Cooks Theorem

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Cooks Theorem

The Foundation of NP-Completeness

Theoretical Foundations
An alphabet 7={s1,s2, ,sk} is a set of symbols The set 7* is the set of all strings created using the symbols of 7. A problem is a subset X7* An algorithm A solves X, if given any string x7* A accepts x if and only if xX.

Decision Problems & Algorithms

Decision Problems are Set-Membership Problems The sets are all assumed to be sets of strings Deterministic Algorithms Accept or Reject strings Non-Deterministic Algorithms Accept strings, but generally do not Reject strings

The Elements of NP
A problem X is an element of NP if there is a non-deterministic polynomial-time algorithm that solves X. All algorithms can be represented as Turing Machines Therefore, each XNP has a NonDeterministic Turing Machine MX that accepts the elements of X in polynomial time

What The Theorem Must Do

Given a problem X, and a string x7*, create a Boolean expression in polynomial time The Boolean expression must be in CNF form The Boolean expression must be satisfiable if and only if xX We can make use of MX and the polynomial time bound p(n) of MX.

The Structure of MX I
Any Turing Machine has a State Diagram, and a tape The tape is assumed to be a linear set of squares, each containing a symbol There is a blank symbol b, that occupies any un-accessed squares of the tape The tape extends indefinitely in both directions

The Structure of MX II
The strings to be processed by MX are formed from the symbols from the set 7 The symbols of 7 may appear on the tape There may be additional tape-only symbols, taken from the set + The blank b7 and b+.

The Structure of MX III

The set of states is Q There are three distinguished states of Q, q0, qy and qn. (qn is not strictly required.) When MX is in state qy or qn, it is halted and no more transitions are possible. q0 is the start state

The Structure of MX IV
The set H determines the legal transitions The set of tape symbols T=7+{b}v HQvTvQvTv{L,R} If (qi,sj,qk,sl,L)H, then when MX is in state qi and scanning symbol sj on its tape, then it is legal for M to write sl into the current tape square, move one square to the left, and enter state qk

The Structure of MX V
More than one element of H might apply in a given configuration The machine starts in state q0 with the string x to be recognized on the tape. The read-write head is scanning the leftmost symbol of x (square 1) and blanks appear to the left and to the right of x.

The Structure of MX VI
Each application of an element of H counts as one unit of time and is called a transition To accept x, it must be possible for MX to enter state qy in no more than p(n) transitions, where n is the length of x. It is not necessary for MX to enter qn to reject x.

Starting Position
Read-Write Head

... b b b b b b b b b x1 x2 x3 ... xn b b b ... ... -1 0 1 2 3 ... n ...

Square Number

Input String

The Transform
The accepting sequence of the machine MX must be modeled in CNF clauses First it is necessary to define the a number of variables representing conditions in MX Then it is necessary to define clauses to represent the legal accepting sequences of MX

The Variables
Q[i,qk] where i runs from 0 to p(n) and qk runs through all states of MX H[i,j] where I runs from 0 to p(n) and j runs from -p(n) through p(n)+1 S[i,j,sk] where i runs from 0 to p(n), j runs from -p(n) through p(n)+1, and sk runs through all symbols of T (tape symbols)

The Meaning of the Variables

Q[i,qj] means that at time i, MX is in state qj H[i,j] means that at time i, MX is scanning tape square j. Note that in p(n) transitions, the read-write head can move at most distance p(n) from its starting point. S[i,j,sk] means that at time I, the contents of tape square j is sk.

Clause Groups
G1 - Guarantee that at each time i, MX is in one and only one state G2 - Guarantee that at each time i, MX is scanning one and only one tape square G3 - Guarantee that at each time i, there is one and only one symbol in each tape square of the used tape

Clause Groups II
G4 - Guarantee that the machine starts in q0 with x properly positioned on the tape and the read-write head properly positioned. G5 - Guarantee that by time p(n) MX has entered qy. G6 - Guarantee that the transitions are applied properly.

Group G1
For each time i, add the clause {Q[i,q1],Q[i,q2], , Q[i,qt]} where t is the number of states in Q. For each time i, add the set of clauses {Q[i,qk],Q[i,qj]} where k and j, taken together run through all pairs of states of Q. If Q has t states then t(t+1)/2 clauses are required for each time i.

