Lecture 01ab

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What is Electromagnetics?

Electric field
Produced by the presence of
electrically charged particles,
and gives rise to the electric

Magnetic field
Produced by the motion of
electric charges, or electric
current, and gives rise to the
magnetic force associated
with magnets.
Engineering Electromagnetics

What is Electromagnetics?
An electromagnetic field is
generated when charged
particles, such as electrons,
are accelerated.
All electrically charged
particles are surrounded by
electric fields.
Charged particles in motion
produce magnetic fields.
When the velocity of a
charged particle changes, an
electromagnetic field is
EMT is the study of the underlying laws that govern
the manipulation of electricity and magnetism, and
how we use these laws to our advantage.
EMT is the source of fundamental principles behind
many branches of electrical engineering, and
indirectly impacts many other branches.
EM fields and forces are the basis of modern
electrical systems. It represents an essential and
fundamental background that underlies future
advances in modern communications, computer
systems, digital electronics, signal processing, and
energy systems etc.
Why do we learn Engineering Electromagnetics?
 Electromagnetic principles find applications in various
disciplines such as microwaves, x-rays, antennas, electric
machines, plasmas#, etc.

#Plasma is superheated matter – so hot that the electrons are ripped away from the atoms forming an
ionized gas. It comprises over 99% of the visible universe. In the night sky, plasma glows in the form of
stars, nebulas, and even the auroras that sometimes ripple above the north and south poles.
 Electromagnetic fields are used in induction heaters for Applications
melting, forging, annealing, surface hardening, and soldering
 Electromagnetic devices include transformers, radio,
television, mobile phones, radars, lasers, etc.


Coulomb’s Law Vectors Biot Savart Law

Electric Field Intensity Coordinate Systems Ampere’s Law

Electric Flux Density Gradient Curl

Gauss’s Law Laplacian Faraday’s Law

Divergence Curl Lorentz Force

Effect of Dielectric Divergence Inductance

Capacitance of simple
Chapter 1
Vector Analysis
• Understand the meaning of vectors
• Scalar and Vector Quantities
• Vector Algebra
• Projection and Components of Vector
• Unit vectors
• Dot Product
• Cross Product
• Scalar and Vector Fields
• Position vector and Distance vector
• Solve some relevant examples
Scalar Quantities
• Physical quantities can be divided into two main groups, scalar
quantities and vector quantities:
• A scalar quantity is defined completely by a single (positive or negative)
real number with appropriate units, e.g mass, density, pressure, charge,
energy, temperature
• Scalar quantities can be manipulated by the laws of arithmetic applicable
to natural numbers. Many physical quantities can be added together in
the same way as natural numbers.
• For example, if we first put 100 cm3 of water into a cup and then put in an
additional 150 cm3, the cup will contain 250 cm3 of water.
Vector Quantities
• A vector quantity is defined completely when we know, not only its
magnitude (with units) but also the direction in which it operates,
e.g force, velocity, acceleration,
• Special arithmetic rules must be obeyed when adding vectors

• Vector notation: Vectors are distinguished from scalars by writing
them in special ways. A widely used convention is to denote a
vector quantity in bold type, such as A with an arrow head.
• The magnitude of a vector A is written as |A|.
Chapter 1 Vector Analysis

Scalars and Vectors

 Scalar refers to a quantity whose value may be represented
by a single (positive or negative) real number.
 Some examples include distance, temperature, mass,
density, pressure, volume, and time.
 A vector quantity has both a magnitude and a direction in
space. We especially concerned with two- and three-
dimensional spaces only.
 Displacement, velocity, acceleration, and force are examples
of vectors.

