Group 1 Index MySQL PPT @

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Group 1

Index, View, TCL Commands

Definition: An index is a data structure that improves the
speed of data retrieval operations on a database table at the
cost of additional storage space.

Index in SQL Purpose:

Faster Query Performance: Helps in quick
Efficient Sorting and Filtering: Improves
sorting and filtering operations
searching and fetching of data.
in SQL queries.

Think of an index like a book's index that allows you to
find a topic quickly without reading the whole book.
View in SQL

Definition : Syntax:

• view is a virtual table based • CREATE VIEW view_name • CREATE VIEW

on the result- set of an AS sales_employees as SELECT
SQL query. It contains rows • SELECT column1, employee_id, first_name,
and columns, just like a real column2, ... last_name, department
table, but it does not store • FROM table_name • FROM employees
the data itself. Instead, it • WHERE condition; . • WHERE department =
provides a way to 'Sales';
simplify complex queries,
reuse code, and secure
sensitive data by controlling
• Modifying a View :You can modify an existing view
using the ALTER VIEW Statement
ALTER VIEW view_name AS
SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM table_name
View in SQL WHERE condition;.
• Dropping a View: To remove the view using DROP
VIEW Statement
DROP VIEW view_name;
• Updatable View :Some views in MySQL can be
updatable , we can use INSERT ,UPDATE OR
View in SQL

•Definition : View is a virtual table based on the result-set of an

SQL query. It contains rows and columns, just like a
real table, but it does not store the data itself.
Instead, it provides a way to simplify complex queries, reuse
code, and secure sensitive data by controlling access.
CREATE VIEW view_name AS
SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM table_name
WHERE condition; .
CREATE VIEW sales_employees AS
SELECT employee_id, first_name, last_name,
FROM employees
WHERE department = 'Sales';
• TCL stands for Transaction control
• A single unit of work in a database
is formed after the consecutive
execution of commands is known
as transaction.
TCL COMMANDS IN • There are certain commands
present in SQL known as TCL
MySQL commands that help the user
manage the user manage the
transaction that take place in a
Commit, Rollback
And SavePoint are
the most commonly
used TCL commands
in SQL
1. COMMIT : It is
used to save the
transaction on
the database
2.ROLLBACK: Undoes
the changes made
during the current
transaction if
something goes
wrong or if changes
need to be discarded
3.SAVEPOINT: Sets of
a point within a
transaction to which
you can later roll
back, allowing partial
undo of the
Submitted by:
Sumanth Reddy
Lohith Reddy

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