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Anthropology Topic II

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culture and social

By teacher Alma Avila
Evaluation criteria
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wisdom, and who knows, maybe a help in an activity, so be prepared
always 👀

Let’s try to build our knowledge with interesting topics so, remember,
anthropology is everywhere even in our daily lives, we’ll learn how to use
it. So, let’s have open mind.

Please upload your activities on time ⏰, all activities uploaded next day will
be ponderated with 80. Read the instructions and if you have any
questions feel free to ask via inbox or during class.

Respect is our main strenght so please respect others, your teacher and your
works, avoid sending activities that were copied and if it is needed, use
always references.
Evaluation criteria
ALL assigments must contain a front page, here’s an example of what is
requiered. Not uploading the front page will affect your grade, so pay
attention to the rubrics (front page costs 10 points of your grade so be
careful). Check the rubrics to know what is needed in each activity or

Be ready to explore this course!! Here we go!

Topic 2. History,
Theories and
Precursors in

commercial territories Mexican or Aztec, Mayan and Inca cultures

extensive compilation

the way these cultures lived

Fray Bernardino de Sahagún

Beginnings of anthropology
new political and commercial
territories carried out by the
Greeks, Romans, etc.

Fray Bernardino de
Constitute a valuable
contribution to the study of the
ancient history of your country
and laid, in turn, the basis for
many anthropological studies
Fray Bernardino de Sahagún
● He learned Nahuatl and spent
more than 50 years in the study
of Aztec beliefs, culture and
history. Though he was primarily
devoted to his missionary task,
his extraordinary work
documenting indigenous
worldview and culture has earned
him the title as “THE FIRST
contributed to the description of
Nahuatl, the imperial language of
the Aztec Empire. He translated
the Psalms, the Gospels, and a
catechism into Nahuatl.
Stages recognized in the development of
Description of other cultures
Search for scientific laws of Search for scientific laws of the
and reflection on the
evolution of societies and their functioning of societies, from
transformation of their
institutions divergent approaches

19th century, main

16th century, during 20th century, Talks about
representatives are
conquest in LATAM. functioning of culture.
Edward B. Tylor and Lewis
Documentation by Anthropology at
H. Morgan, considered as
religious orders. Ex. universities. Franz Boas
the emergence of
Bernardino de Sahagún, (US) and Radcliffe-Brown
anthropology as a formal
José de Acosta, Bartolomé and Bronislaw
science. Talked about
de las Casas and Vasco de Malinowski(UK).Cultural
unilineal evolution of
Quiroga. and social anthropology.
Anthropology theories through
Evolutionist school
societies shall pass through states of
to reach the highest level of development

European cities were consolidates due to the

country migration to the city

Edward B. Tylor, author of the first textbook of

general anthropology. He proposed to explain
the evolution of human societies by passing
through various stages to reach a developed or
superior stage. One of his contributions is the
concept of survival of the culture or survivals.
Primitive Society (1877) Edward
proposed the Evolution of mankind

savagery Barbarism
collection of wild agriculture and
food, promiscuity, Higher pottery, no incest
nomadic horde and formation of
savagery clans.
had utensils for
hunting and
Evolution of mankind

polygyny, and writing, civil
private proverty. government, and
Edward B. Tylor
● Also created the First concept of

● The complex whole which includes

knowledge, belief, art, morals,
law, custom, an any other
capabilities and habits acquired
by man as a member of society.
Anthropological Theories
Historical Functionalism
particularism Bronislaw Malinowski.
Every culture has distinctive society was organized as
process and past. societies a whole. Social cohesion
can share features, = society keeps
behaviors and have integrated.
different languages (franz)
Diffusionism Cultural evolution
determined by the amount
Cultures adopted of energy people put.
their elements by Contemporary civilizations.
imitation. Influence of the natural
Culture shared by environment with cultural
other. factors.
Ex. Egypt
Anthropological Theories

Culture and French

personality structuralism
Topics such as childhood Humans who lived in other
and sex education bring a parts of the world, the
significant influence on the languages ​they spoke and
development of the adult their forms of organization,
personality and allow us, are issues that became
through their study, access important to facilitate the
the knowledge of society possession of the new
according to each culture territories.
a. Proposes that each society is the result of the
characteristics of its own process. The concept of
Match cultural relativism arises by Franz Boas.

b. Independent creation is discarded and, in this sense,

1. Historical particularism the oldest cultures are the centers of origin.

2. Diffusionism c. Proposes that societies can be studied as the human

body, that is, through its organs (social institutions).
3. Functionalism
d. This current affirms that the individual is the product
4. Culture and personality of his beliefs and cultural expressions, and vice versa.
This current takes up Freud's ideas.
5. Neoevolutionism e. Maintains that the amount of energy and the
conditions of the natural environment influence cultural
6. French structuralism factors.

f. Affirms that, although there are shared characteristics

between cultures, there are differences that can be
known and interpreted in different ways.
Key words
ACTIVITY: In teams, match the
definitions with their names and
Man give a simple meaning of each.

otherness Ego


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