An Assignment On Mixing Group 03
An Assignment On Mixing Group 03
An Assignment On Mixing Group 03
assignment on
Submitted to- Course Instructor
Taslima Akter
Department of pharmacy,
Jahangirnagar university.
Submitted by- Group no : 3
Group members
Name Roll
Jannatul ferdous 1393
3.Dispersion :
This includes the dispersion of two immiscible liquids to form an emulsion or the dispersion of a solid
in a liquid to give a suspension or paste.
Usually good mixing is required to ensure stability.
4.Promotion of reaction :
Mixing will usually encourage (and control at the same time) a chemical reaction, so ensuring
uniform products. e.g. products or process where accurate adjustment to pH is required and the
degree of mixing will depend on the process.
Importance of mixing
Mixing is an important part of pharmaceutical production. Efficiency and accuracy are key
when in the mixing process to ensure dosage accuracy, stability and texture.
There are very few pharmaceutical products than contain only one component. In most
cases, several ingredients are needed to ensure that the dosage form functions as required.
If for example, a pharmaceutical company wishes to produce a tablet dosage form
containing a drug, other components (e,g. diluent, binder, disintegrate, lubricant) will be
needed both to:
Mixing and its control are also important in unit operations such as -
granulation, drying and coating
1.Positive mixture
2.Negative mixture
3.Neutral mixture
Principle of Mixing process
Convective mixing
Shear mixing
Diffusive mixing
Convective mixing:
In shear mixing, slip planes are set up within the mass of material
Diffusive mixing
Diffusive mechanism occurs by random movement of particles within a powder bed and
causes them to change their relative position in relation to one another.
When a powder bed is forced to move or ow, it will ‘dilate’, (the volume occupied by the bed
will increase). This occurs because the powder particles become less tightly packed and
there is an increase in the air spaces or voids between them.
So there is the potential for the powder particles to pass through the void spaces created
either under gravitational forces (e.g in a tumbling mixer) or by forced movement (e.g in a
fluidized bed).
transport Laminar
Bulk transport
In most mixers all four mechanisms will occur, bulk transport and turbulence
arising from the movement of a stirrer or mixer paddle set at a suitable
Semi solid mixing
Mixing solids with liquids: if the solid is not too coarse , the liquid is not too viscous
and the percentage of solids is not too great, solids can be suspended in liquids by
the use of a propellers or a flat-bladed turbine in a cylindrical container.
Pellet and powder state: addition of a small amount of liquid to a bulk of dry
powder causes the solid to ball up and form small pellets. The pellets are
embedded in a matrix of dry powder which has a cushioning effect and makes the
pellets difficult to break up.
Plastic state- as the liquid content is increased further, the character of the mixture
changes markedly , aggregates of the material adhere, the granular appearance is lost,
the mixture becomes more or less homogenous and of clay like consistency.
Sticky state- continual incorporation of liquid causes the mixture to attain the sticky state,
the appearance becomes paste – like , the surface is shiny , and the mass adheres to solid
surfaces. The mass flows easily , even under low stresses, but homogeneity is attained
only slowly.
Liquid state- eventually , the addition of liquid results in a decrease of consistency until a
fluid state is reached . in this state, the mixture flows under its own weight and will drain
off vertical surfaces.
Segregation (De-mixing)
Segregation is the opposite effect to mixing and arises
because powder mixes encountered practically are not
composed of mono-sized spherical particles, but contain
particles that differ in size, shape and density. These
variations mean that particles will tend to behave differently
when forced to move and hence, tend to separate.
Ordered mixing : In a mix composed of very small and much larger particles if
the smaller powder is sufficiently small (micronized) then it become adsorbed
onto ‘active sites' on the surface of the larger carrier particle and exhibit a
greater resistance to dislodge.
Two scientists Travers & white first noticed order mixing in 1971 while mixing
micronized sodium bicarbonate with sucrose crystal.
Properties :
This have effect on minimizing segregation while maintaining good flow
The phenomenon are referred as ‘ Ordered mixing' as the particles are not
independent of each other and there is a degree to mix.
If a carrier particle is removed some of adsorbed smaller particle will
also get removed.
It occur if small particles exist & they have a high specific area so thus
the attracting forces holding the particles to the adsorption site
become greater than the gravitational force trying to separate the
Mixing formulations in which there is a relatively low proportion of active ingredients, a more even
distribution may be obtained by sequentially building up the amount of material in the mixer.
The process being continued until all material has been added.
It may be more appropriate to pre blend the active component with a diluent in a
smaller mixer before transferring it to the main mixer.
Care must be taken to ensure that the volume of powder in mixer is appropriate.
As over and under filling may reduce mixing efficiency.
