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Teacher education or teacher training refers to the policies, procedures,
and provision designed to equip (prospective) teachers with the
knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, and skills they require to perform their
tasks effectively in the classroom, school, and wider community .
 Teaching  PHYSICAL

behaviors: Curriculum MOTIVATION
Climate Diversity
KNOWLED Patience

• 1804 when two teacher-training institutions were

established at Lahore and Karachi
• At the time of independence in 1947, there were 22
teacher training institutions in Pakistan
• Currently there are 206 teachers training institutions in
the country
The University of Balochistan was established in
1971 in Quetta, Balochistan, Pakistan.

The Institute of Education and Research was

established in 1976 as Department of Education.
It was given the status of Institute in 2015
● To produce professional teachers, who have the
theoretical knowledge and understanding, combined
with practical skills, competencies and commitment to
● To inculcate the habit of enquiry and seek the research
based knowledge and with a view to improve teaching
and learning in schools.
● Development of modern teaching skills and
Teacher Training courses
Teacher training course is the training given to
insividuals who want to make their careers in
The primary purpose of these courses is to
facilitate a better learning environment for the
Under these training courses, attitude and skills
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are enhanced to achieve a successful career.

● B.Ed
● M.Ed
● NPTT(Nursery primary teacher training)
● D.Ed(Diploma in Education)
● D.El.Ed(Diploma in Elementary Education)
B.Ed (Bachelor of Education)
● Students who wish to become a teacher in higher primary schools
and high schools have to pursue B.Ed course, which is the most
opted degree course .
● DURATION: 2 year
● Lecturer
● Counselor
● Assistant Dean
● Coaching Institutes
● School Teacher
M.Ed (Masters of Education)
● M.Ed introduces you to new levels of teaching processes for the
students who have qualified B.Ed course to become a teacher.
● Professor/Lecturer
● Education Consultant
● Private Tutor
● R&D Agencies
● Schools/College Teacher
NPTT (Nursery Primary Teacher
● With the rise of countless new public and private schools the
need for skilled primary teachers has increased.

● DURATION: 1 Year / 2 Year

● Nursery Teacher
● Primary Teacher
● Art & Craft Teacher
● Kindergarten/Play School Teacher
D.Ed (Diploma in Education)
● D.Ed is a certificate-level course which helps a student to pursue
teaching career who aspires to become a teacher at junior level.
DURATION: 1 Year – 3 Year
● Article Writer
● Record Keeper
● Junior Teacher
● Associate Professor
● Home Tuitions
D.El.Ed(Diploma in Elementary
● Institites(D.El.Ed) prepares teachers with broad knowledge of the
subject areas and the latter includes principles for child
development, education practice, study of school pedagogy and the
role of teacher in the grooming of students.
● Coaching Centres
● Primary School Teacher
● Career Counselor
Issues in teacher’s training
● Outdated curriculum Lack of trained and teacher training

Deficiency of
allocations Stereotype teachers
● Political interference Lack of National policy

● Lack of Innovation work

Issues of in-service teaching
● Lack of state-of-art Teaching practice Dearth of
Importance of training system
●Teacher learning or training is a continuous never-ending process
which promotes teacher’s

● Teaching skills

● Master novel knowledge

●Develop better or newer proficiency which in return assists in


●Student’s learning
● Teacher are good at class management students show much more
interest in the classes and have better education outcomes
comparatively when teacher is not good at classroom management.
● Teacher training is important for many reasons:
● Full command on his subject and would be confident to the students
● Class room management
● Teaching is a learning process which is infinite and continuous and
teach the student with newer technologies
● Training section need to help the teacher to learn or create new
teaching strategies
● The teacher need to figure out way for applicable learning - which
actually help the student in real world Important points:
● Better understanding of the students
● Building confidence
● Using methodology of teaching
● Building favorable attitude
● Familiarizing with the latest in education
Social Adjustment

