Transformer Oil - 05.10.23

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Transformer Oil, Testing &

Measurement standard and Oil

Collection procedure,
transformer cooling mechanism
and oil treatment process.
Prepared By

Engr. Mohammad Jahirul Islam

Executive Engineer
CERS, BPDB, Tongi, Gazipur,
Transformer Oil
Insulating liquid for transformers and
similar electrical equipment.
Classification of
Transformer Oil
 Basedon transformer oil source, it can be
categorized into 3 (three) types
Mineral oil: Transformer oil A mixture of Hydrocarbons (Paraffins,
naphthene's and aromatics).

Silicone-based oil: Silicone oil is proudly man made. The

chemical process that produces. It also has few problems of low
heat dissipation and high moisture absorbing capacity. It is also
costlier than mineral oil. This oil known as Synthetic oil also.
(Australia & Brazil)

Bio-based oil: Bio-based transformer oil is produced from

vegetable oil feedstock. Bio-based transformer oil does not contain
silicone, petroleum hydrocarbons and halogens. The bio-based
transformer oil rapidly degrades in case of leakage or spill and also
they are non-toxic in nature.
Classification of Transformer Oil
 According to containing additives Mineral
oil can be categorized into three types
Inhibited oil: Mineral insulating oil which contains an anti-
Uninhibited oil: Mineral insulating oil containing no added
anti-oxidant but which may contain other additives.
Passivated oil : mineral insulating oil which contains a
Terms and definitions
 Additive: Substance deliberately added to an insulating liquid in
small proportion in order to improve certain characteristics.
 Anti-oxidant: Additive incorporated in an insulating liquid to
reduce or delay its
degradation by oxidation.
 Passivator: Additive incorporated in an insulating liquid to reduce
Classification of Transformer Oil
 According to containing Paraffins &
Naphthenes Mineral oil can be categorized into
two types
Paraffin-based transformer oil : Derived from special
crudes that contain substantial amount of n-paraffin. This type
of insulating oil is less oxidized than naphtha based
Naphtha-based transformer oil : Derived from special
crudes that contain low amount of n-paraffin.
Functions Of Transformer oil
 There are 3 (Three) major functions of Transformer oil.

An electrical insulator is a
material whose internal
electric charges do not flow freely.
A small amount of
electric current will flow through it
under the influence of High
electric field.
Functions Of Transformer oil

2) Suppress corona discharge and arcing

Corona discharge only forms when the electric field (potential

gradient) at the surface of the conductor exceeds a critical value, the
dielectric strength or disruptive potential gradient of the fluid.
Functions Of Transformer oil

3) Coolant
 Prevents burning of the
transformer coil and core due to
excessive heat.
 It carries heat out to ambient by
means of Natural and Forced
convection heat transfer.
 Proper cooling increase
Transformer load carrying
Why Test required?
To measure the effect of Moisture,
Oxygen and Temperature on
transformer oil.
Effect of Moisture:
1. reduce oil breakdown voltage
2. Cause damage to core & coil.
 Effect of Oxidation:
1. increase fouling factor reduce heat
transfer rate.
2. Increase amount of sludge insoluble to oil.
Why Test required?
 Effect of Temperature:
1. Higher the Temperature faster the oxidation
2. Amount of Dissolved moisture content increase
rapidly with increasing temperature.
Oil quality test classification according
to IEC 60422

Complementar Special
Routine Tests
y Tests Investigative Tests
Visual Appearance Interfacial Tension Furan Analysis
Colour Particle Count Oxidation Stability
Break Down Sludge Sediment Flash Point
Voltage Dissolved Gas Analysis
Specific Resistivity Corrosive Sulphur
Pour Point
Relative Density/
Dissipation Factor
Specific Gravity
Moisture Content Viscosity
Neutralization/ PCB Content
Total Acid Number 11
Oil quality test classification according
to test properties