• Scalar notation: A →
or A (italic or plain)
• Vector notation: A or A (bold or plain
with arrow)
Vector Algebra
• Vector Inverse
– Just switch direction  
A  A
• Vector Addition
– Use head-tail method, or
parallelogram method
• Vector Subtraction
– Use inverse, then add  • Basic laws obeyed by
• Vector Multiplication any given vectors A,B,C
  
– Three kinds!  B A B – Commutative
 B – Associative
– Multiplying a vector by a
scalar – Distributive
– Scalar, or dot product
– Vector, or cross product
Chapter 1 Vector Analysis

Vector Algebra

A  B B  A

A  (B + C) ( A  B) + C

A  B A  (  B )
A 1
 A
n n
A  B 0  A B
Vectors Basics
• Vectors have both magnitude and direction e.g.
a, 
• You should know how to find the components of a
vector from its magnitude and direction y

a x a cos a
a y a sin 
• You should know how to find a vector’s ax x
magnitude and direction from its components

a  a x2  a y2
 tan  1 a y / a x
Chapter 1 Vector Analysis

Rectangular Coordinate System

• Differential surface units:
dx dy
dy dz
dx dz
• Differential volume unit :
dx dy dz
Chapter 1 Vector Analysis

Vector Components and Unit Vectors

R PQ ?

r x  y  z
r  xa x  ya y  za z
a x , a y , a z : unit vectors
R PQ rQ  rP
(2a x  2a y  a z )  (1a x  2a y  3a z )
a x  4a y  2a z
Dot Product
• The dot product (scalar product) of two
vectors can be thought of as the projection
of one onto the direction of the other. 
• Given two vectors A and B, the product of
magnitude of A, the magnitude of B, and ( A cos  ) B 
q A
the cosine of smaller angle between them A( B cos  )

• The dot product says something about B
how parallel two vectors are. Projection is zero

  p/2
A B  A B cos AB 
Properties of Dot Product
 Two vectors A and B are orthogonal with each other if A.B=0
 For any angle 0≤ θAB≤π/2,the scalar product is positive. For angles above
π/2(π/2< θAB ≤ π),the scalar product is negative.
 For θAB=0,(parallel vectors),the scalar product equals AB, and for θAB =
π ,the product is (-AB)
 The magnitude of the scalar product of two vectors is always smaller or
equal to the product of their magnitudes.(IA.BI ≤AB)
 Commutative law : A.B=B.A
 Distributive Law: A.(B+C)=A.B+A.C
ax ay 0; ax.az 0; ay.az 0
 A.A=IAI2= A2 ax ax 1; ay ay 1; az az 1
 The unit vector properties:
Chapter 1 Vector Analysis

Vector Components and Unit Vectors

 For any vector B, B Bx a x  B: y a y + Bz a z

B  Bx2  By2  Bz2 B Magnitude of B

aB   Unit vector in the direction of B
2 2 2
Bx  By  Bz B

 Example
Given points M(–1,2,1) and N(3,–3,0), find RMN and aMN.

R MN (3a x  3a y  0a z )  ( 1a x  2a y  1a z ) 4a x  5a y  a z
R MN 4a x  5a y  1a z
a MN   0.617a x  0.772a y  0.154a z
R MN 2 2
4  ( 5)  ( 1) 2
Chapter 1 Vector Analysis

The Dot Product

 Given two vectors A and B, the dot product, or scalar product, is defines as the
product of the magnitude of A, the magnitude of B, and the cosine of the smaller
angle between them:

A B  A B cos  AB

 The dot product is a scalar, and it obeys the commutative law:

A B B A

 For any vector A  Ax a x  Ay a y + Az a z and, B Bx a x  By a y + Bz a z

A B  Ax Bx  Ay By + Az Bz
Chapter 1 Vector Analysis

The Dot Product

 One of the most important applications of the dot product is that
of finding the component of a vector in a given direction.