● Teacher training enabling men to adjust in society by providing

different jobs opportunity because people who have taken training
course gets more jobs opportunity. The following jobs can be done
after taking training course
 Schools/College
 Nursery Teacher Teacher
 Primary Teacher  Coaching Centers
 Art & Craft Teacher  Primary School
 Lecturer Teacher
 Librarian  Career Counselor
 Counselor  Article Writer
 Assistant Dean  Record Keeper
 Coaching Institutes  Home Tuition
 School Teacher  Associate Professor
Professor/Lecturer  Kindergarten/Play
 Education Consultant School Teacher
 Private Tutor
Teacher training in islamic
Status of teacher in society
It is written in the Holy Quran, Surah An-Noor aayah 63:
“Do not make the calling of the teacher among you as
you are calling one of another.”
Status of teacher in HolyQuran
The Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said,”Seek
knowledge and train to be dignified and calm while
seeking knowledge, and humble yourselves with those
whom you learn from” (Tabaraani).
● Mujaddid
● Mufti
Responsibility of
● Muhaddith
● Mulah “As part of the mercy of God,
● you deal with them gently; if you
Mawlawi were severed and hardhearted,
● Shiekh they would have broken away
from you.” (Al Imran, 3:159)
● Murshid
● Mu’allim
● Murrabi
Theory of love for students in
modern era
Quranic concept of
teacher education 2:Shows patience.
1.Forgiveness At another place in the
“It is He Who has sent amongst Holy Quran it is said: “And
the Unlettered an apostle from verib, whosoever shows
amongst themselves to rehearse patience and forgives that
would truly be from the
to them His Signs, to sanctify
things recommended by
them, and to instruct them in Allah” (Qur’an, 42.43)
Scripture and Wisdom, although
they had been, before, in manifest
error:-...” (Q.LXII: 2)
3.Good Conduct
Akhlaq (Disposition)
Akhlaq is an Arabic term referring to the practice of
virtue, morality and good manners.
“Disposition” is that faculty (Malakah) of the soul (Nafs)
which is the source of all those activities that man
performs spontaneously without thinking about them.
5.Humble Behaviour
• Great tool to spread islam
●“The true servants of the Most • 6.Patience
“...and be patient. Indeed,
Merciful are those who behave gently
Allah is with the patient.”
and with humilityonearth, and whenever(Al-Anfal 8:46)
the foolish quarrel with them, that reply“And seek assistance
with (words of peace,)” (Al-Furgan) through patience and
4.Justice prayer...” (Al-Baqarah
● “My Lord has commanded justice....” 2:45)
(Surat al- 4 ‘raf 201)

Prophet (PBUH) as Instructor
and Trainer

“It is He Who has sent amongst the Unlettered an
apostle from among themselves, to rehearse to them
His Signs, to sanctify them, and to instruct them in
Scripture and Wisdom,- although they had been,
before, in manifest error” (Al-Juma 62/2)

Acting as a Model for People

“And thou (standest) on an exalted standard of
character” (Al-Qalam 68/4).
Female Instructors Teaching by
● Allah assigned the wives of the Prophet Repetition
to teach as well. There were female (Tikrar)
companions who were famous for their Preaching needs to
knowledge. be supported by
● Teaching by Preaching, repetition. Whenever
Allah’s messenger
Advice and Commandment spoke, he repeated
“Ye are the best of peoples, evolved for the words thrice, so
mankind, enjoining what is right, that they might be
forbidding what is wrong, and fully understood.
believing” (Ibid, V. 110).
● The narrative method

Another The tale of Yahya and that of Dhu al-Qarnayn,
who is represented on his coins with two horns on his
head because he considered himself a son of Jupiter
Ammon (who had the horns of a ram very effective
method of teaching is the narrative style
The Dialogue Method
This is a conversation with the pupils, Method of Teaching
Through Practice and
during which questions are asked to the
purpose of drawing their attention and
The Prophet’s methods
triggering their intellect.
of teaching included the
Method of Teaching by Setting practice and repetition.
Parables He used to pray while
standing on the rostrum
The parable is a kind of metaphor, like the
and his companions
use of a “donkey” to symbolize a trivial prayed after him. This
and disgusting creature which carries was an example of the
huge tomes (heavy books) on its back but modeling and practice
does not understand them.

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