Grade4 Qrtr2 Week2 Day5

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Kinds of Nouns –
Mass Nouns and Count
Nouns, Possessive Nouns,
Collective Nouns
lesson objectives
At the end of the lesson, you should be able
• Complete the sentences below with the
correct noun
• Use nouns (mass nouns, count nouns,
possessive nouns, collective nouns) in
complete sentences
• Recognize the use of different kinds of
What is a count noun?
Give examples of count nouns.
let's read the story
Uncle Joel’s Pansit
by: Syrelle France S. Paterter
Uncle Joel’s Pansit
by: Syrelle France S. Paterter

Uncle Joel owns a canteen near the

plaza. Our group usually goes there after
class to have some snack. Uncle Joel’s
pansit is one of the most delicious meals we
have in town. Aside from the pansit, his
fried rice in a bowl taste good as well. No
Look for the nouns used in the
Uncle Joel’s Pansit
by: Syrelle France S. Paterter

Uncle Joel owns a canteen near the

plaza. Our group usually goes there after
class to have some snack. Uncle Joel’s
pansit is one of the most delicious meals we
have in town. Aside from the pansit, his
fried rice in a bowl taste good as well. No
In the story Uncle Joel’s Pansit,
the nouns used are Joel’s,
canteen, plaza, group, pansit,
town, rice, meals, bowl, food,
snack, and crowd.
We have different kinds of nouns. Those
that show who or what owns something
are called possessive nouns. Nouns
referring to groups of people, animals or
things are called collective nouns.
Naming words like hair cannot be
Look for possessive, collective,
mass, and count nouns in the
“Uncle Joel’s Pansit”.
Uncle Joel’s Pansit
by: Syrelle France S. Paterter

Uncle Joel owns a canteen near the

plaza. Our group usually goes there after
class to have some snack. Uncle Joel’s
pansit is one of the most delicious meals we
have in town. Aside from the pansit, his
fried rice in a bowl taste good as well. No
Joel’s is a Possessive noun.
The noun “Joel” was added
by an apostrophe plus -s to
show possession.
Group and crowd are
examples of Collective
nouns. These words
represent a group of
people, things, or animals.
Rice, meals, food, snack,
and pansit are examples of
Mass nouns. We will need
counters to know their
Canteen, bowl, plaza, and
town are examples of
Count nouns. These nouns
can be counted.
Complete the sentences below with the
correct noun.
Joel’s orange groups bag coffee

1. Uncle _______ pansit is delicious.

2. We usually work in _______ during
3. I bought a new _______.
4. I gave my sister one _______
Compose a four-
sentence paragraph
about the things you
usually do during family
reunions. Use
appropriate possessive,
collective, mass, and
count nouns.
We have different kinds of nouns.
Those that show who or what owns
something are called ________ nouns.
Nouns referring to groups of people,
animals or things are called ________
nouns. Naming words like ________
cannot be counted and are called
________ nouns while ________ nouns
are those that can be counted.
Use the nouns below to complete the sentences.
cup milk army slippers dog’s

1. The ______ leash is tight.

2. The baby wants to drink ______.
3. We saw an ______ by the base.
4. I received a cute ______ , with my name on it, on my
5. I forgot my ______ at the beach. Now, I’m walking back
Use the underlined nouns in your own sentences.

1. Mang Emong used his axe to cut the

2. Kuya Juan’s bicycle is broken.
3. The audience cheered for the singer.
4. Mama asked me to put some sugar in

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