Lecture On Pneumetics

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Fluid Power

ME 4012

Md. Mohiuddin
Department of Mechanical
Pneumatic System

• Pneumatic systems are power transmission and control systems that rely on
pressurized gases.
• They utilize pressurized gases for power transmission and control.
• Pneumatic systems use air as their fluid medium.
• The preference for air is due to its safety, affordability, and widespread
Pneumatic System

• It is particularly safe in environments where an electrical spark could ignite

leaks from system components.
• Liquids exhibit greater inertia than gases. Therefore, in hydraulic systems the
weight of oil is a potential problem when accelerating and decelerating
actuators and when suddenly opening and closing valves.
• Liquids also exhibit greater viscosity than gases. This results in larger
frictional pressure and power losses.
• Also, since hydraulic systems use a fluid foreign to the atmosphere, they
require special reservoirs and no-leak system designs.
Choice of Working Medium
 Hydraulic System  Pneumatic System

 If the system requirement is high pressure  When the system requirement is a high speed,

and high precision. medium pressure (usually 6 to 8 bar), and less

 When the power requirement is high like accuracy of position
 where quick response of actuator is required
in forging presses, or sheet metal
 Air is non-explosive, it is preferred where fire/electric
presses, it is impossible to use an air
hazards are expected
 Because air contains oxygen (about 20%) and is not
 If the temperate variation range in the
sufficient alone to provide adequate lubrication of
system is large, then the use of an air
moving parts and seals, oil is usually introduced into
system may run into condensation
the air stream near the actuator to provide this
problems, and oil is preferred.
lubrication preventing excessive wear and oxidation.
Comparison between Hydraulic and Pneumatic
Hydraulic system Pneumatic system
1. It employs a pressurized liquid
It employs a compressed gas usually air as a fluid.
as fluid
2. Oil hydraulics system operates at pressures
Pneumatics systems usually operate at 5 to 10 bar.
upto 700 bar.
3. Closed loop system Open loop system
4. System get slowdown of leakage Occurs. Leakage does not affect the system much more
5. Valve operations are difficult. Easy to operate the valves.

6. Heavier in weight. Light in weight.

7. Pumps are used to provide pressurized liquids. Compressors are used to provide compressed gas.

8. System is unsafe to fire hazards. System is free from fire hazards.

9. Automatic lubrication is provided. Special arrangements for lubrication needed.

10. Accuracy of the system is high Accuracy is not so high

Comparison between Hydraulic and Pneumatic

Hydraulic system Pneumatic system

Pumps are used to provide pressurized Compressors are used to provide compressed
7. liquids. gas.

8. System is unsafe to fire hazards. System is free from fire hazards.

9. Automatic lubrication is provided. Special arrangements for lubrication needed.

Accuracy of the system is high Accuracy is not so high
Advantages of Pneumatic System

 Advantages

 Low inertia effect of pneumatic components due to low density of air.

 Pneumatic Systems are light in weight
 Operating elements are cheaper and easy to operate
 Power losses are less due to the low viscosity of air.
 High output-to-weight ratio
 Pneumatic systems offer a safe power source in an explosive environment.
 Leakage is less and does not influence the systems. Moreover, leakage is not harmful.
 Infinite availability of the source
 Can be stored and easily utilized
Disadvantages of Pneumatic System

 Disadvantages
 Suitable only for low pressure and hence low force applications.
 economical up to 50 kN only
 Generation of compressed air is expensive compared to electricity
 Exhaust air noise is unpleasant and silence has to be used
 Weight to pressure ratio is large
 Less precise. It is not possible to achieve uniform speed due to the compressibility of
 vulnerable to dirt and contamination
 Can easily leak
Why compressed Air

• Compressed air is a mixture of all gases contained in the atmosphere.

• Compressed air is referred to as a gas when it is used as a fluid medium.
• The unlimited supply of air and the ease of compression make compressed
air the most widely used fluid for pneumatic systems.
• Although moisture and solid particles must be removed from the air, it does
not require the extensive distillation or separation process required in the
production of other gases.
Compressed Air
 Advantages
 Air is available in unlimited quantities
 easily conveyed in pipelines even over longer distances.
 Comparatively easier storage
 It can be vented to the atmosphere after it has performed work
 Compressed air is insensitive to temperature fluctuation. This ensures reliable operation even
in extreme temperature conditions
 Compressed air is clean. This is especially important in the food, pharmaceutical, textile, and
beverage industries
 Operating elements for compressed air operation are of simple and inexpensive construction
 Compressed air is fast. Thus, high operational speed can be attained
Compressed Air
 Disadvantages
 Compressed air requires good conditioning. No dirt or moisture residues may be contained in it. Dirt and
dust lead to wear on tools and equipment.
 It is not possible to achieve uniform and constant piston speeds (air is compressible).
 Compressed air is economical only up to a certain force expenditure. Owing to the commonly used
pressure of 7 bar the limit is about 20 to 50 kN, depending on the travel and the speed. If the force that is
required exceeds this level, hydraulics is preferred.
 The exhaust is loud.
 The oil mist mixed with the air for lubricating the equipment escapes with the exhaust to the atmosphere.
 Air due to its low conductivity, cannot dissipate heat as much as hydraulic fluid.
 Air cannot seal the fine gaps between the moving parts, unlike hydraulic system.
 Air is not a good lubricating medium, unlike hydraulic fluid.
Safety Precaution
1. Do not use compressed air to clean parts of your body or clothing, or to perform general space cleanup
in lieu of vacuuming or sweeping.
2. Never attempt to stop or repair a leak while the leaking portion is still under pressure. Always isolate,
repressurize and danger tag out the portion of the system to be repaired. For pressures of 70 bar or
greater, double valve protection is required to prevent injury if one of the valves should fail.
3. Avoid the application of heat to the air piping system or components, and avoid striking a sharp or
heavy blow on any pressurized part of the piping system.
4. Avoid rapid operation of manual valves. The heat of compression caused by a sudden high pressure
flow into an empty line or vessel can cause an explosion if oil is present. Valves should be slowly
cracked open until airflow is noted and should be kept in this position until pressures on both sides of
the valve have equalized. The rate of pressure rise should be kept under 14 bar per second, if possible.
Valves may then be opened fully.
5. Do not discharge large quantities of nitrogen into closed compartments unless adequate ventilation is
6. Do not subject compressed gas cylinders to temperatures greater than 55°C. Remember, any
pressurized system can be hazardous to your health if it is not maintained and operated carefully and
Applications of Pneumatic System

