Chapter 2 (Research Problem & Proposal Writing)
Chapter 2 (Research Problem & Proposal Writing)
Chapter 2 (Research Problem & Proposal Writing)
Tentative topic:
level of detail
1) the ideal,
2) the reality, and
3) the consequences.
Parts of a problem statement:
If this condition persists and the government fails to diagnose the root causes of protests
of people in different corners of the country, the nation will be led to political and social
unrest and instability. Therefore, this study is the only study designed to investigate why
despite government efforts in ensuring economic growth, citizens are strongly protesting
the action and systems of government in the country.
Source of Research Problem:
Steps in formulating a research Problem:
1. Identify a broad area of interest in your
academic/professional field
2. Dissect the broad area in to sub-areas (brainstorm)
3. Select the sub area in which you have decided to conduct the
4. Raise research questions that you would like to answer
through the study
5. Formulate objectives for the study (one main objective and
other specific objectives
6. Assess objectives to make sure that they can be attained in
time, financial, human resources and technical expertise
7. Double check as you are sufficiently interested in the study
and have adequate resources for doing it.
Suppose you want to study in area of “Smoking” and see
how the above steps help you.
Step 1: Identify: Smoking
Step 2: Dissect:
o The cause of smoking
o The process of becoming addictive of smoking
o The effect of smoking on the family
o Community attitude towards smoking
A. Issue Gap
o An issue which is less discussed, or less represented
in literature. Very little is known about this issue.
Ex: Corporate Governance, Think-tanks
B. Method Gap
o A research method which is less discussed or less
represented in literature in respect to a particular
research topic/issue.
o Inconclusive/conflicting empirical results can also
create method gaps.
Types of Research Gaps-in writing a research
problem Cont’d:
C. Theory Gap
o A theory or theoretical framework which is less
discussed, or less represented in literature. Theory
gap can also exist when current theories or
conceptual models are inadequate in addressing a
particular research issue.
o Example: Evaluation model for distance learning
How do we use theory to show research gap ?
Theories in ethical action:
Egoist Hedonism Vs Utilitarianism (Social Hedonism)
Egoist Hedonism : is ethical doctrine that believes pleasure is
the highest goal, and production of pleasure is the criterion of
right action. It views pleasure as the ultimate goal. It is the
doctrine that the pursuit and production of one's own pleasure is
the highest good and criterion of right action.
D. Context Gap
o A research context – geographic region – which is
less discussed or less represented in literature,
especially in respect to a particular research issue.
Research Objectives:
• The objectives of this study are:
1. To examine the main risks of using social media by government
2. To investigate the potential benefits of using social media by
3. To assess strategic guidelines to take advantage from social media
of government.
Research Questions:
1. What are the main risks of using social media by government?
2. What are the potential benefits of using social media by
3. What could be some strategic guidelines to take advantage from
social media of government?
Research Questions and Study Types
Hypothesis Formulation
o Employees who perceive greater opportunities for participation in decision
making would have a higher level of commitment.
The Hypotheses
• Hypotheses predict a particular relationship between two
(or more) variables.
Research questions versus Hypothesis
• Research questions are usually broad in nature, and may
lend themselves to a number of answers, but a
hypothesis is capable of being tested and is predictive.
Group Activity
• Examine each of the following statements and decide
which (if any) make valid hypotheses.
1. Mixed ability teaching leads to disappointing levels of
student attainment.
2. What are the major causes of car theft in inner-city areas?
3. The ‘Total Quality Care’ system will increase levels of
patient satisfaction.
4. Training programs improve the quality of life of the
chronically unemployed.
Writing Research Proposal
The research proposal is a systematic plan,
which brings to focus the preliminary
planning that will be needed to accomplish
the purpose of the proposed study .
Components of a proposal
• Title
• Table of Contents
1. Introduction
1.1. Background to study/Research background
1.2. Problem statement/Research problem
1.3. Research questions and/or hypotheses
1.4. Objectives of research
1.5. Significance of study
1.6. Scope and limitation of study
1.7. Structure of the thesis
2. Literature review
3. Methodology
4. Proposed schedule/Time Schedule
5. Budget Schedule
• References
• A good proposal has a good title
• It is the first thing that help the reader begin to
understand the nature of work
o Focused
o Highlighting the main contribution of the research
o Use the keywords
o Avoid ambiguous or confusing word
1. The Introduction
The Introduction
1.2. Research Problem
Components of Proposal Cont’d
1.3. Research Questions/ Hypotheses:
• Formulate the basic research questions that specify
the problem and need to be answered.
• Research questions are interrogative statements that
to be answered at the end of the study.
• Research questions serve as a baseline for selecting
research method.
• Research questions guide the analysis and discussion
of findings at the end of the study.
• Hypotheses that predict the relationship between two
variables to be formulated ( if necessary) 54
Proposal Components Cont’d
1.4. Objectives:
Specification of the objectives of the research, both
during planning and reporting.
Objectives are what you hope to accomplish or
accomplished with your study.
They are the statements which indicate in more
specific terms what the researcher intends to achieve.
Objectives can be the statement form of research
questions, but not word by word duplication.
Proposal Components cont’d
Objectives should be also derived from stated problems and
have linkage with basic research questions.
Components of the Research Proposal-Cont’d
1.5. Significance of the study
This section discusses the potential benefits or
implications of this research study on Future Research,
Practice and Policy
Components of the Research Proposal-Cont’d
Points for delimiting study:
1. Purpose of study
2. Time coverage of investigation
3. Geographical coverage of inquiry
4. Variables to be studied
5. Specific indicators of variables
Research Delimitations
• Delimitations are choices made by the researcher which should
be mentioned. They describe the boundaries that they have set
for the study. This is the place to explain:
o things that you are doing (and why you have chosen to do
o the population you are studying (and why).
o the methodological procedures you will use (and why you
will use them).
Proposal Components Cont’d
2. Literature Review/Relevant Literature
Components of the Research Proposal-Cont’d
4. Time Schedule
oActivities to be done
oTime required
oTime it will be finished
Individual Assignment