OM PPT Ishi 104

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Quality & It’s


Presented by:- Isha Thakur Presented to:-

Dr.Jagdeep Singla
Meaning of Quality-
It means a good quality product always sell because there is no
compromise with quality.

According to Philip Crosby in 1979-
“Quality is a conformance of specification”.
● Performance defines the primary operating function or
characteristics of a product or service. It defines that how
well it performs its primary function.

For a car, performance would include characteristics like

millage, acceleration, handling, cruising speed etc.
For a smartphone, performance would include
characteristics like clear phone reception, data speed
●Features are a secondary aspect of performance. They're "the
bells and whistles" of products and services. They're the ones
who add extra functionality to their essential functions.
●For a car, features would include the built-in GPS, seat warmer,
smartphone integration etc.
●For a smartphone, features could include a high-resolution
camera, retina or fingerprint sensor.
●Sometimes it might be challenging to say which is a performance
dimension and which is a feature dimension.
●It is the third dimension of quality.
●It is usually closely related to performance of a device.
●Reliability is the ability of a product or service to perform
as expected over time

●Major contributor to company brand image. And the focus

on reliability is how long the product will perform
consistently according of the specification of that
particular product.
Conformance to Standard

Conformance is the degree to which a product

conforms to its specification.
For example, when we talk about conformance in
software development, we mean that the code
complies with the requirements defined by the
Durability is the measurement of product life. This
defines the amount of use the customer could get from
the product before it deteriorates.

For example, how long will your car last?

Reliability is the probability of failure over a specified
period. Durability is measured by the number of cycles
or the time a component will function properly as a part
of the product life.
Serviceability is the ease at which a user can
repair a faulty product or get it fixed.
It could be measured in terms of how much time
and effort it takes to get a faulty product
repaired and returned to regular use.
Aesthetics refers to the appearance of a
product or service. It includes all aspects
related to the physical appearance of a
product, for example, the weight, colour, size,
texture, packaging design of the product etc.

Perceived quality is the overall opinion of the

customers towards the product. It's the
combined effects of factors such as brand name,
price, salesperson, marketing strategy etc.
The way i define quality is subjective.
There's no single right definition for
quality; each person has their own
definition based on personal

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