 Manufacturing: Pneumatic systems are widely used in manufacturing processes for tasks like gripping,
lifting, and positioning items on assembly lines.
 Automation: Industrial robots and automated machinery often use pneumatic components for precise
control and motion.
 Packaging: Pneumatic systems help package products by sealing, labeling, and filling containers
 Transportation: Many braking systems in vehicles, including trucks and buses, utilize pneumatic
 HVAC Systems: Pneumatic actuators are used in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems to
control dampers and valves.
Applications of Pneumatic System

 Medical Equipment: Pneumatic systems are used in medical devices such as dental tools, and patient
 Aerospace: Aircraft rely on pneumatic systems for functions like landing gear extension and retraction.
 Construction: Pneumatic tools like jackhammers, nail guns, and pneumatic drills are common in the
construction industry.
 Food and Beverage: Pneumatic systems handle processes like food sorting, filling, and packaging in the
food industry.
Basic Component and their Function in Pneumatic
Basic Component and their Function in Pneumatic
 Functions
 An external power source, typically a motor, drives the compressor.
 Compressors are employed to pressurize ambient air drawn from the atmosphere.
 Storage reservoirs are used to store specific volumes of compressed air.
 Valves are instrumental in managing the direction, flow rate, and pressure of the compressed air.
 Piping systems facilitate the transfer of pressurized air from one location to another.
 Pneumatic actuators transform fluid power into mechanical energy for practical tasks.
 An air filter serves the purpose of eliminating contaminants such as dirt, dust, and moisture from
incoming ambient air prior to its delivery to the compressor.
 Air coolers are utilized to lower the temperature of compressed air, a crucial function as air heats up
significantly during the compression process.
Stages of Air Preparation

 Stage 1: This consists of an air intake system.

 Stage 2: This stage consists of compressors, cooling, waste heat recovery, and air inlet filtration.

 Stage 3: This stage includes Conditioning equipment, consisting of air receivers (Compressed air tank),

aftercoolers, separators, traps (frequently called drain traps or drains), filters, and air dryers.

 Stage 4: This stage consists of air distribution subsystems, including main trunk lines, valving, additional

filters and traps(drains), air hoses, possible supplement air conditioning equipment, connectors, often

pressure regulators and lubricators.

Stages of Air Preparation

 Stage 1: This consists of an air intake system.

 Stage 2: This stage consists of compressors, cooling, waste heat recovery, and air inlet filtration.

 Stage 3: This stage includes Conditioning equipment, consisting of air receivers (Compressed air tank),

aftercoolers, separators, traps (frequently called drain traps or drains), filters, and air dryers.

 Stage 4: This stage consists of air distribution subsystems, including main trunk lines, valving, additional

filters and traps(drains), air hoses, possible supplement air conditioning equipment, connectors, often

pressure regulators and lubricators.


 An aftercooler is a heat exchanger that has two functions.

i. it serves to cool the hot air discharged from the
compressor to a desirable level before it enters the
ii. it removes most of the moisture from the air
discharged from the compressor by virtue of cooling
the air to a lower temperature.
 an aftercooler is installed in the airline between the
compressor and the air receiver.
 In this aftercooler, the moist air from the compressor
flows on the outside of tubes inside of which flows cool
 The water flows in an opposite direction to the airflow.
 The tubes contain internal baffles to provide proper water
velocity and turbulence for high heat transfer rates.
 After passing around the tubes, the cooled air enters the
moisture-separating chamber, which effectively traps out
condensed moisture
Air Dryer

