Unit 15 - 03,04 - Energy Resources
Unit 15 - 03,04 - Energy Resources
Unit 15 - 03,04 - Energy Resources
At which points does the pendulum
have gravitational potential energy?
At Points A and C
•non-renewable energy
Energy resources cannot be
Resources replaced once they are
all used up
Non- •renewable energy
renewable resources can be
energy replaced, and will not
resources run out
Non-renewable energy: FOSSIL FUELS
Fossil fuels were formed over
millions of years, from the remains
of dead organisms:
•coal was formed from dead trees
and other plant material
•crude oil and gas were formed
from dead marine organisms
•Fossil fuels took a very long time to form and we are using them up faster
than they can be replaced.
•Once they have all been used up, they cannot be replaced. Fossil fuels are
therefore finite resources.
•They are no longer being made or are being made extremely slowly.
Advantages Disadvantages
nuclear waste remains dangerously
do not produce greenhouse
radioactive and harmful to health
gases like carbon dioxide or
for thousands of years. It must be
sulfur dioxide.
stored safely.
Energy transfers in a nuclear
power plant
Heat It
energy is
energy is transfers The Finally,
used from The steam
transferre its kinetic kinetic the
the is moving
d to the energy to energy is generator
reaction really fast
water, the transferre converts
of the so it has a
which turbines d from the kinetic
nuclear lot of
heats up which turbine to energy to
fuels, and kinetic
and turns start to the electrical
heat energy.
into rotate generator. energy.
energy is
steam. really fast.
How does it work?
Advantages Disadvantages
•no fuel costs
•no harmful polluting gases are •Solar cells are expensive and
produced. inefficient, so the cost of their
•provide electricity in remote electricity is high.
•Solar cells do not work at night
locations where there is no
mains electricity. and not as well when it is cloudy.
Advantages Disadvantages
•Wind is a renewable energy •Wind farms are noisy and may
resource. There are no fuel spoil the view for people living
costs and no harmful near them.
polluting gases are •The amount of electricity
produced. generated depends on the
strength of the wind. If there is no
wind, there is no electricity.
WATER ENERGY Like the wind, water
can be used to drive
turbines directly.
How does it work?
Waves: The water in the sea rises and falls because of waves on the surface. Wave
machines use the kinetic energy in this movement to drive electricity generators.
Hydroelectric power: Like tidal barrages, hydroelectric power stations use the kinetic
energy in moving water. But the water usually comes from behind a dam built across a river
valley. The water high up behind the dam has a lot of gravitational potential energy. This
is transferred to kinetic energy as the water rushes down through tubes inside the dam. The
moving water drives electrical generators, which may be built inside the dam.
Advantages Disadvantages
•Dams destroy the habitats of estuary
•no fuel costs species, including wading birds.
•no harmful polluting gases are •Dams flood farmland and push people
produced. from their homes.
•very reliable and can be easily •The rotting vegetation underwater
switched on. releases methane, which is a greenhouse