Indian System of Medicine

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Indian Systems of

The major systems of medicines that are used alternatively are
as follows:
• 1) Ayurvedic system
• 2) Unani system
• 3) Siddha system
• 4) Homeopathic system
Ayurveda System of
 Ayurvedic medicine system was established by the Hindus in

 Vedic period

 Rig Veda (the oldest Veda) has drugs and diseases

mentioned in it . Atharva Veda (the fourth Veda) has
ideologies for maintaining health and the medicinal effects of
health mentioned in it.

 History : History of Ayurveda goes back to different vedas or

classical books main contributors include Charak and Sushrut.
Basic Principle :
 Vital energy called ‘Prana’ which activates body and mind

 Ayurveda believes in different theories mainly five element

 Five Elements (Panch mahabhuta)

1) Akasha: It denotes the spaces within the body, i.e., mout
abdomen, etc.
2) Vayu: It denotes the muscular movement.
3) Tejas or Agni: It denotes the functions of enzymes, i.e.,
digestion, and metabolism.
4) Apa orJala:It denotes the body fluids, i.e., plasma, saliva,

 It is believed that all the processes occurring within a body are

governed by a balance of the 3 types of doshas.

1) Vata: It is composed of air and space.

It activates the nervous system, hearing, and
speech, and expresses them in the form of enthusiasm and
Vata also controls pitta and kapha (other two

2) Pitta: It is composed of fire and water.

All heat, metabolism, and transformation within the
mind and body are controlled by pitta.
Anger, criticism, ulcers, rashes, and thinning hair
result from too much pitta.
3)Kapha: It is composed of earth and water
It cements the elements in the body,
providing the material for physical structure.
It cause s joint lubrication, provides moisture
to the skin, helps in wound healing, fills the spaces in body,
provides biological strength, vigour and stability, supports
memory retention, provides energy to heart and lungs, and
maintains immunity.
It is also expressed in tendencies toward
calmness, forgiveness, and love.
Lethargy, weight gain, congestion, and
allergies result due to too much kapha.
 Imbalance that occurs in doshas and their progression towards
a disease is termed Samprapti (pathogenesis). A complete
knowledge related to diseases help in their early detection
before they progress in other stages.

 The curative treatment consists of Aushadhi (drugs), Ahara (diet) and Vihara
(life style).

 Ayurveda largely uses plants as raw materials for the manufacture of drugs,
though materials of animal and marine origin, metals and minerals are also
Diagnosis:- Nadi(pulse), Mootra(urine), Mala(stool),
Jihva(tongue), Shabda(speech), Sparsha(touch),
Druk(vision), Aakruti(appearance)

Ayurvedic dosage forms:-

a)Solid dosage forms: Vatika, gutika

b)Semisolid dosage forms: Kalka, Aveleha
c)Liquid dosage forms: Arista, Asava, Taila
d)Powder dosage forms: Churna
Siddha System of Medicine
 Siddha medicine system was found by the Dravidian ,
culture of the pre -Vedic period.

 It is the oldest medicine system, which utilizes drugs

obtained from vegetables.

 Siddha medicine system deals with the human body as

well as with the inner soul.

 This medication system should not be used for earning

money as it is a divine art based on truth.
Basic Principles

 The universe is made up of matter and energy (two essential entities).

 Matter cannot exist without energy in-built in it and vice versa. Matter and energy
co-exist and cannot be separated.

 The Siddha system of Medicine emphasizes on the patient, environment, age, sex,
race, habits, mental frame work, habitat, diet, appetite, physical condition,
physiological constitution of the diseases for its treatment which is individualistic
in nature.

 Diagnosis of diseases are done through examination of pulse, urine, eyes, study of
voice, Colour of body, tongue and status of the digestion of individual patients
 System has unique treasure for the conversion of metals and minerals as drugs
and many infective diseases are treated with the medicines containing specially
processed mercury, silver, arsenic, lead and sulphur without any side effects.

 Siddha system is very effective therapy in treatment of Psoriasis, Rheumatic

disorders, Chronic liver disorders, Benign prostate hypertrophy, bleeding piles,
peptic ulcer including various kinds of Dermatological disorders of non-
psoriatic nature.
Unani System of Medicine
 Treatment in Unani consists of three components namely preventive,
promotive and curative.

 Unani system of Medicine has been found to be efficacious in conditions

like Rheumatoid Arthritis, Jaundice, Nervous Debility, and Skin Diseases
like Vitiligo & Eczema, Sinusitis and Bronchial Asthma.

 For the prevention of disease and promotion of health, the Unani System
emphasizes six essentials (Asbab-e-Sitta Zarooria):-
(a) Pure air
(b) Food and water
(c) Physical movement and rest
(d) Psychic movement and rest
(e) Sleep and wakefulness
(f) Retention of useful materials and evacuation of waste materials from the
 There are four forms of treatment in Unani medicine- Ilaj bid
Dawa (Pharmacotherapy), Ilaj bil Ghiza (Deitotherapy), Ilaj Bid
Tadbir (Regimenal Therapy) and Ilaj bil Jarahat (Surgery).
 Unani medicine is a system of alternative medicine that
originated in ancient Greece but is now practiced primarily in
 Involving the use of herbal remedies, dietary practices, and
alternative therapies, Unani medicine addresses the prevention
and treatment of disease. According to practitioners of Unani
medicine, achieving a balance of the bodily fluids known as "the
four humors" (blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile) is
essential to health.
Homeopathy System of
 Homeopathy is also known as homeopathic medicine and was developed in
Germany more than 200 years ago.

 Homeopathic medicine relies on the principle of Similia

Similibus Curentur, i.e., like cures like.

 Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (a German physician) is the founder

of this medicine system which is a complete healing system.

 Homeopathic treatments are highly individualized, and there is no uniform

prescribing standard for homeopathic practitioners
 Their body, mind, spirit and emotions are all considered in the management
and prevention of disease.

 Taking all these factors into account a homeopath will select the most
appropriate medicine. Homeopathic medicine based on the individual’s
specific symptoms and personal level of health to stimulate their own healing

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