BGS Lecture 1 Law REVISED Student (4) - 1
BGS Lecture 1 Law REVISED Student (4) - 1
BGS Lecture 1 Law REVISED Student (4) - 1
03 1 Governance
N 3 & Society
Lecture 1:
Sem 1 AY 2020/21
Sandra O’Meally, JP
Today’s Topics
• Definition of Law
• Theories of Law (Natural/Positive)
• Origin of Law (UK, Caribbean, USA)
• Sources of Law
• Types of legal systems – Civil, Religious, Common
• Constitution
• Legislation
• Interpretation of legislation
• Common Law
• Precedent
Activity 1: Discussion
• “The law affects every aspect of our
lives; it governs our conduct from the
cradle to the grave and its influence
even extends from before our birth to
after our death.” (Keenan & Richie, Business Law)
• Examples?
Concept of law
Law is a Social Science
• Grows and develops with the growth and
development of society
Origin of Law - UK
• The English legal system is based on a huge
foundation of over 900 years of law practice in the
United Kingdom.
• This should mean that the legal rules and working law
must have gone through a great deal of changes.
However, this is not so.
• Since 1066, in the rule of King William I, the Anglo-
Saxons were free to follow the existing laws. It was
not until the 1200 in the rule of King Henry that a
centralized system of common law was established.
• This is the same ‘Common Law’ that very much
prevails in current times.
Sources of law - UK
• Over time, the term “Common Law” came to include these early
customs as well as legislative enactments and the judicial decisions
interpreting their application.
• The Common Law system became the law (custom, statutes and
judicial decisions) common to all of England.
• Legislation is a law or a set of laws that have been
passed by Parliament. The word is also used to
describe the act of making a new law.
• An example of legislation is the rule that bans the
use of plastic bags.
• Law impacts every stage of life.
• There are many definitions of law.
• Natural law occurs naturally based on human beings
inherent values of right and wrong while positive
laws are man-made.
• The constitution, legislation and common law are
popular sources of law.
• UK does not have a written constitution
• Common types of legal systems are civil law, religious
law and common law.
• Have a productive week