NDE 152 Final MT Review - STUDENT - SP18

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NDE 152 Final Review

Magnetic Particle Inspection: Definition

When parts made of ferrous materials are placed in a strong magnetic field or have electric current
flowing through them, they will become “magnetized.” The test method is performed by inducing a
magnetic field in a ferromagnetic material and then dusting the surface with iron particles (either dry or
suspended in liquid). Surface and near-surface flaws either produce magnetic poles or distort the
magnetic field in such a way that the magnetism exits the surface of the part and the iron particles are
attracted and held in place by the magnetic leakage field. The indication can then be evaluated.

Magnetic Domains-

magnetic flux leakage-

Alternating current has advantages for surface and very near (less than 0.06 in.) surface discontinuities.

Magnetic flux density Magnetic hysteresis loop or curve

Permeability Retentivity-.


The lower the permeability (hard to magnetize) the higher residual magnetism and the higher coercive
force required to demagnetize. The hysteresis loop will be wide compared to that of a material with high
permeability. Low permeability means higher reluctance, more residual magnetism.



Qualification and Certification:

Levels of certification

Right-hand rule

The type of magnetic field established in the part is determined by the method used to magnetize the
Longitudinal magnetic field

Circular magnetic field

Magnetize the part in two directions

Indirect magnetization

Direct magnetization

Magnetic particles-

Particles are small (0.0002 to 0.006 in.), and some are round or sliver shaped to promote attraction and

North and south pole.

Magnetic particle testing only works on ferromagnetic materials

Magnetic lines of force

Discontinuity Effects

Surface discontinuity indications are sharp and well defined.

Subsurface discontinuities are broad and fuzzy

Subsurface discontinuities are more difficult to detect

Types of Magnetization
Circular Field -The magnetic field direction is always 90˚ from the current flow unless distorted due to
the test object shape or the interaction from the two fields created.

Stationary unit direct contact copper pads for contact head shot (Circular Field)

Prods must have clean and firm contact.

A coil or solenoid, usually five turns, wrapped cables using three to seven wraps.

The magnetic field strength increases with the number of turns in the coil or number of wraps around
the test object.

Longitudinal Field- The magnetic field strength is increased with increased amperage.

Odd shaped test objects will have distorted field direction that require verification of proper field
strength and direction in certain locations.

Field strength
The appearance of an overall pattern (sometimes circular lines) on the test object’s surfaces indicate
excessively high amperage was used. Demag and retest at lower amperage.

How to demag-

Residual magnetic field

Alternating Current Demagnetization

DC Stepdown-

With either alternating current or direct current, the initial magnetic field strength in the coil must
initially be stronger than the residual field present.

The demagnetizing force must reverse

The demagnetizing force must be reduced

Demagnetization may be aided by vibrations or by striking with a hammer during current reversal and
step down.

Residual field strength is measured with a pocket size field indicator

Demagnetization can only be measured accurately if the last field induced was a longitudinal field

A residual circular magnetic field is more objectionable than a residual longitudinal field.

Reasons to Demagnetize

Heat treating above curie temperature-

Mobile equipment

Stationary horizontal wet units

Portable units-




Cable wraps-

The stationary unit has amperage controls, current timers, an air or hydraulic cylinder for clamping test
objects, and usually supplied with three phase 220 or 440 V. It may provide either low voltage
alternating or direct current at high current for magnetization.


3 phases of product testing-

Direct Current (Pure direct current is only obtained from batteries or generators and is seldom used.

Half wave and full wave direct current will penetrate deeper in the test object than alternating current

Two methods of processing: continuous and residual

The dry powder application should be very light while the current is applied so that indications will be


Hall Effect Meter-

The wet suspension application method -

Magnetic writing indications

Magnetic field measurements and direction verification

A rule of thumb for an amperage Higher amperage gives better sensitivity,

A coil effective field will only allow testing for a distance of about 6 to 9 in. on either side of the coil.

To induce a uniform longitudinal field the length of the test object must be at least twice (or ideally
three times) the diameter.

Yokes have specified lifting force

When test objects are placed in a coil, the induced magnetizing force is calculated using ampere turns
(number of turns or wraps of cable times the amperage passed through the coil). Longitudinal Field
Ampere turns = 45,000 divided by the length divided by the diameter. Then the ampere turns divided by
the number of turns in the coil will give the starting amperage.

A Hall effect meter-

Indication verification

False Indications

Some stationary units have a reversing demagnetization circuit

Ketos ring specimen-

Reference Standard Test Blocks:

New materials are checked prior to use

Use of Settling Test,

Ultraviolet radiation used for fluorescent testing

The strongest field will be inside the coil right at the inside surface of the coil.

System Checks

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