Lecture Agri

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• Types of Orchard Farms

1. Fruit Orchards-include any facility focused on growing tree-bearing

fruits. Citrus trees, such as those bearing lemons, limes or oranges, may be
grown all together in large citrus orchards, or individually in smaller
2. Nut Orchards-include a large variety of facilities that produce nut-
bearing trees. These include orchards that grow popular nuts like cashews,
walnuts and almonds.

3. Seed Orchards-focus primarily on growing trees that produce seeds rather than nuts
or fruit. These seeds are then sold to commercial distributors for resale to the public in small
seed packets.

Home or Backyard Orchards-are small gardens where grafted trees are needed
and small enough to fit in the garden.

Trees suited for orchard gardening based on:

1. Cutting - The leaves are removed and the stems are cut 10 inches long. One—half of the cutting is inserted into the
soil. Example : Sinigwelas, Kamoteng kahoy
2. Marcotting or Air layering – induces the stem to develop roots while it is still growing on the mother plant.
3. Grafting – a plant propagation method that involves inserting a scion into a stock so that they will form a union and
grow together.
4. Budding – the process of transferring the lateral bud taken from the scion to the stock of the same family.
Taking Care of Fruit Tree Seedlings
 Water the plants twice a day. Do this in the early morning and in the late afternoon.
 Apply fertilizer in the soil. Use organic fertilizer.
 Cultivate the soil around the plants to allow the roots to breathe.
 Exterminate pests or insects.
 Pull the grasses or weeds surrounding the plants because they compete for the nutrients which are intended for the
 Remove dried leaves and cut carefully the dried or infected branches.
 Monitor the growth of plants.
Ways of watering plants

1. Natural- This is nature’s way of providing water for plants through the rain.

2. Manual- This is with the use of a water pail and dipper or water sprinkler.

3. Artificial- Water supply is artificially produced from a deep-well, dams, and river with the help of motors.

Cultivating the land is practiced to help promote the growth of roots and improve aeration for fast absorption of nutrients by the soil.

Proper ways of cultivating

1. Off-barring- cultivating the soil in rows.

2. Hilling -up – cultivating the soil towards the base of the plant.

Fertilizer is any substance added to the soil that promotes the healthy growth of plants.

They are classified into two types:

1. Inorganic- artificial fertilizer made from chemicals ( liquid, soluble, and granular form).

2. Organic – natural fertilizer from decayed matter, animals, and other natural sources.

Pest Control

The use of pesticide may be necessary to protect and prevent plants and trees from getting damage due to infestation. The following are
some of the advantages and benefits of using pesticides:  Insect pest life cycle will be stopped  Infestation will be lessened.  The growth of
plant will continue to progress.  Higher yield is expected.
Ways of watering plants
1. Natural- This is nature’s way of providing water for plants through the rain.
2. Manual- This is with the use of a water pail and dipper or water sprinkler.
3. Artificial- Water supply is artificially produced from a deep-well, dams, and river with the help of motors.
Cultivating the land is practiced to help promote the growth of roots and improve aeration for fast absorption
of nutrients by the soil.
Proper ways of cultivating
1. Off-barring- cultivating the soil in rows.
2. Hilling -up – cultivating the soil towards the base of the plant.
Fertilizer is any substance added to the soil that promotes the healthy growth of plants.
They are classified into two types:
1. Inorganic- artificial fertilizer made from chemicals ( liquid, soluble, and granular form).
2. Organic – natural fertilizer from decayed matter, animals, and other natural sources.

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