Magnetic Particle - II

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Magnetic Materials

• Ferro magnetic

• Paramagnetic

• Dia magnetic
Paramagnetic material And Dia
magnetic material

• The magnetic permeability is slightly more

than 1 for paramagnetic material
• The Magnetic permeability slightly less
than one
Paramagnetic material
• It can be magnetized
• They are affected by magnetic field
• Can be strongly magnetized and they are
strongly attracted to magnetic fields
• It can be magnetic particle tested
Dia magnetic material

• It can not be magnetized

• They are repelled by magnetic particle

Magnetic Flux, Poles and Leakages

• These lines of force is magnetic flux lines,

it is called magnetic flux
• The magnetic flux is the force that attracts
magnetically materials to the magnetic
Flux Leakage
• The complete circle magnet has a crack or
a discontinuity the outer surface.
• A crack in the magnet will disrupt the even
flow of the lines at force.
• This creates a magnetic field with a
north(N) , Leave and south (S) enter poles
• The flux that are forced out of the magnet
as a result of the crack are known as flux
• All matter is subjected to the influence of
magnetic field to some degree.
• Or they word permeable able to spread
through, to some small degree.
• A few type of materials like bismuth are
repelled by magnetic field.(Dia magnetic
Electro magnetism
• When the electric current passes through
a conductor , a magnetic field is formed
around the conductor.
• If the conductor has a uniform shape the
density of the field number of lines of force
per unit area- is uniform at any point along
the conductor, and it uniformly decreases
as the distance from electrical conductor
increases. .
Right hand rule
• To determine the direction of an electricity
induced magnetic filed, the right hand rule
can be applied.
• It may be seen that if the thumb is pointing
in the direction of current of flow, while the
then point in the direction of lines of force.
Electromagnet loop
• If a current carrying conductor is formed
into a loop, to form a coil or slonoid, the
lines of force circulating the conductor
from magnetic filed inside and outside the
• The field strength is usually indicated in
units of ampere –turns (COIL)
Various Magnetizing Methods
• Longitudinal magnetization in a coil and
• Circular magnetization by direct and
• Direct (Headshot, prod)
• Indirect (Central conductor)
Alternative current
• A.C at line voltage can be stepped down
with relative ease and economy by use of
• A.C can be readily converted to low
voltages used in magnetic particle
• A.C flow on the surface of the conductor,
this is known as ‘skin effect’.
Direct current
• HWDC ( Single phase AC is rectified) all
ways there is positive polarity, reverse
negative polarity eliminated
• FWDC (Three phase AC is half wave
rectified, a pulsing DC is produced which
more resemblance to battery DC. It is
given full wave rectification, the current
yielded is almost the same as battery DC,
slightly ripple DC
• The understanding of light and its properties when its
interacts with matter is necessary.
• Some magnetic particle are prepared with fluorescent
coating, inspection being carried out under UV light so
that every crack or discontinuity is marked by glowing
• Light is electromagnetic radiation located in the 200-
700nm region of electromagnetic spectrum.
• Visible light can be seen easily by the eyes. It mixture of
red , orange, yellow, green, blue and violet colour of
• Black light is located in the region of 320 to 40 nm in the
light spectrum. Black light is part of the lower frequency
ultraviolet range. Black light is invisible spectrum.
Methods of magnetization
• When the magnetic field in part is perpendicular to the
major axis, the methods of magnetization must be
chosen so as to produce flux lines perpendicular to the
major axis of discontinuity expected.
• The second time using a field perpendicular to the first,
the idea being that a defect lying nearly parallel to the
first would be nearly perpendicular to the second. In
some cases a defect at approximately 45 deg to the lines
of flux may not be necessary to magnetize several times
in different directions, there are two methods of
magnetization longitudinal and circular.
Longitudinal Magnetization
• Set up by coil or yoke
• Coil- This techniques transverse
discontinuities can be detected.Shafts,
drums, girders and the like may be
magnetized by means of flexible electric
cable coiled around the part.
Yoke technique
• Permanent yoke ( Permanent bar magnet)
• Electromagnetic yoke (Temporary horse
shoe magnet made of shoft, low retentivity
iron, which is magnetized by a small coil
wound around its horizontal bar.
• Yoke will create longitudinal magnetism
Circular magnetization
• A circular magnetic field is induced into a
specimen by either direct magnetization or
indirectly magnetization
• Circular magnetization can achieved by
three techniques,( Head shot, Prods and
central conductor)
Head shot
• This technique is a direct induction of
circular field into a specimen by passing a
current two head.
• This technique is used to detect
longitudinal discontinuities.
Prod technique
• Another direct method including and establishing a
circular field into a specimen, is by prods.
• Prod magnetization is used where the size or location of
an article does not permit the use of a head shot or
central conductor.
• The main application of this technique is for weld
• One disadvantage of this technique is that , there is high
possibilities of producing burning points on the test part.
• Burning points are caused by too high current density.
Burning (Prod)

• Avoiding use of too sharp prod contract

• Removing corrosion, grease, paint, etc

from surface and prod contact.

