4 - Theory of Taylor and MR - Fayol
4 - Theory of Taylor and MR - Fayol
4 - Theory of Taylor and MR - Fayol
F.W. Taylor: “Management is the art of knowing what you want to do in the best
and cheapest way.” (an American Mechanical engineer, widely known for his methods
to improve Industrial efficiency.
Development of management thought by F W Taylor
• This varied experience gave him ample opportunity to have first hand knowledge
and intimate insight into the problems and attitude of workers and to explore
great possibilities for improving the qualities of management in the workplace.
Wherever he worked; he found a very ineffective use of employees,
unsystematic methods of work, utterly poor co-operation between management
and labour. He also observed gross inefficiency, waste, and widespread output
restriction among workers which he termed “systematic soldering.” (standard
wages for fixed hours)
Area of study by F W Taylor
• Separation of planning with doing (Workers will not plan, the supervisor/gang boss will do
• Job Analysis (the best way of doing job, reducing time and cost-Time, motion, fatigue
• Standardization –in terms of tools, time and period of work, working conditions
The basic principles of scientific management theory by Taylor, are adopting a scientific
approach to decision making. Even abandons the all unscientific approach from
managerial activities. These principles suggest the mantra think before doing.
An organization consists of two groups, i.e., ‘workers’ and ‘management.’ They must
create the ‘Give and Take’ relationship in the workplace. Therefore, Taylor emphasized
on Mental Revolution, which means a change of attitude of both groups based on this
principle. They should share their opinions and ideas with each other.
Development of management thought by F W
Employees should be properly trained and selected scientifically (hire good people,
trained people) and it is essential for each organization. For implementing this task,
Taylor arranged some techniques, for instance, work-study, time study, motion
study, fatigue study, and method study.
Development of management thought by F W
**Time & Motion study - Every task you do, except for thinking, requires some
movement. Whether it's typing code, plugging in a pressure washer or sketching
and building a plan, movement is key. It's why's the time & motion study is
applicable even in the modern environment. By analyzing how employees
operate, and the time they spend, a company can pinpoint where the problem is.
Removing inefficiencies increases the productivity of your staff.
• Mainly focused on the problems of the operating level rather than the emphasizing
on the management of organization.
• Trade unions were opposing as they believed that this was the new way of exploiting
Advantages of F W Taylor principles
2. Increased efficiency
• The real father of modern management theory is the French industrialist Henri Fayol.
• A successful industrialist, Fayol headed a steel and coal combine in France and
considered as the father of the universal process or operational management theory
Fayol identifies the following six major activities of any industrial or business
3- Financial (search for optimum use of capital) Security (safeguarding property and
2.Authority: This is the right to give orders which always carry responsibility
commensurate with its privileges.
Development of management thought by Henri
3- Discipline: It relies on respect for the rules, policies, and agreements that
govern an organization. Fayol ordains that discipline requires good superiors at all
4- Unity of command: This means that subordinates should receive orders from
one superior only, thus avoiding confusion and conflict.
5- Unity of direction: This means that there should be unity in the directions given
by a boss to his subordinates. There should not be any conflict in the directions
given by a boss.
Development of management thought by Henri
6- Subordination of individual interest of common good: According to this
principle, the needs of individuals and groups within an organization should not take
precedence over the needs of the organization as a whole.
9- Scalar chain: The relationship among all levels in the organizational hierarchy and exact
lines of authority should be unmistakably clear and usually followed at all times.
10- Order: Here Henry Fayol means that there should be a place for everything and
everyone, and everything and everyone should be in its place. This is essentially a principle of
organization in the arrangement of things and people. (place for Everything and everything on
its place)
11- Equity: Employees should be treated equitably in order to elicit loyalty and devotion from
them. (EEO Policy, equal treatment of employees, respect)
Development of management thought by Henri
12- Stability of tenure: Viewing unnecessary turnover to be both the cause and the
effect of bad management, Fayol points out its danger and costs.
14- Esprit De Corps: It means managers should create and foster among their
employees the morale, common spirit, sense of identification, feeling of pride,
loyalty, devotion, honor, solidarity, unity and cohesiveness with respect to their
organization or organizational department.