Principles of Management: Dr. Sanchayan Mukherjee
Principles of Management: Dr. Sanchayan Mukherjee
Principles of Management: Dr. Sanchayan Mukherjee
Management is an Art or
Science ?
Management is an art and science both.
According to the American Society of
Mechanical Engineers. Management is the
art and science of preparing, organizing and
directing human efforts to control the forces
and utilize the material of nature for the
benefit of men. "Thus, it has now been
accepted that management is an art as well
as science. It has the elements of both arts
and science. In the words of Dean Stanley,
"Management is a mixture of an art and
science - the present ratio is about 80% art
and 20% science."
Division of Work
According to Henry Fayol under division of work, "The worker
always on the same post, the manager always concerned with the
same matters, acquire an ability, sureness and accuracy which
increases their output. In other words, division of work means
specialization. According to this principle, a person is not capable
of doing all types of work. Each job and work should be assigned
to the specialist of his job. Division of work promotes efficiency
because it permits an organizational member to work in a limited
area reducing the scope of his responsibility. Fayol wanted the
division of work not only at factory but at management levels
According to Henry Fayol discipline means sincerity about the work and
enterprise, carrying out orders and instructions of superiors and to
have faith in the policies and programmes of the business enterprise, in
other sense, discipline in terms of obedience, application, energy and
respect to superior. However, Fayol does not advocate warning, fines,
suspension and dismissals of worker for maintaining discipline. These
punishments are rarely awarded. A well disciplined working force is
essential for improving the quality and quantity of the production.
Unity of Command
A subordinate should take order from only one boss and he should be
responsible and accountable to him. Further he claimed that if the unity
of command is violated, authority is undermined, discipline is in
danger, order is disturbed and stability is threatened. The violation of
this principle will face some serious consequences. In this way, the
principle of unity of command provides the enterprise disciplined,
stable and orderly existence. It creates harmonious relationship
between officers and subordinates, congenial atmosphere of work. It is
one of the Fayol's important essential principle of management.
Scalar chain
The scalar chain is a chain of supervisors from the highest to the lowest rank. It
should be short-circuited. An employee should feel the necessity to contact his
superior through the scalar chain. The authority and responsibility is
communicated through this scalar chain. Fayol defines scalar chain as "the
chain of superiors ranging from the ultimate authority to the lowest rank." The
flow of information between management and workers is a must. So we must
make direct contact with the concerned employee. Business problems need
immediate solution, so we cannot always depend on the established scalar
chain. It requires that direct contact should be established.
According to Fayol there should be proper, systematic and orderly arrangement
of physical and social factors, such as land, raw materials, tools and equipment
and employees respectively. As per view, there should be safe, appropriate and
specific place for every article and every place is to be used effectively for a
particular activity and commodity. In other words, every piece of land and every
article should be used properly, economically and in the best possible way.
Selection and appointment of the most suitable person to every job is a
prerequisite. There should be specific place for every one and every one should
have specific place. This principle also stresses scientific selection and
appointment of employees on every job.
The principle of equality should be followed and applicable at every
level of management. There should not be any discrimination as
regards caste, sex and religion. An effective management always
accords sympathetic and human treatment. The management should
be kind, honest and impartial with the employees. In other words,
kindness and justice should be exercised by management in dealing
with their subordinates. This will create loyalty and devotion among
the employees. Thus, workers should be treated at par at every level.
Under this principle, the successful management provides an
opportunity to its employees to suggest their new ideas, experiences
and more convenient methods of work. The employees, who has been
working on the specific job since long, discover now better alternative
approach and technique of work. It will be more useful, if initiative to do
so is provided to employees. In simple, to ensure success, plans should
be well formulated before they are implemented.
Hawthorne Experiments
The term gets its name from a factory called the Hawthorne
Works. The Hawthorne experiments were groundbreaking
studies in human relations that were conducted between
1924 and 1932 at Western Electric Company's Hawthorne
Works in Chicago. Originally designed as illumination studies
to determine the relationship between lighting and
productivity, the initial tests were sponsored by the National
Research Council (NRC) of the National Academy of
Sciences. In 1927 a research team from the Harvard
Business School was invited to join the studies after the
illumination tests drew unanticipated results. Two additional
series of tests, the relay-assembly tests and the bank-wiring
tests, followed the illumination tests. The studies assumed
the label Hawthorne experiments or studies from the
location of the Western Electric plant. Concluded by 1932,
the Hawthorne studies, with emphasis on a new
interpretation of group behaviour, were the basis for the
school of human relations.
Conclusions of Hawthorne
Criticism of Hawthorne
Functions of Managers
Seek and receive information; scan
periodicals and reports; maintain personal
contact with stakeholders.
Disturbance handler
Resource allocator
Managerial Ethics
Ethics are the moral codes that govern behaviour of a person or group of
people regarding what is right and wrong. These moral codes revolve around
established values and principles and may not be the same from culture to
culture. Ethics point the way to a particular course of action defining acceptable
behaviours and choices. Managerial ethics are a set of standards that dictate
the conduct of a manager operating within a workplace.
There are no legal rules or laws that are directed specifically at managers.
Instead, an ethics code is assembled by a company to guide its managers. Such
a code of conduct typically references shared values, principles and company
policies about basic conduct and outlines the duties a manager has to his
employees, the company and the company's stakeholders. Although not
enforceable by law, managers who consistently ignore certain company ethics
may be asked to step down, be moved into another position or fired.
Managerial ethics usually address two separate areas: principles and policies.
Principle-based ethics outline what is considered fair and ethical in the scope of
the workplace and might include information about departmental boundaries or
use of company equipment. Policy-based managerial ethics refer to conflicts of
interest, the right response to gifts from vendors or business partners, or the
handling of proprietary information.
Managerial Ethics
The need to reference managerial ethics arises when a conflict of
values is presented. Enron is a perfect example of a violation of
managerial ethics. Although it was not illegal for Enron's executive
managers to encourage employees to purchase shares of company
stock the managers knew would drop in value once Enron's financial
trouble was revealed, it was clearly a violation of ethical standards
the managers where bound to regarding the treatment and protection
of employees. Acting in their own interests, the executives violated
basic managerial ethics.
Managerial ethics help to guide decision making and regulate
internal and external behaviour. Ethical dilemmas typically arise from
a conflict between an individual or group and the company, division or
department as a whole. Companies establishing a set of values and
norms that are acknowledged by managers and consistently
referenced during the work day have created an ethical platform by
which managers can operate and make decisions. Training managers
on the specifics of managerial ethics by role play, case study and
group discussion may set the stage for ethical behaviour.