Simple Interest and Compound Interest Main (3) - 1
Simple Interest and Compound Interest Main (3) - 1
Simple Interest and Compound Interest Main (3) - 1
Principal Rough Work
Rate of Interest Rough Work
Number of Years Rough Work
Amount Rough Work
Principal, Rate of Interest, Number of Years, Amount
Principal Rate of Interest Interest after 1 Interest after 2 Amount after 3
( Simple Interest ) years years years
100 10%
5000 2%
3000 3%
8000 5%
6000 7%
9000 10%
12000 13%
15000 5%
8000 9%
2000 7%
K 2%
Z 10%
H 12%
2M 5%
Principal Rate of Interest Interest after 1 Interest after 2 Amount after 3
( Simple Interest ) years years years
100 10%
5000 2%
3000 3%
8000 5%
6000 7%
9000 10%
12000 13%
15000 5%
8000 9%
2000 7%
K 2%
Z 10%
H 12%
2M 5%
Principal Amount after 3 Rate of Interest Interest after 1 Interest after 2
years year years
10000 13000
5000 5150
7000 9170
5000 5750
8000 8960
2300 2369
1250 1625
Principal Amount after 3 Rate of Interest Interest after 1 Interest after 2
years year years
10000 13000
5000 5150
7000 9170
5000 5750
8000 8960
2300 2369
1250 1625
Principal Amount after 3 Rate of Interest Amount after 5 Amount after 10
years years years
10000 13000
5000 5150
7000 9170
5000 5750
8000 8960
2300 2369
1250 1625
Principal Amount after 3 Rate of Interest Amount after 5 Amount after 10
years years years
10000 13000
5000 5150
7000 9170
5000 5750
8000 8960
2300 2369
1250 1625
New Type: Rough Work
A sum of money amounts to Rs. 5250 in 1 year at
simple interest and to Rs. 5750 in 3 years at
simple interest.
1) Principal
2) Rate of Interest
3) Amount after 5 years
Amount after 1 Amount after 3 Rate of Interest Principal Amount after 5
year years years
7140 7420
8400 9200
10560 12480
12840 14520
6630 6890
1.1M 1.3M
12000 16000
Amount after 1 Amount after 3 Rate of Interest Principal Amount after 5
year years years
7140 7420
8400 9200
10560 12480
12840 14520
6630 6890
1.1M 1.3M
12000 16000
Principal Rate of Interest Interest after 1 Interest after 2 Amount after 3
( Compound years years years
Interest )
100 10%
5000 2%
3000 3%
8000 5%
6000 7%
9000 10%
12000 13%
15000 5%
8000 9%
2000 7%
K 2%
Z 10%
H 12%
Principal Rate of Interest Interest after 1 Interest after 2 Amount after 3
( Compound years years years
Interest )
100 10%
5000 2%
3000 3%
8000 5%
6000 7%
9000 10%
12000 13%
15000 5%
8000 9%
2000 7%
K 2%
Z 10%
H 12%
1. If a sum of ₹ 16,200 amounts to ₹ 19,602 in 3 Rough Work
years at simple interest, what is the rate of
1) 3% 2) 4% 3) 6%
4) 7% 5) 5%
2. Reena took a loan of ₹ 1,200 at simple Rough
interest for as many years as the rate of Work
interest If she paid ₹ 432 as interest at the
end of the loan period, what was the rate of
interest (in %)
1) 3.6 2) 6 3) 18
4) 7.2 5) Cannot be determined
3. If a certain principal amount increases to Rough
₹ 6,500 in 3 years at a certain fixed rate of Work
simple interest and ₹ 7,500 in 5 years at the
same rate of interest, what is the rate of
simple interest?
1) 5% 2) 10% 3) 15%
4) 20% 5) 25%
4. Albert invested an amount of ₹ 8,000 in a Rough Work
fixed deposit scheme for 2 years at
compound interest rate of 5%. What
amount will Albert get on maturity of the
fixed deposit?
1) ₹ 8,640 2) ₹ 8,620 3) ₹ 8,820
4) ₹ 8,920 5) None of these
5. It takes n years, for ₹ 62,500 to amount Rough Work
to ₹ 1,08,000, at 20% per annum
compounded annually. What is the value of
1) 7 2) 5 3) 4
4) 3 5) 2
6. The compound interest on ₹ 30000 at 7% per Rough Work
annum is ₹ 4,347. In what period (in months) is
this earned?
1) 24 2) 30 3) 36
4) 42 5) 48
7. A borrows ₹ 8,000 at 8% S.l. and B Rough
borrows ₹ 10,800 at 5% S.I. In how many Work
years will their payable amounts be equal?
