Me Max!
GOAL You are task to find the maximum area of a rectangle and its dimension
given the perimeter.
ROLE Suppose you are a surveyor and you are applying to a certain company.
In order to get in, one of the requirements is to solve a problem involving
maximum area of a rectangle.
AUDIEN The target audience are the company owners, your fellow applicants, and
CE company staffs.
SITUATI The company entrusted you with a measuring tape that has a maximum
ON length of 80 meters. You are tasked to create a rectangular land for a
house lot using this exact measuring tape. The challenge involves dealing
with the area and perimeter of a rectangle to get the maximum area. You
need to convince the company owner that you are the best applicant
worthy of the position you are applying.
PROUDU You will create a PowerPoint presentation showing how you come up with
CT a solution to solve the problem. The presentation will be reported to the
4 – Excellent 3 – Good 2 - Fair 1 – Needs improvement
Accuracy Exemplary apply the Mostly apply the selected Slightly Apply the selected Did not apply the
selected mathematics when mathematics when mathematics when solving selected mathematics
solving the problem. solving the problem. the problem. when solving the
Content All information is relevant to Many information included Some information included No to little relevant
the topic. are relevant. are relevant. information about the
topic are included.
Mathematical Correct terminologies and Correct terminologies and Correct terminologies and There is little use, or a lot
Terminologies and notion always used, making notion always used, notion always used, but it of inappropriate use of
Notation it easy to understand what making it fairly easy to sometimes not easy to terminologies and
was done. understand what was understand what was notation
done. done.
Voice and Use of fluent speech and Inconsistent use of fluent The delivery is good but Consistent use of
Communication maintains the interest of the speech and satisfactory the audience has no monotone voice.
audience. maintains the interest of interest.
Understanding Explanation shows Explanation shows Explanation shows some Explanation shows very
complete understanding of substantial understanding understanding of the limited understanding of
the concept of limits used in of the concept of limits concept of limits needed in the underlying concept of
the problem. used in the problem the problem. limits needed in the
3 – Very Good 2 – Good 1 – Needs
Background Background does not Background does not Background makes it
detract from text or detract from text or difficult to see text or
other graphics. other graphics. competes with other
Choice of background Choice of background graphics on the page
is appropriate for this could have been
project. better suited for the
Text - Font Choice & Font formats (e.g., Font formats have Font formatting
Formatting color, bold, italic) been carefully makes it very difficult
have been carefully planned to enhance to read the material.
planned to enhance readability
readability and
Use of Graphics All graphics are A few graphics are Several graphics are
attractive (size and not attractive but all unattractive AND
colors) and support support the detract from the
the theme/content of theme/content of the content of the
the presentation. presentation. presentation.
If anyone in the class wants to be an engineer someday,
ask them. Ask another question on how limits are used in
real-life situations.
Introduce the activity, suppose you are a surveyor and
you are applying to a certain company. In order to get in,
INTRODUCTION: one of the requirements is to solve a problem involving
Setting Up the Mathematical maximum area of a rectangle.
Taskz Let them find a partner for this activity.
Students should be given the exercise as well as the
assessment rubrics. Allow them to solve the problem
during the remaining time. As a result, they'll be ready to
propose their solutions at the following meeting.
Everyone has a partner; they would do a brainstorming/collaborate
their ideas and ways in solving the real-world activity.
The teacher will act as a facilitator, asking pupils questions or
providing prompts such as what they would consider when conducting
this exercise to aid their knowledge. The teacher will reinforce the
concepts of surveying. Assuring that they use the time allotted
INTRODUCTION: effectively.
Setting Up the Mathematical At the following meeting, the instructor will go through a quick rundown
Task of the upcoming presentation, including who will be volunteering and
when they will be presenting. Conclusion and realization should be
After all of the pairs had given their presentations, the teacher would
ask them introspective questions such as what they had learned, what
they had realized, and why it was important to learn limits and
The students will work together to develop a solution with
their companion. Students might conduct study on the
task and experiment with different methods of calculating
the result. Students are given internet access so that they
can work on their PowerPoint presentations using their
devices. They can also use online applications like Canva
and GeoGebra. STUDENT
Students will draw a rectangle and study its qualities, EXPLORATION
such as area and perimeter.
Students will research and understand the relationship
between a function's area, perimeter, and limitations.
There are several variables to consider, like the terrain
(assuming a flat surface), area, perimeter, limits, and so
on, but this activity concentrates on only three of them.
A common misunderstanding or error in this activity is that students
do not recognize the maximum area that they are looking for; they
may get a close answer, but that does not mean it is correct;
remember, we are looking for the maximum area, so it must be the
maximum area that can be plotted using a limited resource.
Students can use GeoGebra – graphing calculator to experiment
with the function's limitations.
The students are using proportional reasoning, which is higher-level EXPLORATION
reasoning, to answer questions like: Are there any values that
exceed the present maximum area that they have solved, and if so,
discuss and figure it out.
The teacher can make the activity more difficult by presuming the
landscape is not flat, or by using any other geometric forms like
triangles or pentagons.
It is expected that every individual is The students will have to report their final
cooperating with their partners regarding to output. After the reporting, they will have to
the activity given to them. The teacher do a reflection paper about how was the
serves as a facilitator and guide the experiences in making the activity.
student with regards to clarification and
difficulties in understanding. The teacher is
expected to ask question after the
reporting of each pair. The listeners are
expected to ask question to the reporters.
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