3b - Proposals

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◦ Don’t improve budget or costs

◦ New idea: remove the sirens on those snow ploughs, replace it with a notification on
your phone (via google maps, weather, Facebook or some other app. Maybe get the
city to announce it on social medias), or announce it on the radio (730 AM – the
channel that always talks about the weather – should state when they will be
passing by). Even better, set a normal time, and do the previous in case of an
◦ Written for executives
 Introduction
 Purpose (Goal of your proposal)
 Background (2 Problems related to the area under study – one per
teammate) How is it fair that it’s 2 problems even if you’re solo
 Major problem related to the area under study
 Secondary problem related to the area under study
 Scope (Limitation of the area under study) – what part of the bike, for
-next chapter so new page-
 Solution
 Approach
 Overall description of the solution
 Summarize the functions of the major components
 Result – check on how other regions did it
 Elaborate on the most important advantages of the solution – convince him
 Plan of action (Implementation of your solution) 4 steps minimum
 List four steps, and explain them in a paragraph format, required to implement your solution
 Schedule
 On a Gantt Chart relist the implementation steps and indicate the length of time required to complete each
 Budget (Include at least 3 budget positions)
 Management (your salary and the one of your assistant manager)
 Employees salary, contractors, outsourcing
 Material
 Equipment required to install the material
 Qualifications (Key people working on the implementation of the project)
 If alone, yourself + some other guy (choose someone else) + subcontractor (gov)
 In a paragraph format, summarize your qualifications/resume
 In a paragraph format, summarize the qualifications/resume of your assistant manager (a classmate)
 In a paragraph format, summarize the qualifications of the subcontracting company
 Conclusion
 One paragraph summarizing the proposal
 In another paragraph, provide the contact information

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