Ornamental Fish Culture Practices
Ornamental Fish Culture Practices
Ornamental Fish Culture Practices
here are thousand’s of species of freshwater fish sold throughout the
world in the ornamental fish industry. While traditionally, many of
these fish have been captured from the wild, there has been an
increasing trend towards captive breeding over the past twenty years.
Indeed, as many as 90% of freshwater fish now sold in the hobby are
farmed. To this end, this series of articles is aimed at providing information
for new producers in the industry in production techniques.
Extensive culture systems that are toxic to fish and sediment which
The most basic extensive system would be can affect gill function or compromise
wild collection. This model is particularly water quality. Rainfall is also intermittent
suited for people with little or no money to and run-off water may not always
invest in tanks and other equipment – as available to provide water changes.
long as they have nets or similar they are
able to catch fish.
ponds of less than 1 ha – for ornamental not fertilised and much higher rates of
fish culture they are typically even smaller water exchange are carried out to ensure
than this with a surface area typically 200 good water quality. Mechanical filtration to
– 500m2. These ponds are generally remove solids and biological filters to
specifically made to allow the ponds to be remove nitrogenous fish wastes are also
totally drained and filled again. Water used to help maintain water quality. The
changes may be carried out using water fish are fed solely on artificial feeds and
from wells, streams in addition to rainfall generally receive no natural feeds from
and run-off. the culture unit.
Ponds are often fertilised with manures or Stocking are significantly higher and
artificial fertilisers to stimulate algal operators need to have a much higher
blooms and supplementary feeding of level of competence to deal with the
artificial feeds is given to the fish in added complexity and risk involved with
addition to the natural feed available in stocking fish at these higher densities.
the pond. Additional aeration may be Yields are much higher and can exceed
supplied through paddle wheel aerators or 500,000 kg/ha (5cm comet weighs
similar to ensure Dissolved Oxygen levels approximately 5g 100,000 comets per ha).
remain within safe limits (4ppm and
above) particularly at night when algal
blooms can significantly reduce oxygen Pond Culture of Ornamental Fish
(approx. 4cm for guppies and platys and productivity and to minimise the likelihood
5cm for mollies & swordtails) within four of inbreeding. Liming of the pond can also
to five months. Sexual maturity can be be used to reduce disease organisms and
reached within eight weeks of age and balance soil pH.
can cause growth depression. To avoid
line breeding, sexes should be segregated
by this age. Tank culture of livebearers is also
undertaken, with broodstock being kept in
large tanks at a ratio of two females per
Livebearers may be fed powdered dry male (normally 100 fish stocked into 200L
feeds from first feed, although the tank). Harvested fry are transferred daily
provision of some form of live feed for the to nursery tanks, where they are kept at a
first two weeks can increase growth rates density of up to 20 fry per litre. The
of fry. Broodstock do not require any density is reduced during growout to
special requirements for conditioning, around three fish per litre at market size.
although again, the provision of live feed Considerable research into the
may increase the fecundity and health of development of more intensive culture
fry. methods is being undertaken.
Supplementary feeding with pelleted feeds
is considered necessary throughout the
Production is generally undertaken in production cycle. Fish are generally
ponds up to 1.5m deep. Typical harvested for sale within 16 to 20 weeks.
production pond sizes in Florida are 6m x
24m, while in Asia they are 5m x 10m.
Ponds are fertilised with inorganic and Anabantids (bubble nest builders)
organic fertilisers to generate an algae The Anabantids include species such as
bloom prior to stocking with six to eight Gouramis, Siamese Fighting Fish and
month old broodstock. The stocking Paradise Fish, which all breed similarly,
density of broodstock varies with species with the males constructing and
with average stocking rates of 300 maintaining a nest of air bubbles in which
guppies per 5m x 10m pond, 400 platys eggs & larvae are incubated (differences
per pond, 200 swordtails per pond are are mainly in the size of bubble nests and
used. Supplementary feeding with the degree of parental care by males).
pelleted feeds or wet mash consisting of This group is best spawned in tanks rather
cooked animal meal and cereals is than ponds and fish should be bred as
provided five to six times per week in the pairs. The number of eggs per spawn
late afternoon. Selective harvesting of the varies between species, ranging from 100
ponds is commenced after five months eggs for small species (eg. dwarf
using a variety of methods that include gouramis) up to 30,000 eggs for large
the use of seine netting, fish traps or the species (eg. kissing gouramis). Breeding
draining of ponds. Ponds are normally tank size varies, with 10 L tanks being
drained, dried-out and restocked every suitable for smaller species and 500 L
one to two years to ensure high tanks for larger species.
usually occurs within 24 hours of mating. Most catfish are generally benthic
The eggs hatch between one to several scavengers and should be provided with a
days after spawning depending on species diet high in organic matter. Catfish are
and fry are generally free swimming after generally stocked at low density with
a further 24 to 48 hours. other species in ponds or tanks (ie.
polyculture). Under polyculture
conditions, it is important to keep fish of
As these species are generally small, similar size to prevent aggressive
rarely exceeding 5cm at maturity, fry are interaction between species.
small and need to be fed on Infusoria,
paramecium, rotifers and microalgae, with
Artemia after three to four days and This paper has been the first in a series
weaning onto dry food after two to three produced by the National Key Centre for
weeks. Fry must be fully weaned before Aquaculture Pty Ltd or NATI. NATI is an
being stocked into ponds or grow-out Australian based company that supplies
tanks (ie. three to four weeks old). Fish high quality training and consultancy for
generally reach market size after three to aquaculture and ornamental fish. NATI
four months at three to four cm in length. has experts with more than 100 years
combined experience in most areas of
aquaculture from Salmonids, Abalone,
Catfish Barramundi, Prawns, Pearl Oysters,
There are over 150 species of catfish, with Marine Ornamentals including corals and
the most popular from the genus invertebrates, and freshwater ornamental
Corydoras. Spawning of catfish is production, export and marketing.
generally difficult, with many species
rarely breeding in captivity. It is
important that sexes be held and
conditioned separately until spawning.
Environmental conditions such as water
quality and photoperiod are important
cues for spawning. Catfish are generally
considered unsuitable for pond breeding
and are bred in tanks. Induced spawning
techniques are also sometimes used,
particularly for larger species.