PreCon-Contract Documents

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Philippine Rural Development Project


Pre-Construction Conference

Conference Room, Municipal Building

Aroroy, Masbate City

July 13, 2022

Philippine Rural Development Project

Contract and Contract



Procurement Officer
I-BUILD Subprojects Awarded
Project Cost
Subproject ID No. Contract Cost Contractor
(EPC), in
1. Concreting PRDP-IB-
San Agustin to R005-MAS- ARKY
249,688,000.0 249,187,312.5
Macabug Farm 016-ARO- CONSTRUCTIO
0 2
to Market Road 003-2020- N & SUPPLY
with Bridge AF2
Contract Award
 After receipt of NOL2 and prior to the
expiration of the period of Bid validity,
the Procuring Entity shall notify the
successful Bidder in writing that its Bid
has been accepted, through a Notice of
Award received personally or sent by
registered mail or electronically, receipt
of which must be confirmed in writing
within two (2) days by the LCRB and
submitted personally or sent by
registered mail or electronically to the
Procuring Entity
 Award should be posted in PhilGEPs
Performance Security
 To guarantee the faithful performance by
the winning Bidder of its obligations
under the contract, it shall post a
performance security within a maximum
period of ten (10) calendar days from the
receipt of the Notice of Award from the
Procuring Entity and in no case later
than the signing of the contract.
Performance Security
 The performance security shall be
denominated in Philippine Pesos and
posted in favor of the Procuring Entity in
an amount equal to the percentage of
the total contract price as stated in the
Terms and Conditions in accordance
with the following schedule:
Performance Security
1.Cash, certified (cashier’s or manager’s)
check, in the amount of ten percent
(10%) of the contract price;
2.Bank guarantee or irrevocable letter of
credit in the amount of ten percent
(10%) of the contract price; and
3.Surety Bond callable upon demand in the
amount of thirty percent (30%) of the
contract price.
Performance Security
Bank guarantee and Surety Bonds shall be
verified by the LGU and confirmed by the
issuing bank/insurance company duly
authorized to issue such by the Insurance
Commission of the Department of Finance.
Performance Security
 Failure of the successful Bidder to
comply with the above-mentioned
requirement shall constitute sufficient
ground for the annulment of the award
and forfeiture of the bid security
Contract Signing
 At the same time as the Procuring Entity
notifies the successful Bidder that its Bid
has been accepted, the Procuring Entity
shall send the Contract Form to the
Bidder, which Contract has been
provided in the Philippine Bidding
Documents, incorporating therein all
agreements between the parties.
 Within ten (10) calendar days from
receipt of the Notice of Award, the
successful Bidder shall post the required
performance security, sign and date the
contract and return it to the Procuring
Contract Signing
 The Procuring Entity shall enter into
contract with the successful Bidder
within the same ten (10) calendar
day period provided that all the
documentary requirements are
complied with.
 The following documents shall form part of the contract:
 Checklist-Contract
Contract Agreement

Contract Agreement
Notice to Proceed
 Within three (3) days from the date of
approval of the Contract by the
appropriate government approving
authority, the Procuring Entity shall
issue its Notice to Proceed to the
 The contract effectivity date shall be
provided in the Notice to Proceed by
the Procuring Entity, which date shall
not be later than seven(7) calendar
days from issuance of the Notice to
Contract Data
Completion Date
Subproject Location (Workable/

1. Concreting of San Agustin Brgy. San Agustin, Cabas-

to Macabug Farm to Market an, Macabug, Aroroy,
574 CD
96 CD
Road with Bridge Masbate
Contract Data
1) The Name of Procuring Entity is:
• Municipality of Aroroy, Masbate

2) The Procuring Entity’s Representative:

• Hon. Arturo B. Virtucio

3) The Start Date is:

• 10 days from the Contractor’s receipt of
the Notice to Proceed.

4) The Contractor is to submit the

Program for the Works:
• within 5 calendar days from the NTP.
Contract Data
5) The Site Possession Date is:
• Upon issuance of NTP.

6) The Defects Liability Period is:

• 365 days (from completion to final

7) The Defects Correction Period is:

• within 5 calendar days from the

8) The Site Possession Date is:

• dependent on the notice.
Contract Data
9) The period between Program
updates is:
• 1 month.
10) The amount to be withheld for
late submission of an updated
Program is:
 1% of the progress billing.
11) The law which applies to the
Contract is:
 the law of the Republic of the
Contract Data
12) Place where arbitration will take
• CIAP, Manila, Philippines.
13) The currency of the Contract is:
 Philippine Peso

14) The date by which “as-built”

drawings, and/or operating and
maintenance manuals are required is:
• within 15-30 days of issue of the
Certificate of Completion for the whole
of the Works.
Contract Data
15) The amount to be withheld for
failing to produce “as-built”
drawings, and/or operating and
maintenance manuals by by the date
required is:
• 1% of the final payment

For queries/clarifications:
Contact No. 0908-1619-708

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