Py10.9 8
Py10.9 8
Py10.9 8
Describe and discuss the physiological basis
of memory, learning
and speech.
Dr R Goswami
Deptt. Of Physiology
Learning is the name given to the process by which new
information is acquired by the nervous system and is
observable through changes in behavior.
Non- Associativ
learning e learning
Reinforcement :
A process of following a CS with the basic US is must for
retaining a conditioned reflex otherwise it will extinct.
Physiological basis of conditioned reflexes :
Formation of a new functional connection in the nervous
For example, in Pavlov’s classical experiments, salivation
in response to ringing of a bell indicates that a functional
connection has developed between the auditory pathways
and the autonomic centres controlling salivation.
Site of formation of functional connections can be
intracortical as well as subcortical.
It involves associating a specific behaviour
with a reinforcement event. Operant conditioning
(hence, “declarative”).
Declarative memory
Examples : the ability to remember a
These prefrontal areas work with
Explicit memory
(Semantic &
t e
o r
r i
a e
g v
e l
Mechanism of short-term explicit memory
Refers to the process by which newly learned information is
attended to and processed when first encountered.
For a memory to be well remembered the input must be
encoded throughly and deeply.
Neural substrate for encoding of explicit memory
The most important of the physical structural changes that occur are the
1) Increase in vesicle release sites for secretion of transmitter substance
language output (the motor aspect, involving vocalization and its control)
The sensory aspect includes the visual, auditory and proprioceptive impulses.
The motor aspect includes the mechanisms concerned with the expression of
spoken (sound) language and written language.
Development of speech
Primary visual cortex (area 17), lies on the medial surface of occipital
lobe in and near the calcarine sulcus occupying parts of lingual gyrus
and cuneus. It also extends to the superolateral surface of the occipital
pole limited by the lunate sulcus.
Visual association areas (area 18 and 19), located in the walls and in
front of lunate sulcus.
Dejerine area (area 39), located in the angular gyrus behind the
Wernicke’s area in the dominant hemisphere.
Along with the Wernicke’s areas (auditory speech centre), forms the so-
called sensory speech centre.
B) Expression of speech (motor aspects of
1. Expression in the form of spoken speech :
Involves the activities of motor speech area/Broca’s area/area 44, a
special area of the premotor cortex situated in the inferior frontal
Functions. This area processes the information received from the
sensory speech centres (Wernicke’s area and Dejerine’s area),
projected by arcuate fasciculus, which are then transmitted to motor
cortex for implementation.
Thus, Broca’s area is concerned with the movements of structures
responsible for the production of voice and articulation of speech, i.e.
it causes activation of vocal cords simultaneously with movements of
mouth and tongue during speech.
Lesions of this area cause motor aphasia.
2. Expression in the form of written speech :
Expression in the form of written speech is the function of Exner’s
area (motor writing centre), situated in the middle frontal gyrus in
the categorical (dominant) hemisphere in the premotor cortex.
It processes the information received from the Broca’s area; and then
along with the motor cortex (area 4) initiates the appropriate muscle
movements of the hand and fingers to produce written speech.
Neural pathway in brain involved in the understanding
and expression of written speech.
Dominant vs Non-dominant hemispheres
In human cerebral cortex, the interpretive functions of Wernicke’s area,
the angular gyrus and the frontal motor speech areas (i.e. the ability to
understand or express oneself by spoken or written speech) are more
highly developed in one hemisphere called the dominant hemisphere.
How one hemisphere comes to be dominant is not yet understood.
Presently it has been found that the two halves of the brain have independent
to the other hemisphere and then the activities of two hemispheres are co-
Some specialized higher functions are allowed to each hemisphere.
1) Dysarthria :
A disorder of speech in which articulation of words is impaired, but
the comprehension of spoken and written speech is not affected.
May be due to paresis, or inco-ordination of the muscles involved
in the production of speech as seen in the lesions of pyramidal tract,
cranial nerves, cerebellum or basal ganglia.
2) Aphasia :
Aphasia refers to the inability to understand spoken or written
speech or inability in expressing the spoken or written speech in the
absence of defects of hearing or vision or motor deficit.
Depending upon the site of lesion, the aphasia may be:
Sensory aphasia
Motor aphasia
Global aphasia.
a) Sensory aphasia :
Site of lesion: Also known as Wernicke’s aphasia, is the result of lesion in the
Wernicke’s area.
Characteristic features of sensory aphasia are:
1. Difficulty in understanding the meaning of speech. The affected individuals are
capable of hearing or identifying written or spoken words, but they do not
comprehend the meaning of the words.
2. Motor speech is intact and the patients talk very fluently (or rather excessively),
that is why, it is also called fluent aphasia. However, the speech does not make much
sense and is often associated with:
Anomia, i.e. inability to find an appropriate word to express a thought.
Neologism, i.e. using or creating new words or new meanings for established words.
Paraphasias, i.e. production of unintended words or phrases during effort to speak.
3. Impairment in reading and writing. Since the patient cannot comprehend the
written words (word blindness) he/ she is unable to read aloud or copy print into
b) Motor aphasia :
Site of lesion: Also known as Broca’s aphasia, results from lesions
involving the Broca’s motor speech area (area 44) in the frontal lobe.
Characteristic features of Broca’s aphasia are:
1. Comprehension of written or spoken speech is good.
2. Difficulty in speaking. The affected individual is able to formulate
verbal language in his mind but cannot vocalize the response. The
defect is not in the control of musculature needed for speech but
rather in the elaboration of the complex patterns of neural and muscle
3. Speech is non-fluent, i.e. the patient utters only a few words with
great difficulty. Because of this, motor aphasia is also known as non-
fluent aphasia.
4. Inability to write (agraphia)
c) Global aphasia :
Global aphasia refers to the total inability to use language
Site of lesion: This condition is produced as a result of loss of both
Wernicke’s and Broca’s areas.
Common cause of aphasia :
Aphasias are mostly produced by thrombosis or embolism of a blood
vessel in the dominant hemisphere.
3) Dyslexia :
Dyslexia , which is a broad term applied to impaired ability to read, is
characterized by difficulties with learning how to spell, and to read
accurately and fluently despite having a normal or even higher than normal
level of intelligence.
Causes :
Decreased blood flow in the angular gyrus in the categorical hemisphere.
a defect in the magnocellular portion of the visual system slows processing
and also leads to phonemic deficit.
specific impairment in the representation, storage, and/or retrieval of speech
Treatments for children with dyslexia include modified teaching strategies
that include the involvement of various senses (hearing, vision, and touch) to
improve reading skills.
4) Prosopagnosia :
The inability to recognize faces.
Patients with this abnormality can recognize forms and reproduce them.
They can recognize people by their voices, and many of them show
autonomic responses when they see familiar as opposed to unfamiliar faces.
However, they cannot identify the familiar faces they see.
Cause : damage to the right inferior temporal lobe in right-handed