Types of Consumers
Types of Consumers
Types of Consumers
Consumer Behaviour
• Consumers are people or organizations that
purchase products or services. The term also
refers to hiring goods and services. They are
humans or other economic entities that use a
good or service.
• They are the end users in the goods and
services distribution chain. In fact, sometimes
the consumer might not be the buyer.
• For example, young children are the end users
of toys, but their parents buy them. Therefore,
in the market for toys, the buyer and consumer
are often different people.
Taken from:
Consumers are the end
users of a product or
service. In this image,
the customer is the adult.
He paid for the doll.
However, his daughter is
the consumer. We use
the term ‘ultimate
consumer’ to emphasize
that it is with that person
that the road ends for the
product. Another term
that emphasizes the fact
is ‘final consumer.’
Consumers in
the Marketplace
• In the marketplace, consumers are people
or economic entities that purchase or hire
products. They do this for personal use. In
other words, they do not buy them for
manufacture or resale.
• Loyal Customers
• Impulse Shoppers
• Bargain Hunters
• Wandering Consumers
• Need-Based Customers
Consumers' online behavior plays
a crucial role in shaping their
perceptions and decisions..
Loyal Customer
• Customer loyalty is when customers reward a
company with repeat business over time. Loyal
buyers consistently choose to do business with a
particular brand and often defend it against its
• Loyalty entails developing a customer base so
devoted to your brand that they’re willing to buy
whatever you offer—no matter the price—even
when there are cheaper alternatives in the
market. Happy, loyal customers can also become
brand advocates who promote your product or
service to friends and family and stick with you
even in tough times.
• Essentially, loyal customers are those who:
• Satisfied customers
Also known as happy customers, these buyers genuinely
like your products or services and regularly make
purchases. Though they may be satisfied, they can easily
be swayed to switch to a competitor for a better deal,
discount, or experience.
• Convenience loyals
These customers shop with you because it’s convenient
for them. They may appreciate the ease of making a
purchase, the location, or the shipping speed.
Convenience is what makes them stay with you for the
long haul—and they’re willing to pay more for it.
• Loyalty-program loyals
These shoppers are loyal only to your loyalty
program—not your brand. They’ll make
purchases just to get discounts or freebies. As
long as they see value in your loyalty or rewards
program, they’ll continue to buy from you
instead of your competitors.
• Low-price loyals
These customers buy from you because you offer
the lowest price or the best deal compared to the
competition. While shoppers will stick around if
prices remain low, they’ll also be quick to leave
for a better deal somewhere else.
• Taken from:https://www.demandjump.com/blog/types-