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Ornamental Fish Culture Practices

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Farming Ornamental Fish

Farming Ornamental Fish

By Shane Willis MSc

Email: shanew@natiaquaculture.com

OFI Executive Board Member

here are thousand’s of species of freshwater fish sold throughout the
world in the ornamental fish industry. While traditionally, many of
these fish have been captured from the wild, there has been an
increasing trend towards captive breeding over the past twenty years.
Indeed, as many as 90% of freshwater fish now sold in the hobby are
farmed. To this end, this series of articles is aimed at providing information
for new producers in the industry in production techniques.

Options for growing

ornamental fish 1. Extensive – low cost, low
Successful production of ornamental fish (like stocking density, low
all aquaculture ventures) is dependant on a output
range of factors, the most important being: 2. Semi-intensive – medium
o The climatic and water quality cost, medium stocking
conditions needed by the species density, medium output
o Quality and quantity of water 3. Intensive – high cost, high
available stocking density, high
o Land availability, topography, output.
geology and soil type
o Infrastructure including access to
markets (airports, roads), utilities In general, the more intensive that
(electricity, gas etc) production becomes, the more expensive
o Skilled and unskilled labour it is in terms of capital costs (ponds,
tanks, pumps and other equipment) and
When selecting a site to establish an operating costs (food, electricity, labour
ornamental fish production facility, the above and other inputs) due to increased
factors will play an important part in the management needs of the system.
success of the venture. These factors will also However as intensity increases so do
influence the type of technology that is best yields and a greater financial return can
used for producing the fish, and the amount
be realised per unit volume. The following
of inputs (costs) used and level of stocking of
the fish or stocking density. The 3 types or section provides more detail on the
classes can be defined as: different production levels.


Farming Ornamental Fish

Extensive culture systems that are toxic to fish and sediment which
The most basic extensive system would be can affect gill function or compromise
wild collection. This model is particularly water quality. Rainfall is also intermittent
suited for people with little or no money to and run-off water may not always
invest in tanks and other equipment – as available to provide water changes.
long as they have nets or similar they are
able to catch fish.

Figure 1: Basic earthen ponds are one of

the most common systems used for
ornamental fish

Figure 2: Wild collection requires very little equipment

to start
The main food for the fish comes from
However, this type of subsistence wild naturally occurring plankton within the
collection typically leads to poor quality pond. This plankton generally consists of
fish and high mortality which reduces the microalgae species and zooplankton such
financial return to the collector. This is as Moina, Copepods and various other
also the case in India where mortality of invertebrate species. The amount of these
wild collected fish is often high due to natural foods may be increased through
poor training of collectors and inadequate fertilising the ponds to stimulate
holding systems and practices. microalgal growth. While artificial
fertilisers such as superphosphate can be
used, animal manures are generally used
Another example of extensive production due to the low cost and availability.
systems is pond culture of fish. A pond or Artificial feeds are not used. The yields are
dam usually consists of shallow ponds generally low and growth or survival is
with large surface areas – these ponds often limited by the amount of suitable
may be man made or could be parts of foods in the water. Yields or productivity
rivers or flood areas that are sealed off to are typically between 400 - 1,000 kg/ha (a
prevent them draining. Water for the 5cm comet weighs around 5g, this would
ponds is generally limited to run-off from be 80,000 to 200,000 5cm comets per
surrounding catchment area and/or hectare)
rainfall, which can make it difficult to
manage the water quality and provide
good conditions for the fish. Run-off can Semi-intensive culture systems
also be contaminated with agricultural Semi-intensive production generally
chemicals such as pesticides or herbicides consists of smaller ponds man made


Farming Ornamental Fish

ponds of less than 1 ha – for ornamental not fertilised and much higher rates of
fish culture they are typically even smaller water exchange are carried out to ensure
than this with a surface area typically 200 good water quality. Mechanical filtration to
– 500m2. These ponds are generally remove solids and biological filters to
specifically made to allow the ponds to be remove nitrogenous fish wastes are also
totally drained and filled again. Water used to help maintain water quality. The
changes may be carried out using water fish are fed solely on artificial feeds and
from wells, streams in addition to rainfall generally receive no natural feeds from
and run-off. the culture unit.