 Aftercoolers remove only about 85% of the moisture from the air leaving the compressor. Air dryers are
installed downstream of aftercoolers when it is important to remove more moisture from the air.
 There are three basic types of air dryers:
i. Chemical air dryers: In chemical air dryers, moisture is absorbed by pellets made of dryer agent
materials, such as dehydrated chalk or calcium chloride. A chemical process turns the pellets into a
liquid that is drained from the system. The pellets are replaced on a planned maintenance schedule.
ii. Adsorption dryers remove moisture, using beds made of materials such as activated alumina or silica
gel. This is a mechanical process that involves capturing moisture in the pores of the bed material. On
a planned maintenance schedule, the beds are reactivated by the application of heat and a dryer gas.
iii. Refrigeration dryers are refrigerators that use commercial refrigerants. In these dryers, the moist air
passes through a heat exchanger where it is cooled as it flows around coils containing a liquid
Type of compressor
Piston Compressor
 Working
 Suction Process
• As the piston moves downward, the
suction process begins. The low-pressure
gas is sucked into the cylinder until the
piston moves to the bottom dead center.
 Compression Process
• When the piston is in the lowest position,
the cylinder is filled with low-pressure air.
Driven by the crankshaft and connecting
rod, the piston starts to move upward. At
this time, the suction valve is closed, the
working volume of the cylinder is
gradually reduced, the gas in the cylinder
is compressed, and the pressure is
gradually increased.
Piston Compressor
 Working

 Exhaust Process
• When the exhaust valve is opened, the
high-pressure air in the cylinder is
discharged out of the cylinder under
constant pressure until the piston
reaches the top position.
Piston Compressor
 Advantages  Disadvantages

 Piston-type compressors are available in  Reciprocating piston compressors generate inertia

a wide range of capacities and pressure. forces that shake the machine. Therefore, a rigid
 Very high air pressure (250 bar) and air frame, fixed to a solid foundation is often required.
 Reciprocating piston machines deliver a pulsating
volume flow rate are possible with multi-
staging. flow of air. Properly sized pulsation damping

 Better mechanical balancing is possible chambers or receiver tanks are required.

 They are suited for small volumes of air at high
by multistage compressors by proper
cylinder arrangement.
 High overall efficiency compared to other
Comparison among compressors
Item Reciprocating Rotary Vane Rotary Screw Centrifugal
Efficiency at full load High Medium-high High High
Poor: below
Efficiency at part Poor: below 60% of full Poor: below 60%
High due to staging 60%
load load of full load
of full load
Efficiency at no
High Poor High-medium
load(power as % of High (10%-25%) Medium (30%-40%)
(25%-60%) (20%-30%)
full load)
Quiet it
Noise level Noisy Quiet Quiet
Size Large Compact Compact Compact
Oil carry over Moderate Low-medium Low Low
Vibration High Less Less Less
Few wearing Very few Sensitive to dust
Maintenance Many wearing parts
parts wearing parts in air
Capacity Low-high Low-medium Low-high Medium-high
Pressure Medium- very high Low-medium Medium-high Medium-high
Sources of Air Contamination

• Air Quality Intake: Air compressors pull in a significant volume of air from the surrounding environment,
which often contains numerous airborne contaminants.

• Air Compressor Type and Operation: The air compressor itself can introduce contaminants, including
wear particles, coolants, and lubricants.

• Compressed Air Storage Systems and Distribution System: The air receiver and system piping are
designed to store and distribute the compressed air, thereby they also may add contaminants.
Air Filter

• Air to be filtered is drawn into the filter, creating a swirling

motion of air due to the presence of a deflector.
• This centrifugal action causes large contaminants and water
vapor to be flung out and collected at the bottom.
• The filter cartridge provides a random zig-zag passage for the
airflow, which arrests solid particles in the cartridge passage.
• A baffle plate is included to prevent turbulent air from
splashing water into the filter cartridge.
• The accumulated water and other solid particles at the bottom
of the filter bowl are drained off with the use of an on-off drain
valve located at the bottom of the filter bowl.
Air Pressure Regulator

• The primary role of an air pressure regulator is to ensure that the working pressure in a
pneumatic system remains virtually constant, despite fluctuations in the line pressure or
variations in air consumption.
• If the pressure in a pneumatic system is too low, it can lead to poor system efficiency.
• When the pressure is too high, excess energy is wasted.
• Provides additional safety to the system.
• Reduces pressure in the system to the minimum required value.
• In pneumatic system, pressure fluctuations occur due to variation in supply pressure or load
Air Pressure Regulator
 Working
• Airflow enters the regulator at point A. When the
adjustment knob is turned clockwise (when viewed from
the knob's end), it compresses spring C. This
compression action causes diaphragm D and main valve
E to move, enabling airflow to pass through the valve
seat area.
• Pressure in the downstream area is monitored through
aspirator tube F, which is connected to area H above
diaphragm D. As downstream pressure increases, it
counteracts the force of the compressed spring C.
Consequently, diaphragm D and valve E move to close
the valve, halting airflow through the regulator. At this
point, the holding pressure of the spring and the
downstream pressure in area H are balanced, resulting
in reduced outlet pressure.
Air Pressure Regulator
 Working
• Any downstream demand for airflow, such as opening a
valve, causes downstream pressure to decrease.
Spring C then pushes open valve E again, and this
cycle repeats in a modulating fashion to maintain the
desired downstream pressure setting.
• If downstream pressure exceeds the set pressure,
diaphragm D lifts off the top of valve stem J, relieving
excess pressure to the atmosphere under knob B.
• Once downstream pressure returns to the set pressure,
diaphragm reseats on the valve stem, and the system
returns to equilibrium.
Air Lubricators

