Anthropology Acer
Anthropology Acer
Anthropology Acer
2. It is the exploration of
human diversity around
the world. It gathers and
analyzes data on cross-
cultural and inter-societal
differences in social
institutions, cultural beliefs
and practices, and
communication styles.
What is Anthropology?
4. It is a discipline of
infinite curiosity about
human being.
5. It exposes how and
why societies in the past
and present have varied
in their customs,
traditions and practices.
What is Anthropology?
6. It discovers when,
where, and why humans
appeared on earth , how
and why they have
changed since then, and
how and why modern
human population vary in
certain physical features.
1. Biological Anthropology: (Field of Anthropology)
Study of man’s biological foundations, race evolution,
genetic inheritance, racial classifications, human
adaptability and variation, the fossil records of human
evolutions as well as forensic studies.
Branches of Biological Anthropology:
1. Racial history – study of the nature of races
Branches of Biological Anthropology:
2. Paleontology – study of fossils
Branches of Biological Anthropology:
3. Human genetics – study of various ways of inheritance that take
place in man
Branches of Biological Anthropology:
4. Primatology – study of primates or hominids
5. Neuroathropology – study of evolution of the human brain
Branches of Biological Anthropology:
6. Human osteology – study of skeletal materials
7. Forensic anthropology – analysis and identification of human
2. Cultural anthropology (Field of Anthropology)
Investigation of cultural and social organization of a
particular people
2 Branches of Cultural
1. Ethnography – describe the culture of an ethnic group.
2. Ethnology – analyzes and compare culture of people and
how these cultures develop and change
2.Branches of Cultural
1.Archaeology – study of man’s culture
and society in prehistoric times
2.Branches of Cultural
2. Linguistics- study of recorded and unrecorded
languages all over the world.
Historical Foundation of Anthropology
1. Traces it roots from natural history which is the study of plants,
animals and humans with reference to their history and native
Historical Foundation of Anthropology
2. The discovery and contact to new civilizations by European
explorers and colonizers led to curiosity and questions of who
these people are, who their ancestors were, how they are
related to other people in other places, what makes them
distinct, what similarities they share with the rest, how they
conduct their way of life, and what culture they have in terms
of knowledge they possess, their beliefs, technology that
have, etc.
Historical Foundation of Anthropology
3. It was in the 19th century that the discipline begun its
formative years as social sciences.
Edward Burnett Taylor(1832-1917) Father of Anthropology
1. Racial History
2. Paleontology
3. Human Genetics
4. Primatology
5. Neuroanthropology
6. Forensic Anthropology
Give the meaning and ideas of the following
concepts in areas or field of anthropology!
B. Cultural Anthropology
1. Ethnography
2. Ethnology
3. Archaeology
4. Linguistics
(paper and pencil test)
1. If you are a Filipino Anthropologist, what specific
areas or field will you be interested in Anthropology?