Ponds are often fertilised with manures or Stocking are significantly higher and
artificial fertilisers to stimulate algal operators need to have a much higher
blooms and supplementary feeding of level of competence to deal with the
artificial feeds is given to the fish in added complexity and risk involved with
addition to the natural feed available in stocking fish at these higher densities.
the pond. Additional aeration may be Yields are much higher and can exceed
supplied through paddle wheel aerators or 500,000 kg/ha (5cm comet weighs
similar to ensure Dissolved Oxygen levels approximately 5g 100,000 comets per ha).
remain within safe limits (4ppm and
above) particularly at night when algal
blooms can significantly reduce oxygen Pond Culture of Ornamental Fish

Pond production of ornamentals is

Yields are higher than extensive system, probably the most commonly used system
typically 1,800 - 3,600 kg/ha (a 5cm for growing ornamental fish. Traditionally,
comet weighs around 5g, this would be most Asian production of ornamental fish
36,000 to 72,000 5cm comets per has been undertaken extensively, using
hectare). static outdoor ponds or tank systems with
little or no water exchange. However,
Intensive culture systems there is an emerging trend towards the
Intensive culture systems use relatively intensification of production and most
smaller culture units (ie tanks, raceways, producers would use semi-intensive
ponds less 0.4 ha). Ponds are generally production systems. Water quality is


Farming Ornamental Fish

generally maintained through regular

water changes and aeration – some
producers also use biological filtration to Production of Ornamentals in Indoor
help maintain water quality. Facilities

In most western countries, more intensive

Ponds or tanks are fertilised with a production systems are used. These are
mixture of organic (eg. manure) and characterised by:
inorganic (eg. superphosphate) fertilisers
to encourage zooplankton growth.  the use of smaller culture units,
generally aquariums up to 200 –
Supplementary feeding is also undertaken
300 Litres,
with pelleted feeds and/or wet mash foods  greater reliance on artificial feeds
that are prepared from plant and fish such as pellets or crumbles,
meal. These types of production systems  higher stocking densities – guppies
are extensive in nature, characterised by can be grown at up to 20 fish per
low stocking densities and low levels of litre,
 greater environmental control and
management input. They have the
higher capital cost are utilised in
advantage of being simple and cheap to cooler climates such as Europe,
operate, and requiring low levels of capital the United Kingdom and northern
investment. USA – this may include insulated
buildings and large heaters.

These systems are generally housed in

insulated buildings that are heated to 28
to 30oC to obtain consistent water
temperatures of around 27oC. Glass
aquariums are sometimes used to provide
good visibility of fish, particularly for
keeping and spawning broodstock.

However, these production systems

provide little opportunity to control the
culture environment and can result in
production of poor quality fish. Disease
control is also difficult to effect, with
treatment or exclusion of disease often
difficult. Similar culture methods are used
in places such as Florida, USA, where a
large industry supplying the USA and
Europe has developed.


Farming Ornamental Fish

However, these culture units are more colonies of 20 to 40 fish (2 males:1

expensive to purchase and maintain female) in 200 L tanks. The parents are
compared to larger plastic/fibreglass tank removed once eggs are noticed in the
systems. Light is normally provided by tank, with the eggs hatching within 24
fluorescent tubes with photoperiod of 14 hours of release. Fry begin feeding on
hr light:10 hr dark maintained. rotifers and Artemia within a further 24
hours. The fry are then ready to be
stocked directly into fertilised ponds or

