On Blue Carbon

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What is blue carbon ?

• Blue carbon is a type of carbon which is naturally found in
various oceanic environments including, mangroves, salt
marshes, seagrasses, boreal, tropical and template forests.
• However, mangroves, salt marshes and seagrasses have
greater abundance of blue carbon but, boreal, tropical and
template forests have less amount of blue carbon.
• The term ‘blue carbon’ came from the colour of carbon
which is blue.
Advantages of blue carbon
• Protects from various climate change such as storms and rise
in sea level.
• Prevents soil erosion.
• Regulate coastal water quality.
• Provision of habitats for commercially important fisheries and
endangered marine species.
• Food security for many coastal communities.
Disadvantages of blue carbon
• The concentration of carbon concentration is increasing
in today’s era and have reached it’s limit about 400
• This causes increase in global warming, which lead to
climate change.
• They lack permanence due to instability in structure by
naturally or human activities.
Programmes associated with blue carbon
Blue carbon initiative is taken by many conservation
organisation, such as International Union for Conservation of
Nature (IUCN), Conservation International (CI) and
Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC).
International Blue Carbon Scientific Working Group are
expertise in blue carbon restoration and
conservation projects and sustainable initiatives
that improve the livelihood of coastal
Project and Initiatives
• The worlds largest blue carbon project, the delta blue carbon functions in
Pakistan. It has been protecting and restoring 350,00 hectares of tidal river
channels and creeks, low-lying sandy islands, mangrove forests, and
intertidal areas.
• Another similar project in Mexico named the Magdalena Bay Blue Carbon
Project, has also protected 15000 hectares of ecosystems.
• In India, Tamil Nadu’s blue carbon initiative is taking the lead in spreading
the message and offering key lessons to other coastal states on the
importance of blue carbon ecosystems specifically that of mangrove forests,
seagrasses beds and salt marshes in mitigating climate change.
• In addition, India has begun to learn from its organisations, such as the
National Institute of Wind Energy, the National Institute of Solar Energy, and
the National Institute of Bio Energy.

Science reporter: ocean and marine biologist

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