1) 24 years 2) 16 years 3) 28
4) 14 years 5) 22 years
8. Gaurav lends ₹ 12,000 each to two Rough
people at different rates of interest. The Work
difference between the simple interest
received from those people after 3.5 years
is ₹ 84. What is the difference between
their rates of interest?
1) 0.2 2) 1.25 3)
4) 0.4 0.5
5) 0.75
9. A person invests money in two different Rough
schemes for 4 years and 10 years at 18% Work
and 8% simple interest respectively. At the
completion of each scheme, he gets the
same interest. What is the ratio of his
1) 5 : 4 2) 11 : 14 3) 8 : 3
4) 10 : 9 5) 6 : 7
10. What will be the compound interest on Rough
a sum of ₹ 46,875 after three years at the Work
rate of 8%, compounded annually?
1) ₹ 11,756 2)₹10,985 3)₹11,690
4) ₹ 12,848 5) ₹ 12,174
11. The compound interest on a certain amount Rough
for two years is ₹ 2,912 and the simple interest
on the same amount for the same period is ₹
2,800. What is the amount?
1) ₹ 12,000 2)₹12,750 3)₹14,250
4) ₹ 15,000 5) ₹ 17,500
12. There is 60% increase in an amount in 6 Rough
years at simple interest. What will be the Work
compound interest on ₹ 12,000 after 3
years at the same rate?
1) ₹ 2,160 2) ₹ 3,120
3)₹ 3,972 4) ₹ 6,240
5) None of these
13. If the simple interest on a sum of money Rough
for 2 years at 5% per annum is ₹ 50, what is Work
the compound interest on the same sum at
the same rate and for the same time?
1) ₹ 51.25 2) ₹ 52 3)₹54.25
4) ₹ 60 5) None of these
14. The difference between the compound Rough
interest and simple interest on ₹ 24,000 in 2 Work
years is 0.25% of the amount. What is the
annual rate of interest?
1) 7% 2) 12% 3) 5%
4) 10% 5) 18%
15. The simple interest accrued on an Rough
amount of ₹ 36,000 in five years is ₹ 16,200. Work
What would be the compound interest
accrued on the same amount in 3 years, at
the same rate?
1) ₹ 11,700 2)₹9,000 3)₹8,400
4) ₹ 7,500 5) None of the above
16. A certain sum increases by 30% in 3 years at
simple interest. How much will be the interest on
₹ 9,600 after 2 years at the same rate of interest
compounded annually?
1) ₹ 1,810 2) ₹ 2,016 3)₹ 2,022
4) ₹ 1,320 5) ₹ 1,024
17. A sum of ₹ 5,000 deposited by Mr. A at Rough
compound interest doubles after 6 years. Work
What will be its value after 18 years?
1) ₹ 20,000 2) ₹ 60,000
3)₹25,000 4)₹30,000 5)₹40,000
18. A sum of money becomes 4 times itself Rough
in 6 years at S.I. In how many years will the Work
same sum become 7 times itself at the
same rate of simple interest?
1) 8 years 2) 12 years 3) 7
4) 10 years 5) 9 years
19. A sum of money at compound interest Rough
amounts to 4 times itself in 6 years. In how Work
many years will it be 16 times itself?
1) 28 years 2) 32 years 3) 24
4) 12 years 5) 36 years
20. At a certain rate of compound interest, a Rough
sum of ₹ 4,000 triples in 7 years. What will Work
be its value after 21 years?
1) ₹ 1,35,000 2) ₹ 1,47,000 3) ₹
4) ₹ 1,17,000 5) ₹ 1,26,000
21. A sum of ₹ 7,000 was lent partly at 11% and
partly at 8% simple interest. If the total annual
interest is ₹ 680, what is the ratio in which the Work
money was lent at 11% and 8% respectively?
1) 9 : 7 2) 5 : 4 3) 3 : 2
4) 11 : 6 5) 4 : 3
22. A certain amount earns simple interest Rough
of ₹ 1,750 after 7 years. Had the interest Work
been 2% more, how much more interest (in
₹) would it have earned?
1) 35 2) 245 3) 350
4) 3% 5) 5%
36. Himanshu borrowed ₹ 72,000 at 12% simple Rough
interest and lent the whole amount to Abhishek Work
at 16% compound interest, at annual
compounding, for two years. If Himanshu had to
return his loan at the end of four years but pay
annual interest, what was his gain at the end of
two years?
