Parad Prakaran

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पारद प्रकरण

Dr. Dibyabh
Assistant Professor
F.I.M.S.,R.S.&B.K. Department
S.G.T. University, Gurugram
• Sanskrit – Parada (पारद)
• Hindi – पारा
• English – Mercury
• Latin- Hydrarargyrum
Hydra- Liquid/Water, argyrum- Silver
This is famous by name liquid metal.
As it looks like molten silver, this is called quick
• Symbol – Hg
• Specific gravity- 13.56
• Freezing point - -36 degree C
• Melting Point- 35.87 degree C
• Boiling Point – 357.27 degree C
• Atomic weight – 200.6
• Atomic number - 80
• गलदरौप्य ( Molten or liquid Silver)
• महा तेज ( Very Bright)
• सुवर्ण ( Having Good Colour)
• खेचर ( Flying in the Space)
• चपल ( Fickle)
• चल ( Mobile)
• अमृत (Nector)
• जीव (Provide Life)
• देहद (provide healthy body)
• परमामृत( Best of Nectors)
• पारद ( Takes to farther shores from the muddy
ocean of diseases)
• मृत्युनाशन ( Alleviates Death)
• रसायन श्रेष्ठ ( Best Rejuvenator)
• शिव,त्रिनेत्र,त्रिलोचन,लोकेश,अचि
• रस,रसेन्द्र,सूत,पारद,मिश्रक –
According to bheda
पारद उत्पत्ति
• त्रेतायुग , तारकासुर
पारद के भेद
• रस
• रसेन्द्र
• सूत
• पारद
• मिश्रक
• इति पंचविधो जातः क्षेत्रभेदेन
Ores of Mercury
• 1. Native Mercury – In the form of free
• 2. Ores of Mercury – Found in the form as a
compound, Native Mercury.
पारद के खनिज (ORES)
• Cinnebar (HgS)
• Calomel (Hg2Cl2)
• Steel ore of mercury
• Liver ore of mercury
• Barsenite
• Brick ore of mercury
Place of availability
Mercury is available mostly in the surroundings of
- Almaden in spain has mine of mercury which are
about 1600ft.
- British borneo has mine of mercury , cinnabar,
calomel, and native mercury.
- In some part of South africa.
- British columbia of canada has rich mines of
cinnabar.The west coast of United states of
America,california, and Texas have ores of mercury.
पारद के दोष
• नैसर्गिक दोष (स्वाभाविक दोष)
1. विष - मरण
2. वह्नि - संताप
3. मल - मूर्छा

• योगिक दोष (कृत्रिम दोष)

1. नाग - जाड्य, आध्यमान ( R.R.S.), व्रण ( R.T.)
2. वंग - जाड्य, आध्यमान ( R.R.S.), कुष्ठ ( R.T.)

• औपाधिक दोष (संसर्गज दोष)

1. भूमिज – पर्पटी
2. गिरिज – पाटिनी
3. वारिज – भेदी
4. द्वौ नागज – द्रावी,मलकारी
5. द्वौ वन्गज – अन्धकारी,ध्वांक्षी
कुष्ठं जाड्यं च वातअर्ति दाहम च आवृतकन्ठताम |
उन्मादं च महाशूलं कुर्यात कुर्वन्तु कंचुकः|| रसेन्द्र चुडामणि
पर्पटी पाटिनी भेदी द्रावी मलकारी
अन्धकारी तथा ध्वांक्षी विज्ञेयाः
पारद शोधन
• सामान्य शोधन – व्यधिहरणार्थ
• विशेष शोधन – रसायनार्थ |

• आधिव्याधिविनाशार्थ प्रयोगार्थ
रसेषु च| सामान्यं शोधनं शस्तम
रसतंत्र विशारदैः||
सुदिने शुभनक्षत्रे रसशोधन आचरेत ||
र.र.समुच्चय ११/२५
- Mercury is kept in Khalva yantra(mortar), added with
equal quantity of sudha( Calcium carbonate-lime) and
ground for three day.
- Mercury is filtered out through a two layer cloth and
poured in the khalva.
- Equal to the quantity of mercury –husked garlic, and
half of the saindhav salt are added in the khalva and
grinding is done till the mass become black.
- Then the mass is taken into a vessel and washed till
mercury remains.
Parad Suddha And Asuddha swarupa

*अन्तःसुनिलो बहिरउज्जवलो वा
मध्याहःसूर्यप्रतिमप्रकाशः |
शस्तोअथ धूम्रः परिपांडुरस्च चित्रो
न योज्यो रसकर्म सिद्धये || आयु.
*शुद्धः सुतो यतस्त्वंतः सुनिलो
बहिरुज्ज्वलः| सुर्यप्रभश्च
विशुद्धो धुम्रो वा परिपांडुरः|| R.T.
• Pure mercury will have a very clean , silver
shiney surface with a bluish tinge from within
and a bright sunshine appearance from
outside. Whereas the impure mercury will
have smoky/pale yellowish colour.
Parad quantity for sodhan /samskaar
R.R. Samucchaya 11/27-28 Rasa Tarangini 5/17-18
2000 pala 100 pala
1000 Pala 50 pala
100 Pala 25 pala
28 Pala 10 pala
10 Pala 5 pala
5 Pala 1 pala
½ pala
• Accordig to Rasa Ratna Samucchaya atleast half pala of
mercury should be taken. Less than half pala should not be
• According to Rasa Tarangini maximum 100 pala minimum 1