Physical Chemical
Properties Properties Electrical
Visual Appearance Moisture Content
Break Down Voltage
Colour Neutralization/ Total Acid
Flash Number Specific Resistivity
Pour Point Corrosive Sulphur Dielectric Dissipation
Oxidation Stability Factor
Interfacial Tension Sludge Sediment
Particle Count Furan Analysis
Relative Density/ PCB Content
Specific Gravity
Different Tests Objectives
1. Appearance Test (Visual Inspection)
2. Dielectric Strength (Insulation level)
3. Dielectric Dissipation Factor (Tan∆) (Determine loss
4. Specific Resistivity Test.
5. Neutralization value (TAN). (Acidic of Base property
6. Interfacial Tension (IFT). (Affinity of Water and Oil)
7. Viscosity. (Flow ability of oil at certain Temperature)
8. Specific Gravity. (Density)
9. Flash Point. (Intension to flash over without fire)
10. Moisture Content (PPM). (Direct measurement of water in oil)
11. Dissolved Gas Analysis. (Determination of combustible element
in oil PPM)
12. Corrosive Sulpher Content. (Whether the oil is corrosive to
copper strip/Nos corrosive)
13. Furan Analysis. (Determination of Paper quality)
Transformer oil sample
(Glass Bottle)
Transformer oil sample
(Aluminum Bottle)
Transformer oil sample
(Gas tight glass syringe)
 Cotton waste or other fibrous materials
should not be used to wipe the containers
or apparatus.
 Where practicable, if a bottom sample is
required the contents of the tank or
package, after movement, should be
allowed for at least 8Hrs,preferably 24Hrs
before sampling.
 Before the actual sample is taken, the
entire sampling apparatus and containers
should be rinsed with the oil, which should
then discarded
 To remove any moisture or dirt on the
surfaces over which the oil sample will flow
a small amount of oil should be allowed to
flow from the tank or package and run to
waste before the sample is taken.
 Samples that are to be tested for sludge,
corrosive Sulphur or tan delta should be
protected from light.

Sample collection (Bottle)
Sample Oil Collection
Appearance Test

Good Oil should Cloudiness

be clear and indicates
sparkling. moisture, carbon
and/or sludge.
Breakdown Voltage Test
Break down voltage test
Standard Gap

Break down voltage test

Overview of Standards

Breakdown Voltage Test

Overview of Standards
 1)
For insulating liquids with a standard viscosity greater
than 15 mm2/s (40°C), the hold time prior to the first
measurement should be 15-30 minutes.
 2)
When testing ester liquids in accordance with ASTM
D1816:2012 the hold time before the first measurement
must be at least 30 mins.
 3)
Can be deactivated under Main menu > Device
settings > IEC 60156:2018 settings.(Only for BAUR
 4)
Measurements per filling / number of measurements.
 The electrode shapes and their dimensions:
 Amount of free &dissolve
water present in the oil
and expressed in ppm is
called moisture content.
 Presence of oil is harmful
since it adversely affect
the electrical
characteristics of the oil
and accelerates the
deterioration of the
insulating paper.
 For good oil moisture
content should be low. 26

• Hydrogen generated during ageing combines with the free

oxygen present in the oil and forms water. A part of this is
absorbed by the cellulose insulation and the balance
remains as moisture in oil.

• As paper is highly hygroscopic in nature, when transformer

is filled with oil, it absorbs the moisture from oil, which
affects its insulation properties as well as reduces its life.
Comparison of Water Distribution in Oil and
Temperature Water
(degrees C) in Oil Water in Paper
20 1 3,000 times what is in the oil
40 1 1,000 times what is in the oil
60 1 300 times what is in the oil

Water in Oil Solubility as a Function of Temperature

Dielectric Dissipation
 Loss angle is an important
property of dielectric oil.
 In ideal dielectric phase
angle between voltage and
current is 90.
 Due to impurities actual
phase angle is slightly less
than 900.
 So angle delta is very low
and tan delta is low.
 For good oil DDF should be
Neutralization umber
It is the measure to
determine the free
organic and inorganic
acid present in the oil
expressed in terms of
mg of KOH required
neutralizing the total
free acids in one gm of
For good transformer oil
total acidity should be 30
Flash point
It is the temp. at which oil gives so
much vapor. That vapor mix with
air forms an ignitable mixture and
gives momentary flash on
application of flame under
prescribed condition.
A minimum flash point is specified
in order to prevent risk of fire.
A good oil flash point should be
higher (140 oC)
Interfacial tension test
Interfacial tension is the
measure of molecular
attractive force between
oil and water molecules at
their interfacial level.
By testing for IFT we can
determine the soluble
polar contaminants
present in the oil which
reduces the molecular
attraction force between 32
Transformer Oil test
standard limit

Based on Voltage Class

Based on Transformer oil quality
(new & serviced aged oil)
New equipment prior to energize.
Special Test parameter (Furan
Analysis & DGA)
Standard limit of
Transformer Oil
Dissolve Gas Analyzer
Dissolve Gas analysis (DGA)
Gas Concentration Limits & Interpretation
Gas limits according
to IEEE Std. C57.104-

Combustible Gas

Gas Name &

Normal Caution Warning COMBUSTIBLE GAS)