 Working
• The operation follows a principle similar to that of a carburetor, as
illustrated in the schematic diagram in the figure.
• When air enters the lubricator, its velocity increases as it passes
through a venture ring. At the venture ring, the pressure is lower
than atmospheric pressure, while the pressure on the oil remains
• This pressure difference between the upper chamber and lower
chamber causes oil to be drawn up in a riser tube.
• As the oil is drawn up, it mixes with the incoming air, forming a
fine mist.
• To control the rate of oil flow, a needle valve is used to adjust the
pressure differential across the oil jet.
• The air-oil mixture is then forced to swirl, allowing larger oil
particles to be directed back into the bowl due to centrifugal force,
while only the mist continues to the outlet.
Typical Oil Used for Air Lubrication

Suitable oil grades/Trade name Viscosity at 200C

ARAL OEL TU 500 23.6 cSt
Avia Avilub RSL 3 34 cSt
BP Energol HL 40 27 cSt
ESSO SPINESSO 34, Nutto H5, H10 23 cSt
Mobil Vac HLP 9, Velocite oil no 6 25.3 cSt
Shell TELLUS OEL 15, OL 10 22 cSt
TEXACO Rando oil AAA 25 cSt
Vedol Andarin 38 20.5 cSt
Aral , Vitamol, GF10, DE10, CM5, CM10 21 cSt
FRL/ Service Unit
The combination of filter, regulator, and lubricator is called FRL unit or service unit. Figure (a) gives the
three dimensional view of a FRL unit. Figure (b) gives a detailed symbol of the FRL unit. Figure (c) gives a
simplified symbol of a FRL unit.
Pneumatic Actuators
Pneumatic Actuators

• Pneumatic actuators are devices used for converting the pressure energy of compressed air into

mechanical energy to perform useful work.

• The pressurized air from the compressor is supplied to the reservoir.

• The pressurized air from the reservoir is supplied to the pneumatic actuator to do work.

• Pneumatic actuators can be used to get linear, rotary, and oscillatory motion. There are three types of

pneumatic actuators:

i. Linear Actuators or Pneumatic cylinders

ii. Rotary Actuators or Air motors

iii. Limited angle Actuators

Classification of Pneumatic Actuators

A. Based on the application for which air cylinders are used

i. Light-duty air cylinders
ii. Medium duty air cylinders
iii. Heavy duty air cylinders
B. Based on the cylinder action
i. Single-acting cylinder
ii. Double-acting cylinder
a. Single Rod Type Double Acting Cylinder
b. Double Rod Type Double Acting Cylinder
C. Based on the cylinder’s movement
i. Rotating type air cylinder
ii. Non-rotating type air cylinder
Classification of Pneumatic Actuators

D. Based on the cylinder’s design

i. Telescopic cylinder
ii. Tandem cylinder
iii. Rod less cylinder
a. Cable cylinder
b. Sealing band Cylinder with slotted cylinder barrel
c. Cylinder with Magnetically Coupled Slide
iv. Impact cylinder
v. Duplex cylinders
vi. Cylinders with sensors
Material for Construction of Light, Medium and Heavy Duty
Type of cylinder
Light duty Medium duty Heavy duty
Hard drawn Hard drawn
Hard drawn seamless seamless brass tubes
Cylinder tubes seamless tubing ,
aluminium or brass tubes
Aluminium , brass, brass , bronze, iron or
iron or steel castings steel casting
Aluminium brass,
Aluminium alloy castings bronze, iron or steel
End covers Fabricated aluminium, High tensile castings
brass , bronze castings, fabricated
brass, bronze,
Aluminium alloy Aluminium alloy
Pistons Aluminium alloy castings castings, Brass, cast castings, Brass, cast
iron iron
EN 8 steel, ground
EN 8 or similar steel and polished or
Piston rods ground and polished or chrome plated. Polished Ground and
chrome plated Ground and polished stainless steel
stainless steel
Mounting Aluminium alloy casting Aluminium,brass,iron High tensile castings
brackets castings or fabricated
Linear Actuator- Single acting cylinder

 Spring Return Piston Type

Linear Actuator- Single acting cylinder

 Gravity Return Piston Type

Linear Actuator- Single acting cylinder
 Diaphragm Type
• This represents the most basic type of single-acting cylinder.
• In a diaphragm cylinder, the traditional piston is substituted
with a diaphragm made of hard rubber, plastic, or metal. This
diaphragm is clamped between two halves of a metal casing,
forming a wide, flat enclosure.
• Pneumatic pressure is introduced into this enclosure,
exerting pressure on the diaphragm.
• As the pneumatic pressure increases and acts on the
diaphragm, it applies force against a spring, resulting in the
movement of the actuator stem.
• Reducing the pneumatic pressure causes the spring to
retract the diaphragm.
Linear Actuator- Single acting cylinder
 Rolling Diaphragm Type
• Rolling diaphragm cylinders are similar to diaphragm
• They consist of a diaphragm rather than a piston, and this
diaphragm rolls out along the inner walls of the cylinder when
air pressure is applied.
• The application of air pressure causes the diaphragm to
move, which, in turn, causes the operating stem to move
• Due to rolling action of the diaphragm, compared to standard
diaphragm cylinders, rolling diaphragm cylinders are capable
of achieving significantly longer operating strokes, typically
ranging from 50 mm to 800 mm.
Linear Actuator- Double acting cylinder
Linear Actuator
 Telescopic Cylinder  Tandem Cylinder
Linear Actuator- Rodless Cylinder

• A rodless air cylinder distinguishes itself from a standard air cylinder by not having a piston rod extend

outside the cylinder body.

