Intro To Community Based Protection - OGB
Intro To Community Based Protection - OGB
Intro To Community Based Protection - OGB
• What is Protection?
• “…all activities aimed at ensuring full respect for the rights
of the individual in accordance with the letter and the spirit of
the relevant bodies of law...”
What does protection mean in practice?
Activities to prevent violations of rights from occurring or
As much as possible prevent and minimize any unintended negative effect that
> All human beings have a right to a life in dignity, safety, security, and
integrity (UDHR)
Non-mandated Agencies
• Impartial, humanitarian organizations (LNGOs,
INGOs, church-based organizations, etc)
Humanitarian Principles
Humanity = saving lives and alleviating suffering wherever
it is found.
Agree Disagree
Agree Disagree
Exercise 2 – True / False
Humanitarian organisations must provide
humanitarian assistance to all sides in a conflict.
Agree Disagree
Protection mainstreaming.
> Examples?
When doing protection work,
stakeholders may focus on…
Zero Tolerance for Any Form of Abuse and
What Does Safeguarding Mean?
• Safeguarding is a term used to describe
philosophies, policies, standards, guidelines, and
procedures designed to protect children and people
in vulnerable circumstances from both intentional
and unintentional harm
• For Action Against Hunger, Safeguarding is
commitment to make sure;
• Persons, operations, and programs do not expose
children and adults to any risk of harm and abuse.
• Any concern about children and adult safety are
reported and appropriate action taken.
Pillars of Safeguarding in Action Against
Safeguarding Policies
Children &
Adults in
Who? Children the Staff
Child From
Safeguardi Sexual
How? ng/ Exploitatio
Protection n and
t policy
Policy Abuse
Applies to all Action against Hunger staff and representatives (volunteers, consultants,
partners, contractors, e.t.c.) 24/7
Defining basic terms
• Sexual Exploitation/ Faayidaaf Saal-qunnamtii
• Any actual or attempted abuse of a position of
vulnerability, differential power or trust for sexual
• Sexual Abuse/Miidhaa saalaa
• Actual or threatened physical intrusion of a sexual nature
which can occur by force; or under unequal conditions
• SEA occurs when a position of power (such as being a staff
member of an NGO) is used for sexual purposes against a
beneficiary or vulnerable member of the community.
• Sexual Harassment
• Sexual harassment occurs when a staff member makes
unwanted sexual advance to another staff or degrade,
humiliate, attack based on gender identity, sexual
n and
What is PSEA?
Life is terrible here in this camp. For the past three days we
have not eaten because there is no firewood to cook the food. To
make it worse, they will not even allow us to go out to fend for
ourselves. Most times you have to beg the camp officials to
intervene with the guards before they will give you the pass to
go out. Why will you refuse if any of those people ask you for
marriage? You have to survive. One of the NGO workers who
lives in the camp has been giving me 100 Naira per day for sex.
I have to do it because I need the money to buy condiments to
cook tasty food for my children. It’s the only means I have. There
is no hope.
He allowed me to go outside the camp when necessary. When he asked me
to visit his newly allocated room in the camp, I didn’t see any reason not to
go because I felt safe with him. He gave me a bottle of Zobo [locally
brewed nonalcoholic drink] and I immediately felt dizzy and slept off. I
don’t know what happened thereafter but when I woke up he was gone and I
was in pain. For three days I could not walk properly. Some weeks later I
fell very ill, and was told at the hospital that I was pregnant. Then everyone
turned away from me: [He] refused to help me, and my stepmother who I
lived with in camp pushed me out, saying I was a disgrace. I reported [him]
to the police in camp several times but they have not done anything to him
because they work together. Whenever I see him, I wish something terrible
will happen to him. It is because of him that I have lost everything. I don’t
even think the baby will last because she is always crying and I can’t cope,
I eat once a day so [am] not producing enough milk to breast feed him well.
I pray that God will forgive me for neglecting the baby but I am helpless.
Any question?