For overfilling, sufficient bed dilation may not take place for diffusive mixing to
occur to required extent or material may not be able to flow that enables shear
mixing satisfactorily.
Under filling mean the powder bed does not move in the required manner in
mixer or an increased number of mixing operations may be needed.
The mixer which is used should produce the mixing mechanism. For example:
diffusive mixing is generally preferable if potent drugs are to be mixed, high
shear is needed to break up aggregates of cohered material. The impact or
attrition forces generated if too high shear forces are used may damage
fragile material and produce fines.
The mixer design should be
Dust tight,
Can be easily cleaned
Products can be fully discharged. these reduce the risk of cross
contamination between batches and protect operation from product.
To determine an appropriate mixing time, the process should be
checked by removing and analyzing representative samples after
differentiate mixing intervals. This may indicate if segregation is occurring
within the mixer and problems could occur if the mixing time is
When particles rub each other they can move within the mixer, static
changes will be produced. These results in ‘clumping’ and a reduction in
diffusive mixing and cause material to adhere to machine. To avoid this,
mixer should be earthed to dissipate the static charge and process should
be carried out at relative humidity greater than approximately 40%.
Classification of several mixing equipment
Serial Type of mixing Name of the Uses
no mixer
1. Liquid –liquid mixing • Shaker mixers • Used in the preparation of
• Propeller mixers emulsions, antacid suspensions, mixtures such
• Paddle mixers as anti- diarrhoeal bismuth-kaolin mixtures
• Turbine mixers
• Sonic and ultrasonic • Rapisonic homonizer is particularly used in
devices such as the mixing of immiscible liquids i.e,
Rapisonic homonizer preparation of emulsions
3. Semi-solid • Agitator mixers like • These mixers are used for wet
mixing sigma mixers and granulation process in the
planetary mixers manufacture of tablets, in the
• Shear mixers like production of ointments.
colloidal mills and • Sigma mixers can also be used for
triple roller mills solid –solid mixing
Mixing vessels
All of the mixers used in solid, liquid and semi solid mixing consists of a
container ( tank ) and a mixing device termed as mixing vessels.
The general construction of the mixing vessels-
Impeller , a mixing device, mounted with the help of a shaft , which is
driven by a motor.
The tank is made up of stainless steel, the top of the tank may be open
or closed.
The size of the tank depends on the nature of agitation method
The tank bottom is round (not flat) to eliminate sharp corners into
which the fluid can accumulate
It also carries on outlet , coils, jacket, temperature measuring device
etc. wherever necessary
There are different types od powder mixing
equipment to mix powders
Powder mixing
bed mixers
Tumbling mixers/blenders
In this type of mixer, movement of whole mixer is responsible for mixing action of solid.
Tumbling mixers are commonly used for mixing or blending granules or free flowing powders.
There are many designs of tumbling mixer, e.g.
-Double cone,
-Twin shell,
-Y cone and
-Drum mixers.
Working principles
The main principles of tumbling mixers are mainly bulk transport and shear forces.
The material to be mixed is loaded into mixing vessels which is rotated at low speed
by electric motor.
Due to slow of rotation the powder is raised along the sides of the vessels until the
angle of repose is exceeded.
The powder then tumbles down and mixing of compound occurs.
The rotation of vessel is important in this case.
If the speed of rotation is too slow, it will cause sliding only, so proper mixing will
not occurs.
If it is rotated at high speed, the material will adhere to the walls due to centrifugal
The optimum speed required 30-100 rmp.
Mixing mostly occurs by convective mechanism.
Shear mixing will occur as a velocity gradient is produced, ( the top layer moving with high
velocity and the velocity decreased as the distance from the surface increased).
When the bed tumbles it dilates, allowing the particles to move downward under gravitational
force, so diffusive mixing occurs.
Addition of ‘prongs’, baffles or rotating bars will cause convective mixing.
The product mixing rate will depend in the mixer geometry and rotation speed.
I. If fragile granule are to be blended, it is suitable to because of minimum attrition.
II. They handle large capacity. Tumbling mixers are available to mix from approximately 50g to over
100kg at a production scale.
III. Easy to clean, load or reload.
IV. Require minimum maintenance.
V. Used in blending of lubricants, glidants or external disintegrants with granule prior to tableting.
VI. Less effective for cohesive/poor flowing powder, because shear forces generated are usually
insufficient to brake up any aggregates.
VII. The process is often slow in ordered mixes because of cohesiveness of the absorbing particles.
VIII. Care should be needed if there are differences in particle size.
High Speed Mixer-granulator
It is so called because mixing mainly occurs by shear mixing mechanism and
at same time granulation is carried out
It consist of a vessel having propeller with long blades
The clearance (distance b/w propeller blades and walls of vessel) is low.
There is a closing lid that closes the vessel after material to be mixed is
For introduction of material/granulating agent funnel is used.