• Instead, it utilizes an internal piston that is connected to an external carriage through a magnetic or

mechanical coupling system.

• There are three types of rodless cylinders

i. Cable Cylinder

ii. Sealing band Cylinder with slotted cylinder barrel

iii. Cylinder with Magnetically Coupled Slide

Linear Actuator- Rodless Cylinder
 Cable Cylinder
• This cylinder is used for long strokes, reaching up to 2000 mm.
• It consists of a nylon-jacketed cable that enters the cylinder barrel, attaches to
one end of the internal cylinder, exits through a gland seal, and re-enters the
other end of the internal cylinder through another gland seal.
• When compressed air is introduced into the cylinder, it pushes the piston from
one end to the other.
• The cables connected to both sides of the piston, extending beyond the
cylinder's ends, move in tandem.
• Cable cylinders are cost-effective and simple in design.
• However, wear and tear on the cables can lead to inaccuracies in carrier
positioning and potential leakage issues.
Linear Actuator- Rodless Cylinder
 Cylinder with Magnetically Coupled Slide
• The piston has a powerful magnet that bonds the piston
inside the cylinder with the carriage outside which also
contains a powerful magnet.

• Advantages are:
i. There is no leakage
ii. There is no direct contact with moving elements
therefore the wear is less
iii. The orientation of the carriage can be changed
Rotary Actuator

• Rotary actuators are used to attain angular motion.

• These devices generate high torque and offer restricted rotary motion, with common rotation
options including 90 degrees, 180 degrees, and 270 degrees.
• Classification
a. Vane-type limited rotation motors
i. Single vane rotation motor
ii. Double vane rotation motor
b. Rotary Actuator of Rack and Pinion Type
c. Helix spine rotary actuator
d. Axial piston air motor
e. Radial Piston air motor
Rotary Actuator- Vane type

Single Vane Double Vane

Rotary Actuator- Rack and Pinion Type

• These actuators contain double pistons that efficiently

transmit the rotary force to the output shaft.
• The piston rods have teeth and interact with the
output shaft in a rack-and-pinion configuration.
• Each piston and toothed rod is constructed as a
single integrated unit.
• This rack-and-pinion setup ensures a uniform
distribution of torque throughout the rotational
• When activated, the piston moves linearly, causing
the pinion to rotate.
• The center of the pinion is connected to a shaft.
Rotary Actuator- Axial and Rotary Piston Air Motor
 Rotary Piston  Air Piston
• The five-cylinder piston design provides even • An axial piston air motor, which can deliver up to 3
torque at all speeds due to the overlap of the HP using 100-psi air.
five power impulses occurring during each • This motor also has five pistons.
revolution of the motor. • At least two pistons are on the power stroke at all
• At least two pistons are on the power stroke at times, providing even torque at all speeds.
all times.
• The smooth overlapping power flow and
accurate balancing make these motors
vibrationless at all speeds.
• This air motor has relatively little exhaust noise,
and this can be further reduced by the use of an
exhaust muffler.
Pneumatic Valves

• Valves are devices designed to control or regulate the beginning, termination, direction, pressure,
or rate of flow of a pressurized fluid. This fluid can be delivered by a compressor, vacuum pump, or
stored in a vessel.
• In pneumatic system, valve perform three main functions:
i. Control the air supply to power units, such as cylinders.
ii. Provide signals that govern the sequence of operations.
iii. Act as interlocks and safety devices.
• Based on applications, valves in a pneumatic system can be classified as
i. Direction Control Valve: Regulates the direction of fluid flow in a pneumatic system.
ii. Non-Return Valves: Ensure that fluid flows in one direction only, preventing backflow.
iii. Flow Control Valves: Manage and regulate the rate of fluid flow within the system.
iv. Pressure Control Valves: Control the pressure levels of the fluid in the pneumatic system.
Directional Control Valve

• The function of directional control valve is to control the direction of flow in the pneumatic circuit.

• DCVs are used to start, stop and regulate the direction of air flow and to help in the distribution of

air in the required line.

• The valves can have two or more ports and fulfill various circuit functions.

• Directional control valves can be actuated by different means, such as manual actuation or solenoid

Types of Directional Control Valve

1. Based on Construction:
i. Poppet or Seat Valves:
• Ball Seat Valve
• Disc Seat Valve
• Diaphragm Valves
ii. Sliding Spool Valves:
• Longitudinal Slide Valve
• Suspended Spool Valves
• Rotary Spool Valves
2. Based on Number of Ports:
i. Two-Way Valves
ii. Three-Way Valves
Types of Directional Control Valve
3. Four-Way Actuation Methods Classification:
i. Mechanical
ii. Electrical
iii. Pneumatic
4. Size of the Port Classification:
i. Port sizes designated as M5, G1/8, G1/4, etc.
ii. M refers to Metric thread, G refers to British Standard Pipe (BSP) thread.
5. Mounting Styles Classification:
i. Sub Base
ii. Manifold
iii. In-Line
iv. Valve Island
Ports and position

• DCVs are described by the number of port connections or ways they control.
• For example: Two way, three – way, four way valves.
Ports and position
Poppet or Seat Valves- Ball seat valve

• Figure shows the construction of a simple 2/2

normally closed ball seat valve.
• If the push button is pressed, ball will lift off
from its seat and allows the air to flow from
port P to port B.
• When the push button is released, spring
force and air pressure keeps the ball on it’s
seat and closes air flow from port P to port B.
Poppet or Seat Valves- Disc seat valve

• Figure shows the construction of a disc type 3/2 way DCV.