• The scalar component of B in the direction of the unit vector a is Ba

• The vector component of B in the direction of the unit vector a is (Ba)a

B a  B a cos  Ba  B cos  Ba
Chapter 1 Vector Analysis

 Example
The three vertices of a triangle are located at A(6,–1,2),
B(–2,3,–4), and C(–3,1,5).
Find: (a) RAB; (b) RAC;
(c) the angle θBAC at vertex A;
(d) the vector projection of RAB on RAC.
R AB ( 2a x  3a y  4a z )  (6a x  a y  2a z )  8a x  4a y  6a z

R AC ( 3a x  1a y  5a z )  (6a x  a y  2a z )  9a x  2a y  3a z
R AB R AC  R AB R AC cos  BAC A

R AB R AC ( 8a x  4a y  6a z ) ( 9a x  2a y  3a z ) 62
 cos  BAC    0.594
R AB R AC 2 2
( 8)  (4)  ( 6) 2 2 2
(  9)  (2)  (3) 2
116 94

  BAC cos  1 (0.594) 53.56

Chapter 1 Vector Analysis

 Example (continued)
The three vertices of a triangle are located at A(6,–1,2),
B(–2,3,–4), and C(–3,1,5). Find: (a) RAB; (b) RAC; (c) the angle
θBAC at vertex A; (d) the vector projection of RAB on RAC.

R AB on R AC R AB a AC a AC

 
( 9a x  2a y  3a z )  ( 9a x  2a y  3a z )
 ( 8a x  4a y  6a z ) 
 ( 9) 2  (2) 2  (3) 2 2 2
 ( 9)  (2)  (3)
 
62 ( 9a x  2a y  3a z )

94 94
 5.963a x  1.319a y  1.979a z
The Cross Product
 The cross product (vector product)
is the product magnitude of two
vectors and sine of smaller angle
between them
 Direction of cross product is
perpendicular/normal to plane

containing A and B.  B
  B sin 
A B aN A B sin AB

q A
 The cross product of two vectors 
A sin 
says something about how much  0≤θ≤π
perpendicular they are.
Direction of AxB or aN
 Right Hand Rule: Direction of aN is
the direction of right thumb when
fingers of right hand rotate from
A to B
 Right handed screw rule:
Direction of aN is that of the
advance of right handed screw as
X is turned into Y
 Using these we satisfy the right-
handed coordinate systems that
we shall be using.
Properties of Cross Product
 It is not commutative: AxB≠BxA
 It is anti-commutative: AxB= −BxA
 It is not associative: Ax(BxC) ≠ (AxB)xC
 It is distributive : Ax(B+C)=AxB+AxC
 AxA=0
 For two perpendicular vectors,the magnitude of vector product is equal
to the product of the magnitudes of two vectors and is always positive.
 If vectors have same direction, then vector product is 0,AxB=0
A ax ay az; ay az ax; az ax ay
B ax ax 0; ay ay 0; az az 0
 Properties of unit vectors:
ax az  ay;az ay  ax;ay ax  az
Chapter 1 Vector Analysis

The Cross Product

 Given two vectors A and B, the magnitude of the cross product,
or vector product, written as AB, is defined as the product of
the magnitude of A, the magnitude of B, and the sine of the
smaller angle between them.
 The direction of AB is perpendicular to the plane containing A
and B and is in the direction of advance of a right-handed screw
as A is turned into B.
A B a N A B sin  AB a x a y a z
a y a z a x
 The cross product is a vector, and it is a z a x a y
not commutative:
(B A)  ( A B)
Chapter 1 Vector Analysis

The Cross Product

 Example
Given A = 2ax–3ay+az and B = –4ax–2ay+5az, find AB.

A B ( Ay Bz  Az By )a x  ( Az Bx  Ax Bz )a y  ( Ax By  Ay Bx )a z
( 3)(5)  (1)( 2) a x  (1)( 4)  (2)(5) a y  (2)( 2)  ( 3)( 4) a z
 13a x  14a y  16a z
Coordinate Systems


Orthogonal Cylindrical
Cartesian (Rectangular) Coordinates
Constant Coordinate Surfaces

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