1) ₹ 76,339 2) ₹ 72,414 3) ₹
4) ₹ 10,150 5) None of the above
37. A bank offers 6% compound interest Rough
calculated on a half yearly basis. A customer Work
deposits ₹ 2,800 each on 1st January and
1st July of a year. At the end of the year,
what amount would he have gained as
1) ₹ 736 2) ₹ 868 3) ₹ 926
4) ₹ 674 5) ₹ 522
38. Ninad borrowed ₹ 25,000 and ₹ 30,000 Rough
at 16% and 12% respectively, both Work
compounded half yearly. He lent the whole
amount immediately to Harish at 8% S.I.
What was his profit/loss at the end of the
first year?
1) ₹ 5,380 2) ₹ 3,468 3) ₹
4) ₹ 2,712 5) ₹ 3,872
39. Ashish invested an amount of ₹ 30,000 Rough
in a scheme which offered 9% simple Work
interest at the rate. At the end of three
years, he reinvested the total amount
received at 11% compound interest for the
next three years, at annual compounding.
What was the total interest earned by
Ashish in this period?
1) ₹ 28,600 2) ₹ 26,430 3) ₹
4) ₹ 19,510 5) ₹ 14,250
40. If the principal is increased by ₹ 250, the Rough
simple interest increases by ₹ 150. If the Work
time period is doubled, the simple interest
increases by ₹ 1,500. What is the compound
interest on the original principal, for half of
the original time period at the same rate?
1) ₹ 500 2) ₹ 600 3) ₹ 650
4) ₹ 800 5) Data Insufficient
41. A certain sum invested at compound interest Rough
amounts to ₹ 8,000 at the end of 4 years and to Work
₹ 9,000 at the end of 5 years. What is the
principal amount?
1) ₹ 5,700 2) ₹ 4,577
3)₹ 6,344 4) ₹ 4,994 5) ₹ 7,499
42. Saketh borrows a sum of ₹ 85,000 at 8% Rough
compounded annually. At the end of one Work
year, he repays a certain amount and then
repays the balance amount of ₹ 47,304 at
the end of the second year. What amount
does he repay at the end of the first year?
1) ₹ 32 800 2)₹48,000
4) ₹ 26,000 5) ₹ 54,000
43. A certain amount of money is lent out at Rough
compound interest at the rate of 20% per Work
annum for two years, compounded
annually. It would give ₹ 241 more as
interest if the amount is compounded half
yearly. What is the principal?
1) ₹ 5,000 2) ₹ 10,000
3)₹ 15,000 4) ₹ 20,000
5) None of the above
44. The effective annual rate of compound Rough
interest corresponding to a compound Work
interest rate of 6% per annum payable half-
yearly is:
1) 6.06%2) 6.07%3) 6.08%
4) 6.09%5) 6.10%
45. A sum of money was borrowed such Rough
that the rate of simple interest was 10% per Work
annum. At the end of the first year, ₹ 6,500
was paid off and the rate of interest on the
balance was increased to 12% per annum. If
the interest for the second year was (3/4)th
of the interest for the first year, what was
the original sum borrowed?
1) ₹ 13,684
2) ₹ 15,888
3) ₹ 15,000
4) ₹ 23,698
5) Cannot be determined
46. A borrowed ₹ 6,600 from B at 8% S.I. for 3
years. He then added some more money to the
borrowed sum and lent it to C for the same
period at 13% S.I. If A gained ₹ 3,096 in the
whole transaction, how much money did he add
from his side?
1) ₹ 9,800 2)₹ 5,400
4) ₹ 6,900 5) ₹ 8,200
47. Bhavya invested ₹ 20,600 in two Rough
schemes some part at 13% S.I. and the Work
remaining at 20% C.I., compounded
annually. At the end of the three years he
obtained ₹ 33,964. What amount did he
place at compound interest?
1) ₹ 11,500 2) ₹ 19,325
3) ₹ 14,454
4) ₹ 15,769 5) ₹ 16,100
48. After how many years approximately Rough
would the amount payable on a loan be Work
twice the principal, if the principal is lent at
the rate of 20% per annum, compounded
1) 5 2) 6.5 3) 8
4) 3.5 5) 4.5
49. A sum of ₹ 12,615 is divided between a Rough
brother and sister who are 12 and 10 years Work
old respectively, in such a way that if their
portions are invested at the rate of 5% per
annum compound interest, they shall
receive equal amounts on reaching 21 years
of age. How much money does the brother
get initially?
1) ₹ 6,615 2) ₹ 6,000
3) ₹ 16,165
4) ₹ 7,612 5) ₹ 7,600
50. Anuja borrows ₹ 54,000 at 13% C.I., the Rough
interest being compounded annually. She pays ₹ Work
37,000 after 2 years. What is the final single
instalment that she has to pay to clear the loan
at the end of six years?
1) ₹ 56,240 2) ₹ 51,073
3) ₹ 57,331
4) ₹ 58,209 5) ₹ 59,254