• When push button is released, ports 2 and 3 are connected
via hollow pushbutton stem.
• If the push button is pressed, port 3 is first blocked by the
moving valve stem and then valve disc is pushed down
from it’s seatn so as to open the valve thus connecting port
1 and 2.
• When the push button is released, spring and air pressure
from port 1 closes the valve.
Poppet or Seat Valves- Disc seat valve
 Advantages  Disadvantages
i. Response of poppet valve is very fast- short i. The actuating force is relatively
stroke to provide maximum flow opening high, as it is necessary to
ii. They give larger opening (larger flow) of overcome the force of the built
valves for a small stroke in reset spring and the air
iii. The valve seats are usually simple elastic pressure.
seals so wear is minimum ii. They are noisy if flow
iv. They are insensitive to dust and dirt and fluctuation is large.
they are robust, seats are self cleaning
v. Maintenance is easy and economical.
vi. They are inexpensive
vii. They give longer service life: short stroke
and few wearing parts give minimum wear
and maximum life capabilities
Poppet or Seat Valves- Diaphragm valve
• A diaphragm valve consists of an elastomeric diaphragm and
a seat where the diaphragm rests in the closed position.
• The flexible diaphragm obstructs, controls, or isolates the flow
of fluids and acts as a flow control device.
• The diaphragm element flexes either upward or downward to
adjust the fluid flow rate.
• When the diaphragm is pressed against its solid seat, the
valve achieves a sealed state. This sealing action prevents
the flow of fluids.
Hand Operated 3/2 DCV- Spool Type

• The cross-sectional views illustrate the spool design

of a 3/2 DCV (normally closed).
• In the unactuated state, ports 2 and 3 are
interconnected while port 1 is blocked.
• Upon activation/actuation, ports 2 and 1 establish a
connection, while port 3 becomes blocked.
• Here,
 Port 2: Common port
 Port 3: Normally open port
 Port 1: Normally closed port
Pneumatically Actuated 3/2 DCV- Spool Type

• The principle is similar to the previous one.

• The only difference is that instead of hand
operation, the valve is actuated by sending
pressurized air through the pilot port.
• Pressurized air acting on the piston through the pilot
tube causes the piston to move, therefore, connect
ports 1 and 2, while blocking port 3.
• Upon the release of pressure, the spring forces the
spool to move back to its normal position therefore
reconnecting ports 1 and 2.
Pneumatically Actuated 4/2 DCV- Spool Type

• The valve in the Figure is a pneumatically operated

4/2 way directional control valve (DCV).
• The transition between operational states occurs
through the application of pilot pressure.
• When compressed air is introduced to the pilot spool
via the control port 12, it establishes a connection
between ports 1 and 2, while port 4 exhausts through
port 3.
• Alternatively, applying pilot pressure to port 14 results
in the connection between ports 1 and 4, with port 2
exhausting through port 3.
• Disconnection of compressed air from the control line
causes the pilot spool to maintain its current position
until a signal from the other control side is received.
5/2 DCV- Spool Type
Pneumatically Actuated 4/2 DCV- Suspended Disc
• In this configuration, a disc is used instead of a spool.
• In a spool type valve, the spool controls the opening and
closing of ports. In this type, the suspended disc controls
the opening and closing of ports.
• This suspended disc is capable of being moved through
the application of pilot pressure, or a solenoid, or
mechanical mechanisms.
• In this particular design, the primary disc (middle)
establishes a connection between port 1 and either port 4
or port 2.
• When port 1 is in connection with port 2, port 4 exhausts
through port 3.
• Moving the disc in the other direction connects ports 1 and
4, with port 4 exhausting through port 3.
Pneumatically Actuated 5/2 DCV- Suspended Disc

• This suspended disc can be moved by

pilot pressure at port 14 or port 12.
• When the pilot pressure acts through port
14, ports 1 - 4 and 2 - 3 are connected
and 5 is blocked.
• When the air is given to pilot line 12, then
4 - 5 and 1 -2 are connected and 3 is
4/3 DCV- Rotary Valves

• The rotary spool directional control valve, shown in the

Figure, consisting of a circular core featuring one or more
• This core is positioned within a stationary sleeve. As the core
undergoes rotation within the stationary sleeve, its passages
either establish or obstruct connections with the ports in the
• The construction of a rotary spool directional control valve is
illustrated in the figure.
• By rotating the handle, core gets connected to different holes
to give the required configuration of the valve.
• Three distinct positions of the core are showed
corresponding to handle rotation.
• The leftmost configuration of the directional control valve
connects port P to B and port A to T.
• The middle configuration blocks all ports
• The rightmost setup links port P to A and port T to B.
Non Return Valves

• Non return valves permit flow of air in one direction only, the other direction
through the valve being at all times blocked to the air flow.
• Among the various types of non-return valves available, those preferentially
employed in pneumatic controls are as follows:
i. Check valve
ii. Restrictor check valve
iii. Shuttle valve
iv. Quick exhaust valve
v. Two pressure valve
Check Valve

• The check valve is a basic type of non-return valve.

