Angela Unit3 Lesson1
Angela Unit3 Lesson1
Angela Unit3 Lesson1
materials are:
TEXTBOOK-Is a book containing a
comprehensive compilation of content in a
branch of study.
1.Diorama- It will make the classroom to be creative
and innovative.
• 2.Nature Table - This is a table that contains
objects and/or scenes related to the current season, or
upcoming festival or a symbol of an ecosystem.
3.Writing board-.Writing Board A writing board can display
information written with chalk (chalkboard or blackboard) or
special pens (white board).
4. Flip chart-It is large tablet or pad
of paper, usually on a tripod or stand.
5.Zigzag board-It is a multi-board series of
three or four rectangular boards.
6.Wall Display-Displaying items on a classroom wall
is a well-known, tried and tested educational method.
7.Role and pole display board-This board
consists of two parallel, horizontal poles tied loosely together with
rope. Visual aids such as posters can be pinned to the rope
materials have a
several roles in
teaching and
learning which
include the following:
Instructional materials have a several roles in
teaching and learning which include the