For the purposes of granulation a chopper is present on side wall
Working Principle:
The centrally mounted propeller blade at the bottom of the mixer rotates at high speed, throwing
material towards the mixture bowl wall by centrifugal force.
The material is then forced upward before dropping back down towards the Centre of the mixer.
The particulate movement within the bowl tends to mix the components quickly owing to high shear
forces (arising from the high velocity) and expansion in the bed volume that allows diffusive mixing
After mixing the granulating agent (water or alcohol) is then added through funnel.
It will produce wet mass that will go to the side wall of mixer because of propeller.
On sides, chopper with vertical, short and sharp blades, is present that is rotating at speed higher than that
of the propeller and will broke the wet mass so as to produce granules.
Can be used for both wet and dry mixing
For granulation purposes
Materials being mixed can fracture easily due to high speed
Cannot be used for blending lubricants
Fluidized bed mixing
Fluidized bed granulator is one of the commonly used processing equipment in the
pharmaceutical industry. It is a multi-purpose equipment in that mixing , granulation and drying
are all carried out in the same equipment .
The air movement is used for mixing powders . Air is admitted at its base at an angle which gives
tumbling action and spiral movements to the powder . Thus mixing is achieved .
Fluidized mixer
Agitator Mixer
Agitator mixer depends on the motion of a blade or paddle through
the product, and hence the main mixing mechanism is convection.
Shear is transferred by moving blades. High shear rates are effective in breaking
lumps and aggregates.
Convective mixing also occurs as the powder bed is lifted and allowed to
cascade to the bottom of the container. an equilibrium state of mixing can be
Finely divided solids, wet solid mass and plastic solid.
Uniform size and density materials can be easily mixed.
Used for solid-solid and liquid-solid mixing.
High shear can be applied by using perforated baffles, which bring
about a rubbing and breakdown of aggregates.
Headroom requires less space.
It is poor mixer, because movement of particles is two dimensional.
Shearing action is less than in planetary mixer.
It has fixed speed drive.
Dead spots are observed in the mixer
Not suitable for fragile crystals and sensitive materials.
Planetary Mixer
The name “planetary mixer” comes from the system used in the
equipment that mixes the dough in the planets rotation direction.
It consists of
Vertical cylinder shell for ingredients placement which can be
Mixing element (whisk, hook, flat beater, scrapper)
A rod that rotates in its own axis and also moves forward .
The blade is mounted from the top of the bowl.
Mixing shaft is driven by planetary gear and it is
normally built with variable speed drive.
Planetary Mixer
Mechanism of mixing is shear. Shear is applied between moving blade and stationary
Mixing arm moves around its own axis and around the central axis so that it reaches
every spot of the vessel.
The plates in the blades are sloped so that powder makes an upward movement to
achieved tumbling action also.
Break down agglomerates rapidly.
Low speeds are used for dry blending and fast for wet granulation.
Speed of rotation can be varied at will.
Avoid dead zones and vortex formation.
More useful for wet granulation process.
Mechanical heat is buildup within the powder mix.
It requires high power.
It has limited size and is useful for batch work only.
Nauta Mixer
It is a vertical screw mixer Originally designed as a powder and semi-solid mixer but now-a-days
also used as a mixer- granulator.
It consists of conical vessel fitted at the base with a rotating screw, which is fastened to the end
of rotating arm.
Accessory equipment's include,
i) Lump breaker, attached at the bottom of the conical chamber
ii)Temperature monitor
iii) A nuclear non-contact density gauge
iv)Infrared moisture analyzer
v)Sampling system
Working principle
The screw is moving in a planetary motion and also lifting the material to be
blended from bottom to the near the top, where it cascades backs into the
Diffusive mixing
When compared to horizontal blenders this design has several advantages-
The blending action of the slow turning screw is far gentler than that taking
place within the horizontal blenders.
Since the active blending volume at any given time is a lot lesser than the
horizontal blenders, it results in a lower power requirement.
The large handling capacity coupled with low power requirement makes it one
of most effective and efficient Blender within the family.
Mixers for miscible liquids and
Mobile liquids with a low viscosity are easily mixed with each other.
Similarly, solid particles are readily suspended in mobile liquids though the
particles are likely to settle rapidly when mixing is discontinued. Viscous
liquids are more difficult to stir and mix but they reduce the sedimentation
rate of suspended particle.
Liquids are mixed usually by impellers, which produce shear forces for
inducing the necessary flow pattern in the mixing container.
Propeller Turbine
Consists of angle blades attached at the end
of the shaft, rotated by means of motor.
Any number of blades may be used but three
blades design is most common.
Propeller is quiet small as compare to size of
vessel (ratio of diameter between propeller
and container is 1:20)but its operational speed
8000 rpm compensate for the size and produce
efficient mixing in case of low viscosity fluids.