• As Illustrated in the Figure, it serves the purpose of blocking
airflow in one direction while It allows flow in the opposite
direction with minimum pressure loss across the valve.
• The check valve becomes operational when the inlet pressure
in the direction of free flow exceeds the force of the internal
• This pressure difference causes the check valve to lift clear of
the valve seat and allowing air to flow through the valve.
• Check valves come with various types of checks, including
plug, ball, plate, or diaphragm.
Shuttle Valve

• Also referred to as a double control valve or double check

• The shuttle valve is equipped with two inlets and one outlet.
• It operates by shutting off flow in the direction of the unloaded
• Simultaneously, it allows an open path from the loaded inlet to
the outlet.
• The ball operates to block the airflow from the unloaded inlet
by securing it against the seat on the unloaded side.
• This action is facilitated by the pressure difference between
the unloaded and loaded sides, where the pressure at the
loaded inlet is higher than that of the unloaded inlet.
• Commonly installed in scenarios where a power unit (such as
a cylinder) or a control unit (like a valve) needs to be actuated
from two separate points.
Restrictor Check Valve

• Due to their throttling function, these valves serve as flow control valves.

• Their incorporation of a check function adds a non-return valve aspect.

• The throttle of a restrictor check valve is typically adjustable, allowing for

the regulation of air flow through the valve.

• The valve regulates air flow only in the direction from A to B.

• However, the inclusion of a check valve enables unrestricted airflow

when the direction of the air is reversed.

Quick Exhaust Valve

• During the extension or retraction of the cylinder, compressed air is supplied to one
end, while the air on the opposite side of the piston is released to the atmosphere.
Usually, this involves a lengthy path through pipes and tubes to reach the exhaust
port of the directional control valve.
• To overcome this, quick exhaust valves are installed at the cylinder ports. These
valves allow the direct release of air to the atmosphere at the cylinder outlet port,
eliminating the need for air to travel a long distance.
• A quick exhaust valve comprises a rubber seal within its body, featuring an inlet port
(1), cylinder port (2), and exhaust port (3).
• When air exits the cylinder port (1), the rubber seal closes the inlet port (1) and
opens the exhaust port (3), facilitating the quick release of air from inside the
Quick Exhaust Valve (Cont’d)

• Conversely, when compressed air is introduced through the inlet port (1), the rubber
seal closes the exhaust port (3) and allows air to flow to the cylinder at a standard
rate through the cylinder port (2).
• In some applications, particularly those involving single-acting cylinders, a common
approach is to enhance the piston speed during the retraction phase to reduce cycle
• This increased piston speed is achievable by minimizing the resistance to the flow of
exhaust air during cylinder motion.
• The reduction in resistance is accomplished by quick releasing the exhausting air to
the atmosphere, a process facilitated by the use of a Quick Exhaust Valve.
Flow Control Valve

• A flow control valve regulates the rate of airflow.

• In a flow control valve, the adjustment of airflow is achieved by modifying

the valve opening through the rotation of a knob or another mechanism.

• To ensure a steady flow of air through the valve, certain flow control valves

incorporate a mechanism that automatically adjusts the valve opening in

response to the pressure difference between the inlet and outlet ports.

Pressure Control Valve

• Pressure control valves control the pressure of the air flowing through the valve or confined in the

system controlled by the valve.

• There are three types of pressure control valves

i. Pressure limiting valve

ii. Pressure sequence valve

iii. Pressure regulator or pressure-reducing valve

Pressure Limiting Valve

• A pressure limiting valve is used to prevent the pressure in

a system from exceeding a permissible maximum.
• The figure shows the construction of a pressure-limiting
• These valves function as safety relief devices by opening
to the atmosphere when the system surpasses a
predetermined pressure.
• This action releases excess pressure and ensures the
safety of the system.
• Once the pressure is reduced to a safe level, the valve
automatically closes again by the spring force.
Pressure Sequence Valve

• A sequence valve is employed to carry out two operations

sequentially, one after the other. For instance, the first
cylinder extends first, followed by the extension of the
second cylinder.
• The valve contains one inlet and two outlet ports, namely
outlet port 1 and outlet port 2.
• When the working fluid is introduced to the inlet port of the
sequence valve, it initially flows directly to outlet port 1.
• However, the poppet of the sequence valve only lifts off
from its seat and permits airflow through port 2 when the
pressure exceeds a predetermined value.
Pressure Sequence Valve (Cont’d)

• When the valve is employed to extend two cylinders

sequentially, it permits the flow of working fluid in the
reverse direction from port 1 but prevents reverse
flow through port 2. In such cases, for the retraction
of the cylinder connected to port 2, an additional
check valve is incorporated (In the figure the check
valve is provided at the drain line)
• Sequence valve must be incorporated into a
pneumatic control where a certain minimum
pressure must be available for a given function and
operation is not be initiated at any pressure lower
than that.
• They are also used in systems containing priority air
consumers when other consumers are not to be
supplied with air until ample pressure is assured.
Pressure Reducing Valve