• The effort and the requirements that go into purification of any

lesser quantity of mercury is same as that of any higher
quantity. Therefore wise vaidya should always go for
purification of higher quantity of mercury.
Difference between Sodhan & Sanskara

• शोधनं दोषहरणं संस्कारस्च

बलतेजसोअभिवर्धनम |
Parad Visesa Sodhan
Parad visesa Sodhan
To Purify Dosha Drug Added in Sodhana Method
Naga Grhadhuma, Istika Churna(Bric Powder),
Haridra Churna, Cut wool of Sheep
Vanga Indrayan Churna, Ankola Churna, Haridra
Visha Triphala Churna
Vanhi Chitrak mula Churna
Mala Aragwadh twak Churna
Chapala Dosha Krishna Dhattura Panchanga
Asahya Agni Dosha Goksura Churna
पारद अष्टादश संस्कार
1. Swedana 10. Charan
2. Mardana 11. Garbhadruti
3. Murcchana 12. Bahya Druti
4. Utthapana 13. Jarana
5. Patana 14. ranjan
6. Bodhana/Rodhana 15. Sarana
7. Niyamana 16. Sankraman
8. Dipana 17. Vedha
9. Gagan Bakshan 18. Bhakshana
• Out of these 18 types of samskara, first eight
sanskara ( पारद अष्ट संस्कार) are meant
for Dehavaad ( Use of mercury for therapeutic
Purpose) and the remaining 10 are meant for
Dhatuvaad ( conversion of lower metals into
higher metals)
Swedana Samskara
• क्षाराम्लैरौषधैवादऽवप
दोलायन्त्रे स्थितस्य हि ।
पचनं स्वेदनाख्यं
स्यान्मलशैचथल्यकारकम् || (र.र.स.८/६२)
• आसुरिपटुकटुत्रयचचत्रकाद्रदमूलकै:
सूतस्य कास्ञ्जकेन त्रिदिनं
मृदुवन्हिना स्वेद:॥र.हृ.त २/3)
• The aim of the swedan samskara is dosha-
sithilikaran. Here purified mercury is tied in a
pottali , hung in a dola yantra having either
ksariya jala or amliya jala as liquid media and
subjected for sodhan.
Process : Swedana
Yantra : Dolayantra
Medium for swedana : Kanjika
Intensity of heat : Mriduagni(96 ˚ C - 98 ˚ C )
Duration : 3 days for dehasidhi
21 days for loha sidhi
Drugs used as kalka
• Aasuri ( Rajika)
• Patu(saindhava)
• Trikatu Each drug 1/16th
• Chiraka part of parada
• Aardraka (kalamsham)
• Mulaka
• The drugs are made into fine powder and kalka is prepared with it.
•One angula of kalka is coated in vatapatra/betel leaf/kadali patra which

is made into a receptacle and allowed to dry.

• Parada is put into this and sealed with kalka and leaf.
• Cover it with four folded cloth and make into a potali.
• Suspend the potali in dolayantra and perform swedana.
• Recover mercury after process by washing kalka in hotwater.
•The recovered mercury id strained 3-4 time through four folded cloth

before carrying out mardana.

Mardan Samsakara
Process : Mardanam
Yantra : Tapta khalva yantra made of
Medium for mardana: Kanjika
Intensity of heat : (45 ˚ C -50 ˚ C )
Duration : 3 days for
21 days for loha sidhi

Drugs used as kalka

• Grihadhuma
• Ishtika churna Each drug 1/16th
• Dadhi part of parada
• Guda (kalamsham)
• Saindhava lavana
• Aasuri
• Mercury and drugs are placed in tapta khalvayantra & triturated well
using kanjika for three days.
• Recover mercury after the samskara by washing kalka with hot water.
• If more mercury is retained in klaka conduct patana and recover.

• The recovered parada is filtered 3-4 times through a four folded cloth

•Some aacharyas recommend addition of abraka satwa and swarna to

parada after the 3 day grinding with drugs by which a distinct color
(yellowish tinge) is imparted to mercury. (For dehasidhi this need to be
done only after the 8th samskara.)
Outcome of samskara
Murcchana Samsakara
Process : Mardanam
Yantra : Tapta khalva yantra made of
loha /special hot plates
Medium for mardana: Kanjika
Intensity of heat : (45 ˚ C -50 ˚ C )
Duration : 3 days for dehasidhi
7days for loha
Drugs used as kalka

• Gritakumari swarasa Each drug 1/16th

• Triphala /ankolam(rasarnava) part of parada
• Chitraka/Aragvadha(rasarnava) (kalamsham)
• Mardita paarada is triturted for three days in
a tapta khalwayantra with the above said
medicines and kumari swarasa till Parad
break into globules/nashtapishtatva.

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