Hydrogen H2 ≤ 100 ppm > 700 Arcing corona Yes -

tween Normal & Warning

Carbon Di- ≤ 2500

> 4000 Severe Overloading - -
Carbon ≤ 350
> 570 Severe Overloading Yes -
Ethylene C2H4 ≤ 50 ppm > 100 Severe Overheating Yes Yes
Ethane C2H6 ≤ 65 ppm > 100 Local Overheating Yes Yes
Methane CH4 ≤ 120 ppm > 400 Sparking Yes Yes
Acetylene C2H2 ≤ 2 ppm >5 Arcing Yes -
Nitrogen N2 1-10 % NA - -
Oxygen O2 0.0003 > 0.5 % Combustibles
Testing Result of DGA
Gas Abbr. Caution Warning
Hydroge H2 100 700
Carbon CO2 2500 4000
CarbonM CO 350 570
Ethylene C2H 50 100
Ethane C2H 65 100
Methane CH4 120 400
Acetylen C2H 2 5
e 2
TDCG 700 1900
Oil Quality Index Number(OQIN)
or Myers Index Number(MIN).
 Dividing the Interfacial
Tension(IFT) by the
Neutralization Number(NN)
provides a numerical value
that is an excellent means of
evaluating oil condition. This
value is known as the Oil
Quality Index(OQIN) or Myers
Index Number(MIN).
Oil Quality Index Number(OQIN)
or Myers Index Number(MIN).
 The first category is Good in which these
functions are efficiently provided.
 The second category Proposition A provides all
the required function , a drop in IFT to 27.0 may
signal the beginning of sludge in solution.
 The insulating oil in the third category, Marginal
Oils is not providing proper cooling and winding
protection. Organic acids are beginning to coat.
winding insulation, sludge in insulation voids is
highly probable.
 The categories 4 to 6 Bad Oils, sludge has
already been deposited in and on transformer
parts in almost 100 percent of these units.
Insulation damage and reduced cooling efficiency
with higher operating temperatures characterize
the Very Bad and Extremely Bad categories.
 The last category “Disaster City” the concern
should be how much life remains in the
transformer, not just the oil condition.
Cooling Mechanism of Power
Transformer and Distribution
 Types of Transformer
Cooling Systems
 ON-Oil Natural Cooling.
 ONAN- Oil Natural Air
 ONAF-Oil Natural Air
 OFAN-Oil Forced Air
 OFAF-Oil Forced Air
 OFWF-Oil Forced Water
Transformer Cooling
 ONAN-Normally
known as OA.
 Natural Convection flow
of hot oil is utilized to
dissipate heat.
 Radiator or tube
application are
predominantly used.
 Least expensive form of
cooling if application
and cooling levels are
Transformer Oil Centrifuging Machine
Standard Features
 Low watt density heater
 Single or Two stage Vacuum system with
totally enclosed, fan cooled (TEFC) motors.
 Vacuum chamber of an effective design with
a large evaporation area
 System protection sensing devices.
 High pressure alarm.
 High oil level in the vacuum chamber alarm.
 High oil level in the vapor trap.
 High foam level in the vacuum chamber
Oil flow diagram of Centrifuging machine
Centrifuging Machine Filter size
Operating Temperature & Vacuum

For Service oil

(According to IEC
Temperature (°C) Minm Pressure Filter size
40 8
50 15
60 30
5 μm to 10 μm
70 80
80 200
85 280
Centrifuging Machine Filter size
Operating Temperature & Vacuum

For New oil

(According to IEC
This treatment referred to consists
of filtration of the oil at 60°C by
vacuum (pressure 2 to 2.5 kPa)
through a filter (with a maximum
pore size of 2.5 μm)
Recommended Maintenance Schedule of Transformer Attendant
Substations-Indoor or outdoors
Inspection Frequency Item to be inspected Remarks

1. Hourly Ambient temperature, winding temperature, Oil Adjust load if temperature is

temperature, Load Voltage high

2. Daily a) Oil level a) If low top with dry oil,

b) Relief diaphragm. Look for signs of leakage
c) Dehydrating breather, check that air passages b) Replace if broken
are free, check color, should be blue. c) Change if color is pink

3. Quarterly Lubricate bearing etc. of cooling fans, circulating

pumps etc. if any.
4. Half-Yearly a) Check oil for dielectric strength and presence a) Filter or replace. If necessary
of moisture.
b) Check bushes, isolators, etc.
c) Check cable boxes.
5. Yearly a) Check Oil for acidity, sludge and flash point a) Filter or change oil as
if possible. necessary.
b) Check relays, alarms and contact etc. b) Lighting
c) Check earth resistance
d) Check lighting arresters.
6. Five-Yearly Over-all inspection including lifting or core and Washy by housing down with
coils clean dry Oil.
Thanks to all

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