrated.
Children are very observant and notice only difference
but more so how adults respond to and value these differences.
It is in this respect that the teacher should instill an
appreciation for diversity from the start.
Table of
A. Respect C. Tolerance
Latin word respectus which Understood as a necesarry
means attention, regard or component of a functioning
consideration. democracy and stable world
B. Courtesy and
Politeness D. Fairness
Courtesy a polite behavior Treating all people the same
that reflects good manners, and giving everyone fair
respect and kidness to chance.
● Is a basic moral value or need
that makes us aware that we
are human beings and is
related to productivity,
happiness and success.

● Treating people with respect

and dignity as an equal, not
someone below the
Respect comes in different
A. Respect for self- Ability to respect the self,to value and appreciate
B. Respect for others- The act of tolerating, accepting and considering
other person inspite of differences.
C. Respect for social Norms- Ability to respect all norms that govern
D. Respect for nature- Covers appreciation of the environment.
E. Respect for family- Being able to understand and respect each other
within the family
F. Respect for values- Ability to honor our own principles.
G. Respect for culture- Ability to recognize that there are other beliefs
and be able to respect them.
H. Respect for national symbols- Ability to value and appreciate the
symbol of nation.
I. Respect for human beings- Ability to comply with legal norms, respect
law, church dogmas and beliefs.
Indicators of ● You feel safe being around
each other
respect are ● You know it’s okay for you and

others to express who you are
● When you disagree, you listen
to each other and demonstrate
● You don’t yell or talk over the
top of each other
● You are not controlling other
person’s choices
● You can talk openly about your
needs and wants
● You allow your friends and
others the space they need
● You can admit to others if you
Respect is something that we
have made a mistake
need to learn, it doesn’t come
Covey the meaning of
respect by modeling and  Respectful rules can be
teaching it. Borba instilled at home and in the
(2002) suggest trying classroom.
this following tips:  Don’t engage when treated
 Treat children as a very important disrespectfully
person in the world, in the  Teach new behaviors to
classroom replace inappropriate ones
 Give love with no string attached  Encourage respectful
 Listen attentively and respectfully behavior through
 Build positive self-concept reinforcement of good being
 Parents need to tell their children done.
why they love and cherish them
as well as make their children
their priority
● It means avoiding sarcasm
and overbearing behavior.

● Behaving courteously and

politely can be a way of life
and not just be showcased
during special occasions or
Helpful tips to help teach our
children and learners courtesy
A. politeness:
You First- The parents is always the first and foremost teacher. When the
child is in school, the teacher becomes the second parent assuming the loco
parentis role.
B. Turn up the tolerance- When your child or learner observes that you
can tolerate and respect individual differences you clearly convey the
message that you accept diversity.
C. Read the signs- Help children learn how to read people’s emotional
D. Mind your manners- Please, thank you, good morning and good
afternoon greetings never go out of style.
E. Lend a helping hand- It’s good to encourage children to assist people,
especially those in need.
F. Lesson integration- The learning of a manner/ value can be integrated
in a lesson.

Tolerance is respect,
acceptance and appreciation
of the rich diversity of our
worlds culture, our forms of
expression and ways of
human… Tolerance is
harmony in difference

● Tolerance is a virtue. If we
want to be treated decently,
we need to treat them
decently as well.
The specific concepts of
tolerance that can be Age group: 8-14years
introduced, concretized • Peace is the goal; tolerance is
and internalized the method
according to the following • Tolerance is being open and
age groups include: receptive to the beauty of
Age group: 3-7 years differences
• We are all unique and have • Tolerance is respecting and
something valuable to offer appreciating the culture of
and share. Tolerance is others
accepting others and • Tolerance is mutual respect
appreciating differences. through manual understanding
• Tolerance is accepting • The seeds of intolerance are
myself, even when I make fear and ignorance
mistakes. Tolerance is • The seed of tolerance, love, is
accepting others even when watered by compassion and
they make mistakes. care
Age group: 12-14 years • To tolerate life’s
• Those who know how to inconveniences is to let
appreciate the good in go, be light, make
people and situations others light, and move
have tolerance on.
• Tolerance is an act of • Tolerance recognizes
humanity, which we must individuality and
nurture and erect each in diversity while
our lives everyday removing divisive
• Tolerance is the ability to masks and defusing
face difficult situations tension created by
Parents can try these
• steps:
Set a good example- Kids learn from observing your interactions
with others

• Expose your child to different cultures- The friendship your

child has can have lasting effect

• Bring the message home- When your child make insensitive

remarks, remind him/her of how s/he feels when s/he isn’t treated
well by friends.

• Treat your youngsters with respect- If the child feels good about
herself and is confident about her place in the world, she will be less
likely to be fearful of people who are different from her.
Teacher can create haven tolerance by engaging in
these steps:
• Let your bulletin board “speak”- The class bulletin board can display
positive messages encouraging diversity, tolerance, acceptance and
making your classroom a safe space.
• Acknowledge Learner and Teacher- Emotions. There are events in
life of the learner or the teacher which are emotionally charged
• Explain Terms and Concepts related to current events- Parents
and teacher can explain what the pandemic is all about and how people
can be kind to each other and not discriminate especially the frontliner
• Foster a sense of empathy in the classroom- Many teachers
consider, empathy as the antidote to bullying, and there’s data to back
that up
• Lead by Example- Time and time again by lead example is

Marked by impartiality and
honesty; conforming with the
established rules

● Fairness has to do with giving

everyone what he or she
needs and deserves.
4. Encourage a safe and secure
To make fairness atmosphere in which children
more feel free to express their
understandable for feelings and ask questions.
5. Praise fairness. Take a
young children the moment to recognize and
following strategies verbalize when your child is
1.can be
Have tried:
children brainstorm and acting out of fairness
play solutions such as trading 6. Make the idea of fairness
toys, sharing and playing concrete. Use images to
together inspire conversations about
2. Be attuned to children’s fairness
interactions and be ready to
respond immediately to
incidents of unfairness
3. Identify and point out fair and
unfair behaviors
Rodabaugh gave a
typology of learners’
perceived fairness which
include 3 components

A.International fairness
B.Procedural Fairness
C.Outcomes fairness
Teachers can benefit
by remembering these
steps on how to be
fair and ethical inside  Concern for students-
Students expect their
the classroom. teachers to care about them
Teachers ought to and their academic
show:  Integrity- Means being
consistent and truthful ad
 Impartiality- learners expect explaining your policies,
their teachers to treat everyone procedures and decisions and
in the class equally; that has no why they are necessary.
favorites.  Propriety- Means acting in a
 Respect- Respect involves socially acceptable manner
treating learners politely. that does not offend
students’ sensibilities.
Payusan, Anjory
Yee, Shirley

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