Barbs and carps should be kept with sexes

separate for conditioning, and fry
maintained indoors for at least two weeks
before stocking into ponds or tanks. Most
species reach market size by four months
at a size of 4 cm. While the majority of
species within this group are relatively
Production differences for species
easy to produce, species such as sharks
and knife fish may require the use of
The following sections provide more
detailed information on the breeding and induced spawning techniques.
production of some of the more popular
ornamental species groups. However, it
must be noted that this information should
only be used as a general guide as
differences between the performance of Livebearers produce fully formed fry
individual species exist within these group. rather than eggs and are classed as
It should also be remembered that the having a viviparous reproductive type. In
most suitable production strategy for general, livebearers are capable of
individual producers will depend on a producing fry every 28 to 35 days
range of factors as outlined above. (depending on species) at a temperature
of approximately 25oC. The number of fry
Carps and Barbs produced per batch varies from ten for
This group includes species such as Koi small guppies up to 300 for larger
carp, goldfish, Danios and Barbs, with swordtails. Most livebearers have a useful
approximately 35 species in the group. reproductive life of 12 months, after which
They are regarded generally as voracious time fecundity is reduced.
egg eaters, so eggs need to be separated
from parents as soon as possible after
spawning. Some form of substrate (eg Cannibalism of fry by siblings and parents
mesh netting, plants, fibrous material) is is normal, therefore, floating plants or
normally provided for the eggs to fall into some form of shelter must be provided for
to protect them from being eaten. Species fry. Harvesting of fry must be undertaken
from is group are often spawned in daily. Livebearers reach market size


Farming Ornamental Fish

(approx. 4cm for guppies and platys and productivity and to minimise the likelihood
5cm for mollies & swordtails) within four of inbreeding. Liming of the pond can also
to five months. Sexual maturity can be be used to reduce disease organisms and
reached within eight weeks of age and balance soil pH.
can cause growth depression. To avoid
line breeding, sexes should be segregated
by this age. Tank culture of livebearers is also
undertaken, with broodstock being kept in
large tanks at a ratio of two females per
Livebearers may be fed powdered dry male (normally 100 fish stocked into 200L
feeds from first feed, although the tank). Harvested fry are transferred daily
provision of some form of live feed for the to nursery tanks, where they are kept at a
first two weeks can increase growth rates density of up to 20 fry per litre. The
of fry. Broodstock do not require any density is reduced during growout to
special requirements for conditioning, around three fish per litre at market size.
although again, the provision of live feed Considerable research into the
may increase the fecundity and health of development of more intensive culture
fry. methods is being undertaken.
Supplementary feeding with pelleted feeds
is considered necessary throughout the
Production is generally undertaken in production cycle. Fish are generally
ponds up to 1.5m deep. Typical harvested for sale within 16 to 20 weeks.
production pond sizes in Florida are 6m x
24m, while in Asia they are 5m x 10m.
Ponds are fertilised with inorganic and Anabantids (bubble nest builders)
organic fertilisers to generate an algae The Anabantids include species such as
bloom prior to stocking with six to eight Gouramis, Siamese Fighting Fish and
month old broodstock. The stocking Paradise Fish, which all breed similarly,
density of broodstock varies with species with the males constructing and
with average stocking rates of 300 maintaining a nest of air bubbles in which
guppies per 5m x 10m pond, 400 platys eggs & larvae are incubated (differences
per pond, 200 swordtails per pond are are mainly in the size of bubble nests and
used. Supplementary feeding with the degree of parental care by males).
pelleted feeds or wet mash consisting of This group is best spawned in tanks rather
cooked animal meal and cereals is than ponds and fish should be bred as
provided five to six times per week in the pairs. The number of eggs per spawn
late afternoon. Selective harvesting of the varies between species, ranging from 100
ponds is commenced after five months eggs for small species (eg. dwarf
using a variety of methods that include gouramis) up to 30,000 eggs for large
the use of seine netting, fish traps or the species (eg. kissing gouramis). Breeding
draining of ponds. Ponds are normally tank size varies, with 10 L tanks being
drained, dried-out and restocked every suitable for smaller species and 500 L
one to two years to ensure high tanks for larger species.


