The Patient Cat
The Patient Cat
The Patient Cat
By Laura Richards
WHEN the spotted cat first found the nest, there was
nothing in it, for it was only just finished. So she said, I will wait! for she
was a patient cat, and the summer was before her. She waited a week, and
then she climbed up again to the top of the tree, and peeped into the nest.
There lay two lovely blue eggs, smooth and shining.
The spotted cat said, Eggs may be good, but young birds are better. I
will wait. So she waited; and while she was waiting, she caught mice and
rats, and washed herself and slept, and did all that a spotted cat should do
to pass the time away.
When another week had passed, she climbed the tree again and
peeped into the nest. This time there were five eggs. But the spotted cat
said again, Eggs may be good, but young birds are better. I will wait a little
So she waited a little longer and then went up again to look. Ah! there
were five tiny birds, with big eyes and long necks, and yellow beaks wide
open. Then the spotted cat sat down on the branch, and licked her nose
and purred, for she was very happy. It is worth while to be patient! she
But when she looked again at the young birds, to see which one she
should take first, she saw that they were very thin, oh, very, very thin they
were! The spotted cat had never seen anything so thin in her life.
Now, she said to herself, if I were to wait only a few days longer,
they would grow fat. Thin birds may be good, but fat birds are much
better. I will wait!
So she waited; and she watched the father-bird bringing worms all
day long to the nest, and said, Aha! they must be fattening fast! they
will soon be as fat as I wish them to be. Aha! what a good thing it is to
be patient.
At last, one day she thought, Surely, now they must be fat
enough! I will not wait another day. Aha! how good they will be!
So she climbed up the tree, licking her chops all the way and
thinking of the fat young birds. And when she reached the top and
looked into the nest, it was empty!!
Then the spotted cat sat down on the branch and spoke thus,
Well, of all the horrid, mean, ungrateful creatures I ever saw, those
birds are the horridest, and the meanest, and the most ungrateful! Mi-