• Pressure regulators, commonly called pressure-

reducing valves, maintain constant output pressure
in compressed-air systems regardless of variations
in input pressure or output flow.
• Regulators are a special class of valves containing
integral loading, sensing, actuating, and control
• Available in many configurations, they can be
broadly classified as general purpose, special
purpose, or precision.
Electro-Pneumatic Control

• Electro-pneumatics has become a common choice for cost-effective industrial automation, finding
extensive use in production, assembly, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and packaging systems.
• In Electro-Pneumatic control, several pneumatic and electrical technologies are applied.
• Electrical signals, sourced from either AC or DC, serve as the signal medium.
• Compressed air functions as the working medium.
• Operating voltages typically range from 12V to 220V.
• Solenoid actuation activates the control valve, and the valve resetting occurs either through a spring
(single solenoid) or by employing another solenoid (double solenoid valve).
• To optimize valve actuation/reset and reduce valve size and cost, pilot-assisted solenoid actuation is
frequently employed.
• Control of the pneumatic system is carried out either using a combination of Relays and Contactors or
with the help of Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC).
Electro-Pneumatic Control

• Relays have increasingly been replaced by programmable logic controllers to meet the growing demand

for more flexible automation.

• In Electro-pneumatic controls, three important steps are involved:

i. Signal input devices: Signal generation such as switches and contactors, Various types of contact,

and proximity sensors

ii. Signal Processing: Use of a combination of Contactors of Relay or using Programmable Logic


iii. Signal Outputs: Outputs obtained after processing are used for the activation of solenoids,

indicators, or audible alarms

Electro-Pneumatic Control

• Seven basic electrical devices commonly used in the control of fluid power systems are:
i. Manually-actuated push button switches: used to close or open an electric control circuit.
ii. Limit switches: Any switch that is actuated due to the position of a fluid power component (usually a
piston rod or hydraulic motor shaft or the position of load is termed as a limit switch. The actuation
of a limit switch provides an electrical signal that causes an appropriate system response.
iii. Pressure switches: Pressure switches are used to sense a change in pressure, and open or close
an electrical switch when a predetermined pressure is reached.
iv. Solenoids
v. Relays: It is a simple electrical device used for signal processing.
vi. Timers: Timers are required in control systems to effect time delay between work operations.
vii. Temperature switches: Temperature switches automatically sense a change in temperature and
open or close an electrical switch when a predetermined temperature is reached.
Electro-Pneumatic Control

• Other devices used in electro-pneumatic are

i. Proximity sensors
ii. Electric counters
Seven Qualities of Air Required in Production

• Branches 1 and 2 deliver air directly from

the air receiver, with standard filters and
auto drains to remove condensate. Sub-
branch 2 boasts higher purity due to the
inclusion of a micro filter.
• Branches 3 to 6 utilize air conditioning by
a refrigerated dryer. Branch 3 requires no
auto drain, branch 4 needs no pre-
filtering, and branch 5 achieves enhanced
air purity through a micro filter and sub-
micro filter, aided by the removal of
moisture via a refrigerated air dryer.
Seven Qualities of Air Required in Production

• Sub-branch 6 is equipped with an odor

removal filter.
• Branch 7 incorporates an additional
adsorption-type dryer, ensuring the
elimination of condensation risk at low
Seven Qualities of Air Required in Production

No. Removal of Application Typical examples

1. Dust particles > 5 micron Where some solid Workshop air for clamping
Liquid oil to 99% impurities humidify and blowing and simple
Saturated humidity to 96% oil can be accepted pneumatic drives
2. Dust particles > 0.3 micron Where removal of dust General industrial equipment,
Oil mist to 99.9% and oil dominates, but a pneumatic controls and
Saturated humidity to 99% certain amount of drives, seamless metallic
condensation can be joints, air tools and air motors
3. Humidity to atmosphere dew Where removal of Similar to (1) as the air is dry
point of -170C Dew point humidity is imperative additional spray painting
Saturated Humidity to 99%.
4. Dust particles > 0.3 micron Where no humidity, fine Process control, measuring
Oil mist to 99.9% dust and oil vapor are equipment , high quality
Humidity up to an acceptable. spray painting, cooling of
atmospheric dew point of - foundry and injection
17 molding dies
Seven Qualities of Air Required in Production

No. Removal of Application Typical examples

1. Dust particles > 0.3 micron Where pure air , Pneumatic precision
Oil mist to 99.99% Humidity practically free from any measuring devices,
up to an atmospheric dew impurity is required electrostatic spray painting,
point of -17 cleaning and drying of
electronic assemblies
2. As in (5) with odor removal Where absolutely pure Pharmacy , food industry for
air, as under (5) but packaging , air transport,
odor free brewing and breathing air
3. All impurities as in (6) but Where risk of Drying electronic
with atmospheric dew point condensation during components, storage of
of greater expansion and low pharmaceuticals, marine
than -30 temperature must be measuring equipment, air
avoided, transport of powder.
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