• Applying a good contact pressure on the

Central conductor
• The specimen to be magnetized placed so
that a current – carrying conductor induces
magnetic field into the specimen
• This technique is normally used for hollow
part ( Tubular)
• It can detect longitudinal discontinuities
Current requirement
• The required amount of magnetizing current is affected by the
permeability of the metal, the shape and thickness of the article.
• The length an article does not affect the current requirements. The
current flow in a uniform cross section is uniform thought the length
of the article.
• When the specimen is not uniform in section, it is necessary to use
one value of current for the thinner sections and a second, third or
more values of current for heavier sections.
• It is always proper to use the smaller current value first to test
thinner section and then higher currents for the testing of
increasingly larger sections.
• This is to avoid over magnetization of the thinner sections to the
point where the residual field may be higher than the field required
Coil Technique
• In the coil technique , the effective field created
by a coil is determined by the product of the
number of amperes and the number of turns in
the coil.
• Current amperes X No. of turns
• L/D radio – For reliable coil magnetization
( longitudinal), the specimen to be magnetized
must have a length at least twice as great as its
• Calculation of magnetizing current
• There is control of current (fixed).
• The field strength is measured by lifting power.
• A.C electromagnetic yoke shall lift a weight of at
least 4.5 kg (10lb) at the maximum pole spacing
to be used.
• Direct current or permanent magnetizing
magnetic yoke shall have a lifting power of at
least 16.1 kg (40 lb) at maximum pole spacing.
Circular Magnetization
• Head shot or Central conductor
• The current values for head shot and
central conductor vary with the diameter or
cross section of the parts.
• The current per unit diameter values for
different outer diameter of the parts.
Current required
• Part outer diameter or • Current per diameter
cross section ( ampere/in)
• Up to 5” • 700 to 900

• Over 5” to 10” • 500 to 700

• Over 10” to 15” • 300 to 500

• Over 15” • 100 to 230

• The current values for prods technique
vary with the thickness of specimen and
spacing between prods.
Magnetizing Current for prods
• Specimen Thickness • Current / prod spacing

• ¾” thick or greater • 100-125 amp / in

• Less than ¾” • 90 – 110 amp / in

• Prod spacing shall not

exceed 203.2 mm(8”)
Different method of operation
• Continuous Method- the magnetic particles are
applied simultaneously with magnetic fields

• Residual Method-The medium is applied after the

specimen has been magnetized and the magnetizing
force removed.
• This method which relies entirely on the amount of
residual magnetism retained in the specimen , is not
used on specimens made from low alloy steel, which
have low retentivity.

• Residual methods is rarely used

Examination medium
• Dry method
• The magnetic particles used in try method are available
in grey , red, black or fluorescent and are selected to
provide the best contrast with the colour of the part.
• Colour contrast can also be , improved by spraying the
surface with white contrast point, then a dark magnetic
powder would be used for maximum contrast.
• The dry method is easier to use on rough surfaces and
has a maximum portability.
• The powder should be applied in a low – velocity cloud
with just enough force to direct the particles to the direct
Wet method
• Wet method are smaller than those used in dry method,
and are suspended in a liquid bath of water or petroleum
distillate (kerosene)
• Because of the small particle size, the wet method is
more sensitive to fine surface discontinuities ,
• It is not sensitive as the dry method for the detection of
subsurface discontinuities.
• The path must be continuously agitated to prevent the
particle from setting out.
• The material is either flowed on sprayed over the surface
to be inspected or the part can be immersed in the bath.
Technique for checking sensitivity
of the test system
• To verify the adequacy or direction of the
magnetizing field the magnetic particle
field indicator .
• It can be used positioning the indicator on
the surface to be examined.
• Ferrous materials usually some residual
magnetism after magnetizing current is shut off.
• The strength of the residual field depends upon
the permeability of the material.
• The strength and direction of magnetizing force.
• Complete demagnetization is difficult, the
process is limited to reducing the residual field in
specimen that must be demagnetized to an
acceptable level.
Demagnetization technique
• Leave the part inside the coil and reduce
the AC or reversed the DC current to zero.
• Place the part inside the coil ( Constant
AC current ) and move the part away from
the coil
• Move the coil away from the part.
Reason for demagnetization
• A strong residual field may interfere with subsequent
operations , such as welding or machining. Strong field can
‘blow’ the weld metal as it is deposited , or magnetic chips
may cling to the cutting tool and interfere with machining.
• The specimen is a moving article of an assembly and deposit
of accumulated magnetized particle could cause wear.
• Leakage field may interfere with nearby instruments which
work on magnetic principle.
• Residual field may interfere with proper cleaning of the
• The specimen is to be magnetized at a lower magnetizing
force in a different direction than the original or previous test.
• Specified by standard.
Demagnetization is usually NOT
required or necessary
• On specimens of soft steel or iron where retentivity is
• If ,after the magnetic particle test, the specimen is to be
heat treated.
• On large castings, weld-mends, or vessels where
residual fields will have no material effect.
• If the specimen is to be magnetizing again in another
direction at same or higher amperage.
• If the specimen is likely to become demagnetized during
handling being placed on a magnetic chuck or lifted with
an electromagnetic lifting fixture.

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