Farming Ornamental Fish

brooders, with all species displaying high

levels of parental care of eggs and fry,
A suitably conditioned male will begin to and are not as suited for pond breeding.
build the bubble nest soon after being Cichlids also have considerable size
introduced to the breeding tank at 27 to differences between species, from four to
30oC, with spawning generally occurring in five cm up to more than 60 cm, and
the evening. The female should be accordingly, produce a range of egg
removed from the tank immediately after numbers from 100 up to several thousand
spawning. Eggs normally hatch within 24 for large species. Most species breed as
to 48 hours (depending on the species) at pairs and often mate for life. Tanks with a
27oC. thick layer of sand and gravel are normally
used, with pieces of slate (or similar) and
some sort of cave or cover provided.
Fry become free-swimming within 48 Once the pair has spawned, they generally
hours, after which time the male is also care for the eggs and fry. However, they
removed from the tank. The fry are fed are known to eat eggs, so higher
on live feed such as infusoria, paramecium productivity can be achieved by removing
and microalgae for first feed, with artemia the eggs for artificial rearing. Eggs
introduced after two to three days. generally hatch after two to three days at
Weaning onto pelleted food occurs after 27oC, with the fry free-swimming seven
two to three weeks, at which stage they days after swim-up.
can be stocked into fertilised ponds or
grow-out tanks (up to 200 pairs may be
spawned at a time to provide enough fry Most species produce fry that are
to stock a pond or tank). Stocking relatively large and are capable of feeding
densities of two fish per litre can be on Artemia at first feed. They are
achieved at market size. generally weaned onto dry foods within
three weeks of swim-up. After weaning,
fish are stocked into fertilised ponds or
Cichlids tanks and reach market size within three
Cichlids are a very important group of to five months, depending on species.
ornamentals and also contain important
food fish species such as Tilapia. The
cichlid family includes about 500 species. Tetras
About 70% of these are suitable for use Tetras are generally considered easy to
as ornamentals. This group is generally breed, however, water chemistry plays a
difficult to breed and requires specific major role in fertility and hatch rate of
water conditions in relation to pH, water eggs. In particular, tetras prefer soft, acid
hardness and mineral content. water for spawning and growth. Sexes
should be conditioned for spawning
separately, and spawned as pairs similar
Reproductive strategies vary considerably to carps and barbs. Parents should be
from substrate spawners to mouth- removed soon after spawning which


Farming Ornamental Fish

usually occurs within 24 hours of mating. Most catfish are generally benthic
The eggs hatch between one to several scavengers and should be provided with a
days after spawning depending on species diet high in organic matter. Catfish are
and fry are generally free swimming after generally stocked at low density with
a further 24 to 48 hours. other species in ponds or tanks (ie.
polyculture). Under polyculture
conditions, it is important to keep fish of
As these species are generally small, similar size to prevent aggressive
rarely exceeding 5cm at maturity, fry are interaction between species.
small and need to be fed on Infusoria,
paramecium, rotifers and microalgae, with
Artemia after three to four days and This paper has been the first in a series
weaning onto dry food after two to three produced by the National Key Centre for
weeks. Fry must be fully weaned before Aquaculture Pty Ltd or NATI. NATI is an
being stocked into ponds or grow-out Australian based company that supplies
tanks (ie. three to four weeks old). Fish high quality training and consultancy for
generally reach market size after three to aquaculture and ornamental fish. NATI
four months at three to four cm in length. has experts with more than 100 years
combined experience in most areas of
aquaculture from Salmonids, Abalone,
Catfish Barramundi, Prawns, Pearl Oysters,
There are over 150 species of catfish, with Marine Ornamentals including corals and
the most popular from the genus invertebrates, and freshwater ornamental
Corydoras. Spawning of catfish is production, export and marketing.
generally difficult, with many species
rarely breeding in captivity. It is
important that sexes be held and
conditioned separately until spawning.
Environmental conditions such as water
quality and photoperiod are important
cues for spawning. Catfish are generally
considered unsuitable for pond breeding
and are bred in tanks. Induced spawning
techniques are also sometimes used,
particularly for larger species.

Corydoras are spawned in pairs or groups

(2 males: 1 female) in tanks with cool
fresh water. A drop of 2 to 5oC or low-
pressure fronts can often stimulate
spawning. Parents do not eat eggs and
young and can be safely left with them.


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