G1 Clause Meanings
The first part guarantees that at each time i, MX is in at least one state. The second part (with the paired barred variables) guarantees that MX is not in more than one state at time i. The time i runs from 0 through p(n)

Group G2
For each time i, add the clause: {H[i,-p(n)],H[i,-p(n)+1],,H[i,p(n)+1]} For each time i, let j and k run through all possible pairs of tape squares from -p(n) to p(n)+1. For each pair (j,k), and each time i, add the clause {H[i,j],H[i,k]}.

G2 Clause Meanings
The first clause says that MX must be scanning at least one tape square at every time i. The second set of clauses says that MX cannot be scanning more than one tape square at any given time i.

Group G3
Let i run through all times from 0 to p(n) and j run through all tape squares from -p(n) through p(n)+1. (There are p(n)*2(p(n)+1) combinations. For each (i,j) add {S[i,j,s0],S[i,j,s1], ,S[i,j,sk]}, where s0,s1, ,sk run through all tape symbols in T.

Group G3 Continued
Let l and m run through all pairs of tape symbols. If there are k tape symbols, then there are k(k+1)/2 pairs. For each combination (i,j) and each pair (l,m), add the following clause {S[ i,j,l],S[i,j,m]}

G3 Clause Meanings
G3 Clauses model the behavior of the tape The first set of clauses guarantees that at any time i, each tape square contains at least one tape symbol. We are concerned only about squares numbered from -p(n) through p(n)+1. The second set of clauses guarantees that at any time i, no tape square contains more than one tape symbol.

Group G4
Add {Q[0,q0]} Add {H[0,1]} Add {S[0,1,x1]}, {S[0,1,x2]}, ,{S[0,n,xn]} Add {S[0,0,b]} Add {S[0,n+1,b]}, {S[0,n+2,b]}, , {S[0,p(n)+1,b]} Add {S[0,-1,b]}, {S[0,-2,b]}, , {S[0,-p(n),b]}

G4 Clause Meanings
The first clause guarantees we start in state 0. The second clause guarantees the read-write head starts with square 1. The next set of clauses guarantees that the input string is on the tape in the correct position at time 0. The final sets of clauses guarantee that at time 0, the rest of the tape is blank.

Group G5
Add {Q[p(n),qy]} Once we enter state qy, no further transitions are allowed. This clause guarantees that we have entered state qy either at some time prior to p(n) or at time p(n). Entering qy causes MX to accept its input.

Group G6
Let (qa,sb,qc,sd,e) be an element of H, where e is an element of {L,R}. We need to model the following logical statement in CNF form:
If the current time is i and MX is in state qa and MX is scanning tape square j and tape square j contains symbol sb, then at time I+1, MX will be in state qb, tape square j will contain sd and MX will be scanning either square j+1 or j-1 depending on e.

Group G6 Continued
If P then Q is logically equivalent to ~P OR Q. Assume e=L, then using the variables we get: ~(Q[i,qa] AND H[i,j] AND S[i,j,sb]) OR (Q[i+1,qb] AND H[i+1,j+1] AND S[i+1,j,sd]) For e=R, ~(Q[i,qa] AND H[i,j] AND S[i,j,sb]) OR (Q[i+1,qb] AND H[i+1,j-1] AND S[i+1,j,sd])

Deriving CNF Form

~(Q[i,qa] AND H[i,j] AND S[i,j,sb]) OR (Q[i+1,qb] AND H[i+1,j+1] AND S[i+1,j,sd]) DeMorgans Law: (Q[i,qa] OR H[i,j] OR S[i,j,sb]) OR (Q[i+1,qb] AND H[i+1,j+1] AND S[i+1,j,sd]) Apply Distributive Law to obtain Three Clauses

Final Group
e=L {Q[i,qa], H[i,j], S[i,j,sb], Q[i+1,qb]} {Q[i,qa], H[i,j], S[i,j,sb], H[i+1,j+1]} {Q[i,qa], H[i,j], S[i,j,sb], S[i+1,j,sd]} e=R {Q[i,qa], H[i,j], S[i,j,sb], Q[i+1,qb]} {Q[i,qa], H[i,j], S[i,j,sb], H[i+1,j-1]} {Q[i,qa], H[i,j], S[i,j,sb], S[i+1,j,sd]}

G6 The Final Step

For each element of H, add one three-clause group for each combination of time i, and tape square j. For each element of H, we generate 3*p(n)*2(p(n)+1) clauses.

The final Boolean Expression is E=G1G2G3G4G5G6 E is satisfiable if and only if MX accepts x=x1x2x3xn E can be constructed from MX and x in polynomial time.

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