LPS and Phase King Algorithm IIITH

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Edited slides of Pallabh Dasgupta and

content from Kshemkalyani text book

Lamport-Shostak-Pease Algorithm
 Algorithm Broadcast( N, t ) where t is the resilience

For t = 0, Broadcast( N, 0 ):

1 The general sends value, xg to all processes,
the lieutenants do not send.
Receive messages of pulse 1.
The general decides on xg.
Lieutenants decide as follows:
if a message value, x was received from g in pulse-1
then decide on x
else decide on udef

Lamport-Shostak-Pease Algorithm contd..
For t > 0, Broadcast( N, t ):
Pulse Pulse
1 The general sends value, xg to t +1 Receive messages of pulse t +1.
all processes, the lieutenants The general decides on xg.
do not send. For lieutenant p:
Receive messages of pulse 1. A decision occurs in
Lieutenant p acts as follows: Broadcastq( N – 1, t – 1 ) for
if a message value, x was each lieutenant q
received from g in pulse-1 Wp[q] = decision in
then xp = x else xp = udef ; Broadcastq( N – 1, t – 1 )
Announce xp to the other yp = majoity (Wp)
lieutenants by acting as
a general in
Broadcastp( N – 1, t – 1 ) in
the next pulse

In case of a faulty general all the arrays of the correct processes are the same.
Example: For two correct process Pi and Pk
If Pi has 001101 then Pk too has 001101

In case of a loyal general, all correct process agree on the same value. That is, the subarray
compassing of the positions of the loyal lieutanents of every correct process has the same bit
(either 0 or 1). Say among the 6 (N) bits the first 4 (first 2N/3) are those of the loyal lieutenants and
the last 2 (last N/3 )are of the faulty ones. Then for two correct process Pi and Pk then
If Pi has 111101 then Pk has 111110. The first four bits will be the same for all.

To Prove all correct processes decide on the same value

Two cases:
General is loyal
General is not loyal

Loyal general
Lemma 1: If the general is correct, if there are f faulty processes , and if N>2f+t, then all correct
processes decide on the input of the general.

Lemma 2: Given t, the algorithm is correct if t>=f and there are a total of 3t+1 or more processes.

 Termination: If Broadcast( N, t ) is started in pulse 1, every process decides
in pulse t + 1

 Dependence: If the general is correct, if there are f faulty processes, and if

N > 2f + t, then all correct processes decide on the input of the general

 Agreement: All correct processes decide on the same value

The Broadcast( N, t ) protocol is a t-Byzantine-robust broadcast protocol for t <


Time complexity: O( t + 1 ) Message complexity: O( Nt )

Phase King Algorithm

There are f+1 phases but only f malicious process hence at least one of the phase kings is non
malicious. Let that be for phase K.

Consider the three cases that might be true for two non malicious process Pi and Pj.
1. Pi and Pj decided on their majority value at the end of round K
2. Pi and Pj decided on the phase king value at the end of round K
3. Pi decided on majority and Pj decided on phase king value at the end of round K


Once a non malicious phaseking executes his two rounds; the values of the non malicious
processes will not change with any further phase king rounds

Going forward, all the non faulty processes already have agreed on a same value. That is
more than 3n/4 process now have the same value of v which they send everyone else in round1 of
future phases. So all non faulty ppl will get a clear majority of > n/2+f and will continue to decide
on their v value.


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