Chap 4
Chap 4
Chap 4
Extrapolation Methods
Drought analysis
Water resource systems must be planned for
future events for which no exact time of
occurrence can be forecasted.
Hence, the hydrologist must give a statement
of the probability of the stream flows
These probabilities are important to the
economic and social evaluation of a project.
For major projects, the failure of which seriously
threatens human life, a more extreme event,
the probable maximum flood, has become the
standard for designing the spillway.
This chapter deals with techniques for defining
probability from a given set of data and with
special methods employed for determining
design flood for major hydraulic structures.
Frequency analysis is the hydrologic term used
to describe the probability of occurrence of a
particular hydrologic event (e.g. rainfall, flood,
drought, etc.).
For planning and designing of water resources
development projects, the important parameters
are river discharges and related questions on
the frequency & duration of normal flows and
extreme flows.
Theoretical Distributions of Floods
Chow has shown that most frequency-distribution functions
applicable in hydrologic studies can be expressed by the
following equation known as the general equation of
hydrologic frequency analysis:
(For N
, sn Re duced Standard deviation, a
function sample size N and is given in table
, yn 0.577
(For N
• These equations are used under the following procedure to
estimate the flood magnitude corresponding to a given
return period based on an annual flood series.
1 Assemble the discharge data and note the samplesizen 1 N. x
Here the annual flood value is the variate x. Find and
for the given data. sn yn
2 Using a table determine and
appropriate to given N.
3 Find for a given T.
4 Find K.
5 Determine the required
• Example 1
• Annual maximum recorded floods in a certain river, for
the period 1951 to 1977 is given below.
Where Kz = a frequency factor which is a function of
recurrence interval T and the coefficient of skew Cs,