Working principle
The material to be mixed is taken in a vessel & the propeller bearing shaft is inserted.
The angle blades of the propeller cause circulation of the liquid in both axial and radial
direction ensuring good bulk transport but low shearing force.
The centrally mounted vertical propeller is however not considered good as it produces
Multivitamin elixirs, disinfectant solutions are prepared using propellers.
Used when high mixing capacity is required.
Effective for liquids which have maximum viscosity of 2.0 pascals- Sec or
slurries up to 10% solids of fine mesh size.
Effective gas-liquid dispersion is possible at laboratory scale.
Propellers are not normally effective with liquids of viscosity greater than 5
pascal-sec, such as glycerin, castor oil etc.
The centrally mounted vertical propeller produces vortex.
1.Impeller should be in any one of the following positions that can avoid symmetry such as:
off central
side entering
and should be deep in liquid.
2.Baffled containers should be used. In such case impeller can be mounted vertically at the
3.Pull Push Propeller
Two or more propeller of opposite angles
or pitch are mounted on the same shaft
so that the rotary effects are in opposite
direction, cancel each other effect. So
vortex will not produced.
The bottom impeller is placed about one
impeller diameter above the bottom of
the tank. It creates zone of high turbulence.
Fig: pull push
Turbine mixer
A turbine consists of a circular disc impeller to which a number of short vertical
blades are attached . Blades may be straight or curved .
The blades are surrounded by perforated inner and outer diffusing rings .
The diameter of the turbine ranges from 30 – 50 % of the diameter of the
vessel .
Working principle:
• Used in similar manner as t6hat of impeller , however it is rotated at somewhat
small speed than impeller ( 50 – 200 rpm ) .
• Flat blade turbines produce radial and tangential flow but as the speed
increases radial flow dominates . Pitched blade turbine produces axial flow .
Near the impeller zone of rapid currents , high turbulence and internal shear is observed .
Shear produced by turbines can be further enhanced using a diffuser ring ( stationary perforated
ring which surrounds the turbine ) .
Diffuser ring increase the shear forces and liquid passes through the perforations reducing
rotational swirling and vortexing .
• Turbines give greater shearing forces than propellers though the pumping rate is low . Therefore
suitable for emulsification .
• Effective for high viscous solutions with a wide range of viscosities up to 7.0 pascal-second .
• They can handle slurries with 60% solids .
• Turbines are suitable for liquids of large volume and high viscosity , if the tank is baffled .
Mixing of semi-solids
The problems that arise during the mixing of semisolids (ointments and pastes) stem from
the fact that, unlike liquids, semi-solids will not ow easily. Material that finds its way to a
‘dead spot’ will remain there. For this reason, suitable mixers must have rotating elements
with narrow clearances between themselves and the mixing vessel wall, and they must
produce a high degree of shear mixing since diffusion mixing cannot occur.
Shear (Inter meshing of sigma blades creates high shear and kneading action.
Used in the wet granulation process in the manufacture of tablets, pill masses and
It is primarily used for liquid-solid mixing, although it can be used for solid-solid mixing.
This mixer is well suited to high viscosity materials like grease, putty, toffee and bubble
With its strong construction and high power, the sigma blade mixer can handle the
heaviest plastic materials and products like tablet granules, and ointments that are
mixed readily.
Sigma blade mixer is used in chemical and pharmaceutical industries, to make food
products, adhesives, rubber.
1. Sigma blade mixer creates a minimum dead space during mixing.
2. It has close tolerances between the blades and the sidewalls as well as bottom of the
mixer shell.
3. Sigma blade mixer works at a fixed speed.
4. Problems of entrainment of the air and therefore lead to decomposition of oxidisable
Triple Roller Mill
High shear, which causes crushing to aggregates, particles and
also distributes the drug uniformity throughout the semi solid
base. It consists of 3 parallel rollers of equal diameters made up of
stainless steel.
These are mounted on rigid frame work horizontally
The gap between the first 2 rollers is more than that of the gap
between the last two
A hopper is placed in between the first two rollers
A scrapper is attached to the last roller
First roller rotates at lower speed compared to the 2nd similarly 2nd
roller speed is less than the 3ed roller. Triple roller mill
Advantages Of Triple Roller Mill
From the small to the large batch- three roll mills are ideally suited for
processing the smallest and also very large quantities.
• Excellent temperature control – three roll mills enable excellent
control of the product temperature ,since the product is processed
as a thin film on the roller. this way, the product can be warmed or
cooled off depending on requirements
• Avoid contamination- it is possible to avoid product contamination
due to metal abrasion.
• Extremely uniform dispersion is obtained
• Low material loss
• Easy cleaning Triple roller mill
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