Poverty and Inequality Presentation
Poverty and Inequality Presentation
Poverty and Inequality Presentation
Nowadays, the entire world is making enormous
steps in overwhelming worldwide poverty.
Earlier more than 20% of the population in the
world is under the extreme poverty, and it is a
huge issue for the whole world, since a large
number of individuals die every year because of
this big issue. Further, it hinders the economic
growth of a nation that a segment of the
people has been financially vulnerable.
It has become a social, political, and economic
issue all over the world especially in the
developing and third-world nations, and has
been influencing on individuals, who are living
with the minimum level of standards. But,
currently less than 10% of the global population
live in extreme poverty who are surviving on
$1.90 a day or less (World Vision, 2018a). In the
past years, there has been a growing concern
about the rising income inequalities with
particularly stark rises in inequality in the US
and also substantial widening of the income gap
in Europe.
The relevance of the widening of income has not
only caught the political and scholarly attention
but is heavily discussed nowadays on the streets,
with most prominent manifestation of such
protests being the ‘Occupy Wall Street’-
movement. This movement and its widely-cited
slogan “We are the 99%” refers specifically to a
growing unequal distribution of wealth.
Definitions of Poverty and Inequality
Poverty:- According to the existing literature,
various kinds or classes of poverty definitions and
indicators are available. Due to the
multidimensional nature of the poverty, it is
defined and estimated in a huge number of ways.
However, both social policies, and poverty
investigations utilize a varied assortment of
poverty explanations, but all of them might be
categorized under one of the given classifications;
“Poverty is having less than an objectively
defined, absolute minimum”
“Poverty is having less than others in society, in
relative terms”
“Poverty is feeling you do not have enough to get
The first group of definitions is absolute, while
second group is relative. The combination of both
absolute and relative poverty are included in the
third group. Characterizing the degree of poverty
based on the various explanations under the above
given classifications might bring about various
evaluations of the quantity of poor individuals in
the population.
Absolute Poverty Approach
This approach to characterizing poverty starts
with the “minimum subsistence” concept which
is described as, “some bundles of goods and
services that are regarded as essential to the
physical need of an individual or a family”
(Eskelinen, 2011, p. 1). The individuals who
cannot afford these goods and services due to
lack of the ample monetary assets are viewed
as poor.
Relativist Poverty Approach
As per the relativist poverty method to
describing poverty, “the mean or median value
of national income represents the economic
indicator which corresponds to the
dominant life style. An individual or a family
whose income is less than that value can be
defined as being on the poverty threshold.
For instance, an individual or household with